
yà rè dài
  • subtropics;subtropical zone;semitropics
亚热带 [yà rè dài]
  • [subtropical zone; subtropics; semitropics] 热带和温带间的过渡地带

亚热带[yà rè dài]
  1. 这个亚热带岛屿有相当丰富的乡土植物种类。

    The subtropical island has a remarkably rich native flora .

  2. 在全球热带和亚热带的梯田中,人工种植的茶树(拉丁名为“camelliasinesis”)随处可见。

    Tea bushes - Latin name camellia sinesis - are grown in terraces all over the tropics and subtropics .

  3. 它们广泛分布于包括地中海(Mediterranean)地区在内的全球热带、亚热带海域。由于过度捕捞,相关保护机构已将旗鱼列为濒危物种。

    While these fish can be found in temperate waters around the world , including the Mediterranean Sea , heavy over harvesting has led protective agencies to place them on a list of endangered species .

  4. 在大部分热带和亚热带的浅海里都能发现骨鱼。

    This fish can be found in most tropical and subtropical shallow waters .

  5. 这种疾病每年在亚热带和热带地区影响着数百万人。

    The disease affects millions of people a year in sub-tropical and tropical regions .

  6. 这个小家伙发现于新几内亚热带雨林潮湿的下层空间里。

    It was discovered in the moist under-layer of New Guinea 's tropical rainforest .

  7. 刺鲅是一种深蓝色的鲭科鱼,分布在热带和亚热带海域。

    The wahoo is a dark blue scombrid fish found in tropical and subtropical seas .

  8. 迈克:台湾属亚热带气候,最适合种植各种水果和蔬菜。

    Mike : Taiwan 's subtropical climate is perfect for cultivating all kinds of fruit and vegetables .

  9. 实际上,用超高压灭菌还可以增加某些营养物质,至少对于一些热带和亚热带水果,超高压灭菌具有这样的效果。

    Which may also actually increase concentrations of some nutrients , at least in tropical and subtropical fruit .

  10. 25000多颗棕榈树和成千上百种亚热带植物给这片18洞的高尔夫球场增添了生机。

    The 18-hole golf course is enlivened with over 25 , 000 palm trees and hundreds of semitropical plants .

  11. 他们生长在中国跨越暖温带和亚热带的森林里。

    They 've survived in the warm temperate to subtropical forests that stretch right across the middle of China .

  12. 走进该森林公园,满目都是热带和亚热带植被,小径蜿蜒穿梭于树林之间。

    The park is densely forested with tropical and sub-tropical vegetation . Footpaths and raised walkways wind through the trees .

  13. 该设备是如此精致,它需要屏蔽亚热带阳光,回收工作必须行动迅速。

    The equipment is so delicate , it needs shielding for the sub-tropical sun , and retrieve must work fast .

  14. 这一原产于印度尼西亚的物种,现已遍布全球的热带和亚热带地区。

    The plant , which is native to Indonesia , has spread across the world , in tropic and sub-tropic climates .

  15. 小岛长245英里、宽89英里,岛上布满了覆盖着热带和亚热带植被的崇山峻岭。

    The island is 245 miles long and 89 miles wide and consists of steep mountains covered by tropical and subtropical vegetation .

  16. 飓风是把大量狮子鱼转移到其他地方的海上传送带。洋流发着低沉的声音流过热带和亚热带时,飓风改变了它们的方向。

    The oceanic conveyors responsible for the lionfish exodus were hurricanes , which redirect sea currents as they rumble through the tropics and subtropics .

  17. 雅鲁藏布大峡谷中有很多从未受到人类活动影响的动、植物。峡谷内气候多样,从亚热带气候到极地气候一应俱全。

    The canyon is home to many animals and plants barely explored and affected by human influence , while its climate ranges from subtropical to Arctic .

  18. 它是热带和亚热带海域中最熟练的捕食者之一。梭鱼最高时速可达47英里。

    One of the most proficient predators in tropical and subtropical waters around the world , the barracuda reaches a top speed of 47 miles per hour .

  19. 它们喜欢在温暖的水域中产卵生活,因此有季节性洄游的习性。冬季从相对寒冷的亚热带水域迁移至赤道附近,来年再游回原处。

    Because they also prefer to spawn and live in warmer waters , they do seasonally migrate from cooler subtropical locations closer to the equator as the seasons turn .

  20. 荔枝是产自当地的亚热带水果;“以热攻热”的理念在那里很流行。

    Lychees are locally grown in the subtropical clime , and the concept of " yire gongre , " or using heat to attack heat , is also prevalent .

  21. 在越南的这座城市,还有亚洲很多亚热带的发展中国家,比如印尼和菲律宾,空调越来越被视为是必需品。

    In the Vietnamese city -- and many developing subtropical countries across Asia , such as Indonesia and the Philippines -- air conditioning ( AC ) is increasingly being considered a necessity .

  22. 黄鳍金枪鱼通常是群居性鱼类,生活于热带及亚热带水域,在地中海及黑海等封闭性水域中鲜有它们的身影。

    They tend to school strongly and can be found in the open tropical or subtropical waters of oceans , though they avoid the more closed environments of the Mediterranean and Black Seas .

  23. 人们发现飞鱼有时会季节性的在温水区近郊地带的杂礁灰岩附近觅食,不过它们属浮游类鱼类,喜欢在赤道附近的热带,亚热带地区的公海活动。

    While they can be found foraging seasonally along the outskirts of warm water reef complexes , flying fish are primarily pelagic , and favor tropical or subtropical open waters around the equator .

  24. 尽管在北美、加勒比海和欧洲大部分地区,这种疾病已经被大幅根除。但是在热带和亚热带,尤其是亚非洲国家,疟疾仍然是一个严重的问题。

    Although it has been largely eradicated in North America , the Caribbean and much of Europe , malaria is still a serious concern in tropical and subtropical countries , particularly in Africa and Asia .

  25. 我们已经讲过珊瑚礁主要分布在热带或亚热带地区的浅海沿岸的哪些地方,和珊瑚礁数量正在快速下降,令人忧心。

    We 've gone over where coral reefs are usually formed - along the edges of shallow ocean banks in tropical or subtropical regions , and the fact that they are declining at an alarming rate .

  26. 从此以后,落基山脉继续上升。而在丹佛地区的森林成为一个亚热带和热带的森林。在这里面有棕榈树,苏铁和檐篷,简直和我们今天看到的热带植物一模一样。

    So after the Rockies rose , down in the area of Denver , it was sub-tropical and tropical forests , we have palms , and cycads , and canopies like we see in the tropics today .

  27. 在45岁的达塔患上登革热之后,这家人收拾行囊离开了这里。登革热是一种经由蚊子传播的疾病,属热带和亚热带地区特有。它会导致患者产生类似流感的症状,有时还可能致命。

    The family packed up their bags and left after Mr. Datta , 45 years old , caught dengue fever , a mosquito-borne virus endemic to tropical and subtropical climates that causes flulike symptoms and can be deadly .

  28. 昆明市部分地区位于亚热带,这些地区以前从来不用担心水源短缺的问题,因为昆明紧邻亚洲最大的淡水湖之一——滇池。

    In the city of Kunming , parts of which are subtropical , there is traditionally no concerns over water shortages , as the city is right next to one of Asia 's largest freshwater lakes - Dianchi Lake .