
  • 网络kmt;kuomintang;Nationalist Party of China;chinese nationalist party
  1. 1938年,她与唐保黄结婚。唐保黄是中国国民党的一名军官,在国共战争时期战死。

    In 1938 , she married Dang Baoyang , a military officer who fought on the side of China 's Nationalist Party and died during the Chinese civil war .

  2. 他是在中国为国民党抗战老兵谋求社会保障和福利的领头人。孙春龙说,他旨在将中国所有健在的国民党抗战老兵纳入社会保障的努力之前一直没有任何结果。

    one of China 's leading advocates of improved welfare for Kuomintang veterans of World War II.Sun said his efforts to incorporate all surviving KMT veterans into China 's social welfare network were in vain until he found an NPC deputy who was willing to propose the issue at the two sessions .

  3. 海峡两岸于2008年12月15日开启的“大三通”标志着横亘在大陆和台湾同胞间常达几十年的有碍正常交往的坚冰已被破除,自1949年新中国成立,国民党退守台湾后,两岸直接联系实际上就停止了。

    Inaugurated on December 15 last year , their reopening between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan signals the breaking of a decades-long ban on regular links with Chinese compatriots across the Taiwan Straits . Direct communication across the Straits virtually stopped after the new China was founded in 1949 and the Kuomintang government retreated to Taiwan .