
  • 网络southwest monsoon;SOUTH-WEST MONSOON;SW MONSOON
  1. 1958年7月亚洲东南部西南季风区和太平洋信风区平均流场和平均经圈环流

    A comparison of mean wind field and mean meridional circulation between south-west monsoon area in South-East Asia and Pacific trade wind area in july , 1958

  2. 然而,这一高度暂时性预报数字一直会维持到8月/9月,那时将会获得有关亚洲的西南季风的更多信息。

    However , forecasts will remain highly tentative , at least until August / September , when more information on the South-West monsoon in Asia will be available .

  3. 另外,改进的POM能较好地再现1998年西南季风爆发前后,南海及邻近海区表层海温的演变特征。

    In addition , the developing characteristics of the SST in the SCS and its neighboring sea regions before and after the summer monsoon onset are also well simulated by the improved POM .

  4. 同时由于北半球冰盖及末次冰期较低的大气CO2浓度的影响,也有效地延迟了东亚季风的加强,但是这些因素对西南季风却没有很大影响。

    And possibly the remnant Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and the lowered concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere during the last glaciation that delayed the development of the East Asian monsoon , but had less influence on the tropical Indian monsoon .

  5. 假定运动为正压,在西南季风盛行期间,讨论了南海北部陆坡海域的地形Rossby波的非线性相互作用。

    Under the condition of assuming that motion is barotropic during the south west monsoon wind prevailing , nonlinear interaction of topographic Rossby waves in the slope of the northern part of South China Sea is discussed in the present paper .

  6. 随着西南季风的撤退,ITCZ的南移,大气热源中心亦由南海北部逐渐向南海西部及中南半岛南端移动。

    As the southwest monsoon retreats and ITCZ moves southward , the atmospheric heat sources center moves gradually from the north of South China Sea to the west , and to the south of the Indo-China peninsula .

  7. 鹤庆碳酸盐含量曲线与深海δ18O曲线整体上对应较好,推测全球冰体积变化在西南季风演化中发挥重要的作用。

    Further , the curve of the carbonate content of Heqing core corresponds well with that of the deep sea δ ~ ( 18 ) O , reflecting that the change of the global ice volume plays an important role in the evolution of southwest monsoon .

  8. 2003年我国夏季西南季风活动概况

    A Review of Activities of Summer Southwest Monsoon over China in 2003

  9. 华南西南季风活跃期间大气热量和动量的收支

    Heat and momentum budgets in South China during active SW MONSOON PERIOD

  10. 南亚夏季西南季风成因的数值试验研究

    Numerical experiment research of the cause of southwest monsoon formation in South Asia

  11. 引起南海北部陆架区夏季上升流存在的动力因素是盛行的西南季风。

    Dynamical factor of causing upwelling in the area is strong southwest monsoon .

  12. 北印度洋西南季风期的航线选择

    Southwest Monsoon and Course Selection in Indian Ocean

  13. 长江上游全新世特大洪水对西南季风变化的响应

    The response of Holocene extreme floods in the Upper Changjiang River to changes of southwest monsoon

  14. 非绝热加热作用对印度西南季风中断向活跃转变过程影响的数值试验

    A numerical simulation of diabatic heating effect on transition of Indian southwest monsoon from break to activeness

  15. 南海西南季风多时间尺度变化及其与海温的相互作用

    The multi-time scale variations of summer monsoon over South China Sea and its interaction with SST anomaly

  16. 西南季风气流是南海台风的重要能量输送带。

    The South-west current is an important belt of energy transport for the generation of the typhoons .

  17. 西南季风不同阶段南海北部珠江口外断面水文调查分析

    Analysis of hydrologic section off Zhujiang River Estuary in northern South China Sea during various southwest monsoon phases

  18. 较弱的西南季风与东南气流汇合成强西南气流伸向江淮地区;

    Strong southwester extending to eastern China , was formed by combining weaker southwest monsoon and southeast flow ;

  19. 鹤庆深钻孢粉记录揭示的气候变化与西南季风演化

    Climatic change and evolution of the southwest monsoon revealed by pollen records in the Heqing deep drilling core

  20. 焚风与布拉风的热力学机制哀牢山(西南季风山地)焚风效应的农业意义

    Agricultural significance of the foehn effect in the SW MONSOON : a case study in the Ailao Mountain

  21. 南海西南季风爆发对广东汛期重要天气的影响及其预测

    The Influence of the Onset of Southeast Monsoon over SCS on the Weather in Flood Season of Guangdong

  22. 云南纵向岭谷对西南季风的阻隔作用较大,而对东北季风的阻隔作用相对较小;

    The barrier action of longitudinal range-gorge on southwest monsoon is greater , but on northeast monsoon is smaller .

  23. 单种属泥炭纤维素碳稳定同位素组成与全新世青藏高原东部西南季风变化把某物埋藏到地底下。

    Correlation between Indian Ocean Summer Monsoon and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition from Mono-species Plant Cellulose in the Holocene ;

  24. 北半球夏季西北太平洋热带地区西南季风强弱变化与南半球环流型的关系

    The relationship between the intensity of summer southwest monsoon over Northwest Pacific and the circulation patterns of the southern hemisphere

  25. 在西南季风期间,南、北海区各有一气旋式环流;

    During the southwest monsoon period , two cyclonic gyres occur in the southern and northern sea areas , respectively ;

  26. 南沙群岛海区西南季风变化与表层流结构和演变关系的探讨

    A discussion on relations between southwest monsoon variation and sea surface circulation structure and evolution in Nansha Islands sea area

  27. 南海为典型的季风活动区,冬季盛行东北季风,夏季盛行西南季风。

    It is confirmed that the South China Sea is one of the most active monsoon areas in the world .

  28. 西南季风较强时,调查断面出现上升流和下降流。

    And ( 2 ) there existed upwellings and downwellings at the section when the southwest monsoon was strong enough .

  29. 结果表明,多次强暴雨过程发生在欧亚中高纬度双阻型或中阻型、中低纬度强越赤道气流、异常活跃的西南季风大尺度环流背景下;

    The results indicate that several strong rain procedures occur in the large scale background of middle high latitude in Eurasia .

  30. 有效17例;哀牢山(西南季风山地)焚风效应的农业意义

    Effect 17 ; agricultural significance of the foehn effect in the SW monsoon : a case study in the Ailao Mountain