
  • 网络forest climate
  1. 森林气候可能生产力的动态模拟

    A Dynamic Simulation for the Forest Climate Potential Productivity

  2. 这些地区的海岸森林的自然地理特点:一是森林气候类型复杂多样,可分为12种森林气候类型;

    The natural characters of the forests along the coasts of the region are the points as follows : one is the multiplicity of forest climate types , including twelve types ;

  3. 南亚次大陆、印度半岛位于赤道以北,北回归线以南,属热带季风气候区和热带森林气候区。

    The South Asian subcontinent , the Indian peninsula is located north of the equator , south of the Tropic of Cancer , has a tropical monsoon climate of tropical forest areas and climatic zones .

  4. 水量平衡各分量、土壤CO2释放量、森林小气候特征都与干湿季节的变化有明显的关系。

    The components of water balance , CO2 released from soil , and the property of forest microclimate obviously change with dry and wet seasons .

  5. 与此同时,印度环境、森林和气候变化部长拉维?普拉萨德(RaviPrasad)表示,手续繁琐让承诺的资金很难流向发展中国家,他认为已承诺的600亿美元“极为可疑”,因为该数字包括早先已拨的资金,包括援助资金。

    Meanwhile , red tape prevents funds that have been committed from flowing to developing counties , said Ravi Prasad , India 's minister for environment , forest and climate change , calling the $ 60bn in commitments " highly suspicious " since the sum included previously allocated funds including aid .

  6. 我国森林小气候的研究现状

    An Advance in Research on Forest Microclimate in China

  7. 城市森林小气候效应的研究

    A Study on Microclimate Effects of the Urban Forest

  8. 森林小气候观测研究概述

    Review on the forest microclimate research and observation methods

  9. 森林小气候观测方法主要有常规观测和梯度观测两大类。

    The observation methods mainly consisted of normal observation method and gradual observation method .

  10. 江西资溪县马头山自然保护区森林小气候变化特征研究

    Studies on Variation Characteristics of Forest Microclimate in Matoushan Nature Reserve in Zixi County

  11. 森林小气候已成为当前森林生态学研究的热点。

    The forest microclimate is becoming a hotspot of the present study of forest ecology .

  12. 岷江上游山地森林生态气候效应

    A Study on Ecoclimatic Effects of Montane Forest in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River

  13. 山地森林草原气候带;

    Mountain forestry grassland climatic zones ;

  14. 植物生理模型用于森林水文气候效应的研究

    A discussion on the application of plant physiological model to the hydro climatic effects of forest

  15. 三峡库区防护林不同林分结构森林小气候研究

    The Study on the Forest Minus Climate of Different Protecting Forest Structures in Sanxia Reservior Zone

  16. 文章综述了国内外森林小气候观测研究概况及进展,包扩森林小气候观测研究的常用仪器、观测方法和观测项目等。

    This paper summarized the general situation and advance of observation methods and studies on the forest microclimate in China and in some developed countries in recent years .

  17. 在祁连山水源涵养林区,围绕水源林生态系统结构与功能的动态变化,开展了森林小气候、森林水文生态效应的研究。

    According to the dynamic changes of the structure and function of water conservation forest ecosystems in Qilian Mountains , making studies on forest microclimate and hydrological effect .

  18. 贵州还可充分利用山地气候和森林小气候的优势,发展疗养旅游,把潜在的旅游气候资源转化为旅游优势资源。

    Guizhou can also make full use of climatic advantages in mountainous and forest areas and develop convalescence tourism to change the potential climate resources of tourism into resources .

  19. 我国从20世纪80年代开始较为广泛使用常规观测仪器进行森林小气候观测,而国外自60年代中期就开始大量使用先进的自动观测仪器进行森林小气候观测;

    In China , conventional devices began to be widely applied in forest microclimate observation in 1980s , with various items of the forest microclimate observed , but usually superficially .

  20. 侧柏形成于地质时期干暖的森林草原气候,比现代森林草原高出2&3℃以上。

    The Platycladus orientalis was developed in the dry and warm climate of forest-steppe during geological times , 2 & 3 ℃ warmer than the climate of such regions at present .

  21. 国内进行森林小气候观测的项目比较广泛但缺乏深度,而国外主要针对某一具体观测项目开展比较深入的研究。

    In some developed countries , however , advanced devices were used for forest microclimate research as early as in mid 1960s and specific items were observed and studied in depth .

  22. 我们的研究表明热带的森林对气候是很有好处的,因为他们吸收二氧化碳,增加云,而使地球变凉。

    " Our study shows that tropical forests are very beneficial to the climate because they take up carbon and increase cloudiness , which in turn helps cool the planet " Bala said .

  23. S0形成时期植被为森林草原,气候温凉干旱。

    The vegetation of S_ ( 0 ) sedimentary periods was forest grassland . climate was warmer , cool and droughty .

  24. 福州国家森林公园旅游气候资源评价研究

    The Appraise Of Tourism Climate Resource In Fuzhou National Forest Park

  25. 热带森林砍伐对气候的可能影响&国外研究综述

    Review of possible climatic impact of tropical deforestation from foreign literature

  26. 西南亚高山3种典型森林的小气候特征

    Characteristics of Microclimate within Three Typical Subalpine Forests in Southwestern China

  27. 暖温带山地森林的小气候研究

    Study on the microclimate in the mountain forest in the warm temperate zone

  28. 中国森林生产力对气候变化响应的预测研究

    Prediction of net primary productivity of forests in China in response to climate change

  29. 当然没有人可以肯定地说,今年夏天的森林火灾是气候变化所致。

    No one can say with certainty that the fires were influenced by climate change .

  30. 森林植被影响气候变化的机制

    Mechanism of forest vegetation on climate