
miǎn diàn
  • Myanmar;Burma
缅甸[miǎn diàn]
  1. 去年5月,该党在缅甸大选中获得了压倒性的胜利。

    The party won an overwhelming victory in Burma 's general elections last May

  2. 缅甸与印度毗邻。

    Burma borders on India .

  3. 她从未放弃过她的国籍。即便如此,反对者仍然说她不是真正的缅甸人。

    She has never given up her nationality . Even so , her opponents argue that she is not a true Burmese .

  4. 她的书信描绘了她在缅甸生活的一幅绝妙图画。

    Her letters paint a wonderful picture of her life in burma .

  5. 缅甸位于斯里兰卡的东北方。

    Burma is northeast of Sri lanka .

  6. 缅甸翡翠中Cr的淡化及意义

    Desalinization of Chromium within Myanmar Jadeite Jade and Implications

  7. 瑞丽口岸出入境缅甸籍卡车司机中HIV新感染情况的调查

    Study on the New HIV-infection among Truck Drivers Entry-exit Burma at Ruili Port

  8. 她说,美国将支持增加国际援助,支持由世界银行(worldbank)扮演更大角色,还考虑重新向缅甸派驻大使。

    She said the US would support an increase in international aid , a greater role for the world bank and was considering returning an ambassador to the country .

  9. 这个问题日益变成:我们为何仍要把缅甸称为Burma?

    Increasingly , the question is : why do we still call it Burma ?

  10. 许多缅甸难民在海洋阳光地带农产品公司(CoastalSunbeltProduce)工作,这是一家面向餐馆和其它公司的水果蔬菜供应商。

    Many Burmese refugees work at Coastal Sunbelt Produce , a supplier of fruits and vegetables to restaurants and other businesses .

  11. 然而,试图建立这种关系是支流回绝,并考察日本(两次),缅甸,越南戴(两次在忽必烈的统治),和Java,将所有的更新失败。

    However , the attempts to establish such tributary relationships were rebuffedand expeditions to Japan ( twice ), Myanmar , Dai Viet ( twice duringKublai 's rule ), and Java , would all later fail .

  12. 该公司是中国兵器工业集团公司(ChinaNorthIndustriesCorp.)的子公司,自称控制着价值100多亿美元的矿产资源,包括上述缅甸的铜矿和刚果民主共和国的一座钴矿。

    A unit of China North Industries Corp. , Wanbao says it controls more than $ 10 billion worth of mineral resources . , including the Myanmar mine and a cobalt deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  13. 缅甸山弧地区Benioff带的形态及其应力状态

    The characteristics of the subduction zone beneath the Burmese arc and its stress state

  14. 缅甸陆龟线粒体基因组各基因长度、位置与典型的脊椎动物相似,其编码蛋白质区域和rRNA基因与其它脊椎动物具有很高的同源性,显示龟类线粒体基因组在进化上十分保守。

    The sequence of the rRNA genes , some of the protein-coding regions and the tRNA genes are highly homologous to those of other vertebrates .

  15. 缅甸RAMREE岛石油物探测量Lambert投影变形分析及解决方案

    The analysis and resolve technique of the Lambert projection in ramree island of Burma

  16. 在缅甸曼德勒山的SuTaungPyar宝塔,一名中国游客做清洗的祈祷仪式。

    At Mandalay Hill 's Su Taung Pyar Pagoda , a Chinese visitor makes a ritual cleansing prayer .

  17. 卡亚(货币代码是mmk)是缅甸的官方货币。

    The kyat ( currency code MMK ) is the official currency of Myanmar .

  18. 缅甸DAPEIN(Ⅰ)水电站大坝泄水系统金属结构设计

    Design of the metal structures of water release system of the dam of DAPEIN (ⅰ) hydropower station in Burma

  19. 少数民族将缅甸语作为第二语言,而巴玛人(bamar)通常将英语作为第二语言。

    Minorities often speak Burmese as a second language , while the bamar commonly speak English as a second language .

  20. 国务院发言人凯西说,美国空军c-130运输机星期四飞了五个架次,为缅甸送去瓶装水,塑胶布,蚊帐,和其他物品。

    Spokesman Casey said U.S.Air Force C-130 cargo planes made five flights Thursday carrying bottled water , plastic sheeting , mosquito netting and other items .

  21. 本实验选用五个不同地理来源(广西品种、海南品种、非洲品种、缅甸品种和印度本地品种)木豆品种和三个ICRISAT杂交木豆品种(ICPH8、ICPL87091、ICPL87119)作为供试材料。

    Five different pigeonpea varieties from different areas ( i.e. Guangxi , Hainan , Africa , Burma and India ) and three hybrids bred by ICRISAT were investigated .

  22. 两大宗教团体之间持续不断的紧张局势已经从缅甸西部的若开邦(Rakhine)蔓延至该国其它地区。冲突导致数百人死亡,成千上万的穆斯林流离失所。

    Continuing tensions between the two religious groups have spread from the western Rakhine state across other areas of the country , leaving hundreds dead and thousands of Muslims displaced .

  23. 本文介绍了缅甸的测量投影系统&Lambert投影,分析了Lambert投影的变形情况,结合石油物探测量的特点,提出了变形的解决方案。

    This article introduces the Lambert Projection the survey projection system used in Burma . It analyses the distortion resulted by this projection and proposes some methods to resolve it according to the characters of surveying in geophysical prospecting for petroleum .

  24. 帕斯卡(pascalkhoothwe)并非整个家族中离开缅甸丛林去欧洲的唯一一人,上世纪30年代,他的两位祖母曾被胁迫至英国。

    Pascal Khoo thwe is not the only member of his family to have left the jungles of Burma for Europe . In the 1930s , his two grandmothers were coerced into travelling to England .

  25. UPGMA分子系统聚类树显示,江苏养殖群体和广西选育群体的遗传关系最近,其单倍型混杂聚成一支,而缅甸原种F1群体相对独立为另外一支。

    The UPGMA phylogenetic tree suggested that F_2 of the Guangxi breeding population and Jiangsu cultured population were closest genetically , and their haplotypes could be gathered together to a genetic branch ; while F_1 of the Burma wildtype population diverged and could form another relatively independent branch .

  26. 它对缅甸的邻国将构成直接威胁。

    It would pose a direct threat to Burma 's neighbours .

  27. 缅甸翡翠找矿标志及我国翡翠找矿远景区

    Prospecting Indicator of Jadeite in Burma and Perspective Zones in China

  28. 产于中国南部和缅甸大型黄色和黑色貂。

    Large yellow and black marten of S China and Burma .

  29. 缅甸华文教育产生的背景与发展态势

    Chinese Language Education : Its Background and Developing Trend in Myanmar

  30. 主要的民族是说缅甸语的缅甸族。

    The dominant ethnic group is the Bamar who speak Burmese .