
  • 网络Maine;State of Maine;Bates College
  1. 今晚一场森林大火正席卷缅因州北部的部分地区。

    A forest fire is sweeping across portions of north Maine this evening

  2. 一个星期天,一名叫尼古拉斯的青少年去缅因州的Sugarloaf山滑雪。

    One Sunday , Nicholas , a teenager , went skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine .

  3. 这本书1949年从高中图书馆借出后不见了踪影,直到韦恩在美国缅因州发现了它。

    The book was borrowed out of the library of the high school in 1949 , and disappeared until it was found in Maine , the US by Wayne .

  4. 美国的阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州禁止竖广告牌

    Billboards3 Are Banned In Alaska , Maine , Vermont , And Hawaii

  5. 美国有四个州禁止竖广告牌:阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州,夏威夷是最早推行广告牌禁令的。

    There are four states in the United States that have banned billboards : Alaska , Maine , Vermont , and Hawaii , where the ban was introduced the earliest .

  6. 美国缅因州大学气候变化学院的冰河学家和教授GordonHamilton负责这项研究。

    is a leading glaciologist and professor at the University of Maine Climate Change Institute .

  7. 安德鲁·泰勒(AndrewTaylor)及迈克·维利(MikeWiley),EventideOysterCo.,缅因州波特兰

    Andrew Taylor and Mike Wiley , Eventide Oyster Co. , Portland , Me .

  8. 普京是在缅因州肯尼邦克港与美国总统乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)进行非正式会谈时提出上述计划的。

    The proposal was made during informal talks with US president George W. Bush in Kennebunkport , Maine .

  9. 这两家店目前都在向一些手工烘焙咖啡豆的商家(例如旧金山的FourBarrel咖啡店与缅因州波特兰的Tandem咖啡店)购买咖啡豆。

    Both cafe-barbershops get their coffee beans from artisanal roasters ( San Francisco 's Four Barrel Coffee and Tandem Coffee of Portland , Me . ) .

  10. 光彩夺目的秋天在荒漠山岛(MountDesertIsland)上的鹰湖蔓延开来了。荒漠山岛是组成缅因州阿卡迪亚国家公园的几个沿海岛屿中的一个。

    Autumn 's grandeur spreads across Eagle Lake on Mount Desert Island , one of several coastal islands that make up Acadia National Park in Maine .

  11. 斯塔德勒现在是缅因州不伦瑞克桃园餐厅(TaoYuan)的大厨兼老板。那里的贝类丰富而精致。

    Ms. Stadler is now the chef and owner of Tao Yuan in Brunswick , Me . , where the shellfish are plentiful and exquisite .

  12. 去年缅因州的一名八年级学生,突然听到她的iPhone发出爆裂声,然后她的后兜就开始冒烟。

    Last year , an eighth-grader in Maine suddenly heard a pop from her iPhone and her back pocket began to smoke .

  13. SebastianBelle是缅因州水产养殖协会主任。

    Sebastian Belle is director of the Maine Aquaculture Association .

  14. 日前,美国缅因州州立大学列出了一些用以确保蔬菜水果可安全食用的比较好的方法,并且他们还测试了我们市面上常见的一些蔬果洗涤剂,譬如Fit和ozone系列洗涤剂。

    The University of Maine lists the best way to keep raw fruits and vegetables safe , and tested commercial wash treatments such as Fit and ozone systems .

  15. Angie一直希望离开Chester'sMill(缅因州一个度假小镇),去外地学习并最终成为一名护士。

    Angie has always dreamed of leaving her small town of Chester 's Mill and studying to become a nurse .

  16. 目前,缅因州的一个学区发起一个项目,为所有的幼儿园孩子提供苹果的ipad平板电脑。

    Now , one school system in Maine has launched a project to provide tablet computers the Apple iPad to all kindergarteners .

