
zhōnɡ shí qì shí dài
  • Mesolithic Period
  1. 弓箭早在旧石器时代晚期或中石器时代早期就出现了。

    The bow seems to have been invented in the late Paleolithic or early Mesolithic periods .

  2. 属于或关于中石器时代的(紧随旧石器时代)。

    Of or relating to a middle period of the Stone Age ( following the paleolithic ) .

  3. 至于韩薛伍德,他相信以象徵符号驱动的思惟模式发源于中石器时代。

    For his part , henshilwood is betting that the dawn of symbol-driven thinking lies in the middle stone age .

  4. SAVIDGE:一小部分人居住在现代化的美国城市中的旧石器时代,期待着熬过冰冷刺骨的夜晚。

    SAVIDGE ( voice-over ) : A small group of people living in the Stone Age just the modern American city . Surviving a night so cold it could kill .

  5. 文中用新石器时代的镂孔陶球为实例,演证了这种中介过渡(即意识物化)的方法,并提出了几点讨论意见。

    In this paper , by taking the hollowed out ceramic ball made in the Neolithic Age as an example , the method of intermediate transition , namely the consciousness materialization was demonstrated and suggestions for discussion were put forward .

  6. 中巴尔干地区新石器时代文化

    Neolithic Cultures in the Central Balkan Region

  7. 太湖平原中石器、新石器时代人类文化的发展与环境

    The relation between environment and ancient culture on the Taihu Lake in the Mesolithic and Neolithic

  8. 黄河中下游地区新石器时代文化谱系的动态思考

    On the Pedigree of the Neolithic Culture in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yellow River

  9. 发现染料的地层中还包含有中石器时代器物和沉积物,起始于40万至20万年间。

    The stratigraphic layer in which the pigments were found also contained Middle Stone Age artifacts and sediment dating to between 400,000 and 200,000 years ago .