
rè dài yǔ lín qì hòu
  • tropical rainforest climate
  1. 特有的热带雨林气候,丰富的自然资源使傣族园独具竞争力和发展潜能。

    With its unique tropical rainforest climate and abundant natural resources , it has great potential and competitiveness .

  2. 我国云南省西双版纳傣族自治州具有珍贵的热带雨林气候,生物多样性极为丰富,对于生物多样性的法律保护具有典型的研究价值。

    It should be noted that the precious tropical rainforest climate with a rich biodiversity in Xishuangbanna Dai nationality autonomous prefecture of Yunnan Province is of great value for researching the legal protection of biodiversity .

  3. 得天独厚的热带雨林气候给绿色植物带来了勃勃生机,在人们最注意不到的地方也潜滋暗长。

    Plants here thrive in the year-round tropical climate and grow in the most obscure places .

  4. 玛雅地处美洲中部的热带雨林气候区,火山、高原、盆地、峡谷、平原、茂密植被覆盖下的喀斯特瘠薄土层,构成了该地区人类生存的贵州师范大学硕士学位论文环境本底;

    Maya lies in the center of America , which is typical tropics rainy forest climate , the background of human living environment is composed of poor soil covered by volcano , plateau , basin , canyon , plain , and thick vegetation .

  5. 西双版纳热带雨林片断小气候边缘效应的初步研究

    On microclimate edge effects of tropical rainforest fragments in Xishuangbanna

  6. 热带人工雨林小气候效应分析

    Analysis of Microclimatic Effect of Tropical Artificial Rainforest

  7. 砍伐热带雨林正在改变地球气候。

    Cutting down tropical rain forests is altering the earth 's climate .