
zhōnɡ nán bàn dǎo
  • Indochina Peninsula
  1. 中南半岛对东亚季风环流系统形成起着关键作用,同时对印度季风系统也能产生一定的影响。

    Indochina Peninsula not only has key effects on the formation of EAMS , but influences IMS to some extent ;

  2. 由感热的时间经度演变图可以看出,中南半岛所在经度范围内南北连续的感热分布对南海季风的早爆发具有重要作用。

    The continuous sensible heat distribution from south to north within the longitude of Indochina Peninsula makes the monsoon firstly onset in SCS region .

  3. 认为九州耳蕨P.kiusiuenseTagawa是大叶耳蕨P.grandifronsC.Chr.的一异名,二尖耳蕨P.biaristatum(Bl.)Moore极有可能并不分布于喜马拉雅、中南半岛、缅甸和云南。

    Chr . and it is very possible that P. biaristatum ( Bl. ) Moore is not distributed in the Himalayas , Indo China , Myanmar and Yunnan .

  4. iv.与中南半岛的联系最为紧密,海南140个蕨类属中有136个与中南半岛共有,两地属的相似性系数达到87.2%;

    Iv. the most close relation with the pteridophyte flora of Indochina & of the 140 pteridophyte genera in Hainan , 136 also occur in Indochina , the similarity coefficient between Hainan and Indochina reaches to 87.2 % ;

  5. 随着西南季风的撤退,ITCZ的南移,大气热源中心亦由南海北部逐渐向南海西部及中南半岛南端移动。

    As the southwest monsoon retreats and ITCZ moves southward , the atmospheric heat sources center moves gradually from the north of South China Sea to the west , and to the south of the Indo-China peninsula .

  6. 国际专家要求推动中南半岛马歇尔计划

    International Experts Ask to Push forward Marshall Plan for Central-Southern Peninsular

  7. 论远古中南半岛与中国西南的整体性格局

    The Unity of the Southwestern China and Indo-China in Ancient Time

  8. 从历史上来说,泰国和柬埔寨是中南半岛上两个古老的国家。

    Historically , Thailand and Cambodia are the two ancient Indochina countries .

  9. 中南半岛对流对南海夏季风建立过程的影响

    Impact of the Convection over the Indo-China Peninsula on the Onset of SCS Summer Monsoon

  10. 缅甸位于中南半岛的西部,是中国重要的邻国。

    Located in the west of Indochina , Myanmar is an important neighbor of China .

  11. 中南半岛的稻米产业

    Rice Industry of the Centre-South Peninsula

  12. 与南亚高压重建的同时存在着对流自苏门达腊地区沿中南半岛向北扩展的过程。

    Associated with the reconstruction of SAH , the tropical convection expands north from Sumatra along ICP .

  13. 云南与中南半岛跨境民族在社会转型时期的文化走向

    The Cultural Orientation of Ethnic Groups Straddling over the Chinese Boundary in Yunnan During the Society Transformation Period

  14. 栲属植物现代多样化中心在马来西亚和中南半岛。

    The Indo-Chinese Peninsula and Malaysia may be considered as two modern centers of diversity of this genus .

  15. 随着乌拉圭回合农业协议的逐步实施,中南半岛的稻米产业将会获得进一步的发展。

    The industry will be got further development with progressive enforcement of GATT Uruguay - round agricultural agreement .

  16. 中南半岛地区的大气热源和水汽汇快速增强,这是与苏门达腊大气热源和水汽汇的加强北移密切相关;

    The atmospheric heat sources and moisture sinks enhanced rapidly over the ICP , and increased slowly over SCS .

  17. 东南亚中南半岛成矿带初步划分与区域成矿特征

    Preliminary division of the metallogenetic belts in the Central South Peninsula of Southeast Asia and their regional ore-forming characteristics

  18. 4~5月南亚高压在中南半岛上空建立过程特征及其可能机制

    Characteristics of the South Asia High Establishment Processes above the Indo-China Peninsula from April to May and Their Possible Mechanism

  19. 建立南宁&曼谷经济走廊发展华南与中南半岛的合作

    On the Establishment of Nanning-Bangkok Economic Corridor and the Promotion of the Cooperation Between South China Region and Indo-China Peninsular

  20. 同时还就中南半岛影响南海夏季风建立和维持的机制进行了讨论。

    The mechanism of the effect on the South China Sea summer monsoon of the Indo-China Peninsula is also discussed .

  21. 孟加拉湾至中南半岛一带维持强盛的西南风急流,为台风南部维持强的涡度中心提供了大尺度的背景场。

    The lasting strong southwest lower-level jet provided large-scale atmospheric circulation for upkeep of strong vorticity in the south of typhoon .

  22. 提供了中国和中南半岛已知13种的检索表。

    A key based on worker caste is provided for the 13 species recorded in China and the Indo China Peninsula .

  23. 暹罗位于英国和法国在中南半岛上扩张的缓冲地带。

    Siam was a small and weak country and situated in the buffer area of British-Franco expansion in Southeast Asian Mainland .

  24. 中南半岛是亚洲南部的三大半岛之一,是东南亚重要的组成部分。

    Indo-china peninsula is one of the three peninsulas in South Asia , which is one important component of Southeast Asia .

  25. 象脚鼓和象脚鼓舞乐流传于中南半岛各国和中国云南省边疆民族地区。

    Elephant-foot drum and its dance music are popular in central southern peninsula countries and border area of Yunnan Province of China .

  26. 2004年南海夏季风的爆发及中南半岛陆面过程的可能影响Ⅱ:数值试验

    The features of South China Sea summer monsoon onset of 2004 and the possible effects of land-surface process in Indo-China Peninsula ii : numerical simulation

  27. 东南亚的苗族是从我国的贵州省和云南省迁徙过去的,主要分布在中南半岛的一些国家。

    The Miaos in southeastern Asia all migrated from the provinces of Guizhou and Yunnan in China are mainly distributed over some mid-south peninsula countries .

  28. 本课程亦包含历史实例,诸如第一次和第二次世界大战、韩战、中南半岛战争、伯罗奔尼撒战争、克里米亚战争和七年战争。

    Covered historical cases include World War I , World War II , Korea , Indochina , and the Peloponnesian , Crimean and Seven Years wars .

  29. 中南半岛及其邻近区域强对流活动的爆发对印度夏季风爆发具有重要作用。

    The onset of the vigorous convection over Indochina Peninsula and its adjacent areas is of very importance to the onset of the Indian summer monsoon .

  30. 中国的西南位于亚洲大陆南部,是连接亚洲大陆腹地与印巴次大陆及中南半岛的枢纽。

    SW China lies in the south of Asia continent , is the hinge to combine the hinterland of Asia continent , Indian-Pakistani subcontinent and SE Asia .