
  • 网络The University of Maine;UMaine;The University of Maine at Orono
  1. 该协会与缅因大学以及其他合作者共同发起了该项目。

    That group launched the Cod Academy with the University of Maine and other partners .

  2. 欧洛诺市缅因大学的一名野生动物生态研究专业学生抱着小熊亲身体验。

    A wildlife Ecology major at the Orono campus of the University of Maine gets hands-on experience with a bear cub .

  3. 缅因大学历史学家霍华德·西格尔说当运动的指明灯霍华德·斯科特东窗事发像一个失败的蜡推销员,而不是他宣称的伟大的工程师,这个运动就破灭了。

    Howard Segal , an historian at the University of Maine , says the movement imploded when its leading light , Howard Scott , was unmasked as a failed wax salesman , not the great engineer he claimed to be .

  4. 美国缅因州大学气候变化学院的冰河学家和教授GordonHamilton负责这项研究。

    is a leading glaciologist and professor at the University of Maine Climate Change Institute .

  5. 网站描述:这是缅因州大学自然科学、林业与农业学院的网站。

    Description : This is the website for College of Natural Sciences , Forestry and Agriculture , University of Maine .

  6. 简单回答就是:任何地方。他们会去的学校包括从阿莫斯特到耶鲁,从缅因州立大学到位于圣地亚哥的加州大学。

    The simple answer is ," Everywhere . " They go to schools from Amherst to Yale and from The University of Maine to the University of California at San Diego .

  7. 日前,美国缅因州州立大学列出了一些用以确保蔬菜水果可安全食用的比较好的方法,并且他们还测试了我们市面上常见的一些蔬果洗涤剂,譬如Fit和ozone系列洗涤剂。

    The University of Maine lists the best way to keep raw fruits and vegetables safe , and tested commercial wash treatments such as Fit and ozone systems .

  8. 在缅因州Lewiston贝茨大学,三年制学历的学生每学期比其他学生接受更多的课程。

    Students in the three-year program at Bates College in Lewiston , Maine , take more classes each semester than the other students .

  9. 在缅因州Lewiston贝茨大学,三年制学历的学生每学期比其他学生接受更多的课程。但是所有人每年的教育成本是相同的,都是50000多美元。

    Students in the three-year program at Bates College in Lewiston , Maine , take more classes each than the other students . But the cost for a year is the same for all , more than fifty thousand dollars .