
xī bàn qiú
  • the Western Hemisphere
西半球 [xī bàn qiú]
  • [western hemisphere] 把地球垂直分成两半,其中大部分位于大西洋西面并包括南、北美洲和小陆块的那个半球

西半球[xī bàn qiú]
  1. 阿连德一旦获胜,就将危及我们在西半球的利益。

    A victory for Allende would imperil our interests in the western hemisphere .

  2. JimSims:“Molycorp是西半球唯一一个稀土矿生产者。”

    JIM SIMS : " Molycorp is the western hemisphere 's only producer of rare earth products . "

  3. 他们说上帝让他们去西半球最贫困的国家传播教义。

    They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere .

  4. 西半球对蚊媒传染病日益脆弱的防线,已经在拉丁美洲各地引发了争论,而亚特兰大的美国疾病控制与预防中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention)发布的这项警告,更是加剧了这种争论。

    The warning by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta has intensified a debate across Latin America over the hemisphere 's growing vulnerability to mosquito-borne diseases .

  5. 注意,南半球(S)的位置为负纬度,西半球(W)位置为负经度。

    Remember , locations in the Southern Hemisphere ( S ) are at negative latitudes , and locations in the Western Hemisphere ( W ) are at negative longitudes .

  6. PeterJ.Hotez认为,关塔那摩湾拘留营应该被改造成一个生物医学研究所,致力于对付西半球穷人的疾病。

    Guantanamo Bay detention camp should be converted into a biomedical research institute dedicated to combating the diseases of poverty in the Western hemisphere , says Peter J.Hotez .

  7. 夏季大气环流对ENSO事件的响应在中高纬地区的变化与冬季不同,东半球大气环流异常与ENSO事件的关系有所增强,而西半球则有所减弱。

    The summer Northern Hemispheric circulation 's reponse to the ENSO events varies in different latitudes . In the mid-high latitudes , relationship between atmospheric circulation and ENSO events in the Eastern Hemisphere improves , but that in the Western Hemisphere diminishes distinctly .

  8. 西半球自然保护和野生生物养护公约

    Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation on the Western Hemisphere

  9. 美国海军将防御和巡逻西半球。

    The American navy would defend and patrol the Western Hemisphere .

  10. 北美洲和南美洲都在西半球。

    North America and South America are in the Western Hemisphere .

  11. 但是,西半球的问题仍然是尖锐的。

    But the problems of the western hemisphere remained acute .

  12. 14人来自西半球的南、北美洲

    14 from the Western Hemisphere , both north and south

  13. 美国在西半球是占有统治地位的国家。

    The United States became the predominate nation in the Western Hemisphere .

  14. 西半球是指南北美洲。

    The Western Hemisphere refers to North and South america .

  15. 指欧洲和西半球国家,或者具有这些国家特点的。

    Denoting or characteristic of countries of Europe and the Western Hemisphere .

  16. 但是这些人最后终于分布到了西半球的各个地方。

    But in time these people spread out over the western hemisphere .

  17. 海地是西半球最贫穷的国家。

    Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere .

  18. 克林顿政府的贸易外交与西半球地区主义

    Clinton Administration 's Trade Diplomacy and West Hemisphere Regionalism

  19. 简析西半球次区域经济组织的兴起

    The Analysis on Development of Sub - regional Organization in West - Sphere

  20. 他将不会携带一个西半球计划出席峰会。

    He is not going to Trinidad with a plan for the hemisphere .

  21. 由于有了哥伦布,西半球和东半球将其文化融合起来了。

    Be-cause of Columbus , the Western and Eastern Hemispheres blended their cultures .

  22. 我在西半球最无趣排行榜上排第46名。”

    I am the 46th most boring person in the Western Hemisphere . "

  23. 是的,这就是本初子午线,它把地球分为东半球和西半球。

    Yes this is the * is the prime meridian if you like .

  24. adj.主要的;有势力的美国成为西半球主要的国家。

    predominant The United States became the predominant nation in the Western Hemisphere .

  25. 古代的制图者不知道西半球的存在。

    Ancient cartographers did not know of the existence of the Western Hemisphere .

  26. 它们是西半球体型最大、最强壮的猫科动物。

    It is the largest and most powerful cat in the western hemisphere .

  27. 西半球的大型飞行鸟。

    Largest flying birds in the western hemisphere .

  28. 反对外国势力干涉西半球的美国外交政策。

    An American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers .

  29. 咖啡是西半球饮用最多的影响人体行为的饮料。

    Caffeine is the most widely consumed behaviourally active substance in the western world .

  30. 当然了,还有一个问题是,他们是西半球的第一批人吗?

    And of course , were they the first people in the Western hemisphere ?