  17. 以下这篇客座文章的作者是艾米·莫兰(AmyMorin),她是缅因州林肯市一位持有执照的临床社会工作者。

    The following guest post is by Amy Morin , a licensed clinical social worker in Lincoln , Maine .

  18. 帕特里克·穆雷(PatrickMurray)四年来一直担任缅因州布拉德福德县学校管理委员会委员。

    Patrick Murray has been an elected member of the school governing board in Bradford , Maine , for four years .

  19. 在家门口,美国本土的20家啤酒厂也将于11月份带着各自的特色产品,赶赴波特兰市,参加在那里举行的缅因州酿酒节(MaineBrewersFestival)。

    Closer to home , 20 local breweries will be trotting out their wares at the Maine Brewers Festival in Portland in November .

  20. EliotColeman是缅因州以为有机种植农民和作家,他帮助使四级耕种的概念流行起来。

    Eliot Coleman is an organic farmer and a writer in Maine who has helped the idea of four-season farming .

  21. EliotColeman是缅因州的一位有机作物种植者和作者。他帮助普及四季种植的理念。

    Eliot Coleman is an organic farmer and a writer in Maine who has helped popularize the idea of four season farming .

  22. 马萨·米雅克(MasaMiyake),Miyake,缅因州波特兰

    Masa Miyake , Miyake , Portland , Me .

  23. 参议员SusanCollins是来自北部边境缅因州,她建议美国政府向一些亚洲国家学习。

    Senator Susan Collins , a Republican from the northern border state of Maine , suggested the United States could follow the example of a number of Asian nations .

  24. 一个名叫“Jacktavious”的新生儿出生在阿肯色州,同时一个名叫“McKenlee”的新生儿出生在缅因州,“Dior”出生在康涅狄格州。

    A Jacktavious was among the first babies born in Arkansas along with McKenlee in Maine and Dior in Connecticut .

  25. 上月学生们毕业的时候缅因州只有一个商业化的鳕鱼养殖场。但是Belle希望形势有所好转。

    Maine had just one commercial cod farm when the students graduated last month , but Mr. Belle hopes things will change .

  26. 泰德鲍尔(tedpower)毕业于缅因州的鲍登学院(bowdoincollege),获得了人类学学位,他并未用毕业前的最后几个月时间去找工作。

    Ted power , who graduated with a degree in anthropology last month from Bowdoin College in Brunswick , Maine , did not spend his last few months of University sweating out his job search .

  27. 今年35岁的护士尼伯本・刘易斯(NeeburbunnLewis)家住缅因州波特兰附近,她与丈夫在一个周期的传统试管受孕治疗上花了20000到25000美元,这给她带来了她的第一个孩子。

    Neeburbunn Lewis , a 35-year-old nurse living near Portland , Maine , and her husband spent between $ 20000 and $ 25000 for the single cycle of conventional IVF that produced her first child .

  28. 美国缅因州奥本学区准备向幼儿园的学生和老师们发放285台iPad2,此举是一项试点工程的一部分,该工程将于今年5月开始试点,并在第三季度进入正式实施阶段。

    The school district of Auburn Maine is supplying 285 iPad 2s to kindergartners and their teachers as part of a pilot project that starts this may and rolls out in earnest this fall .

  29. 在最近的一次国会听证会上,缅因州一名参议员向有关执法官员询问了这宗交易,并透露联邦调查局(FBI)已与东北无线讨论了该交易。

    At a recent congressional hearing , a senator from the state asked law enforcement officials about the deal , and revealed that the FBI had discussed the transaction with Northeast Wireless .

  30. 据缅因州海洋资源部(MaineDepartmentofMarineResources)统计,过去两年中,缅因州渔民出售整只活龙虾的均价一直在每磅三美元以下,2005年时则高达4.63美元。

    In the past two years , the average price that Maine fishermen are paid for whole live lobster has been under $ 3 per pound , down from a high of $ 4.63 in 2005 , according to the Maine Department of Marine Resources .