
  • 网络Space Weather
  1. 太阳XEUV成像望远镜用来监测和预报影响空间天气变化的太阳活动,专门服务于空间天气预报研究。

    The Solar X-EUV imaging telescope will be used to monitor and predict the solar activities which result in the variations of space weather . It is dedicated to the space weather forecast research .

  2. 为了满足国内正在发展的空间天气研究需要,建立自主的空间天气监测系统,实验室研究小组正在研制开发太阳软X-EUV空间成像望远镜。

    The solar X-EUV imaging telescope is under development to meet for the needs of space weather research and forecast .

  3. GPS实测数据的反演结果证实了该改进方法的有效性,该方法明显的改善了电离层层析图像重建质量,尤其在TEC数据不足以及空间天气异常情况下改善效果是非常明显的。

    Inverted results from actual GPS observations demonstrated its effectivity to the reconstruction of ionospheric electron density distribution . The new method improves the reconstructed image quality of ionospheric tomography manifestly , especially in the case of insufficient TEC data and space weather anomalies . 2 .

  4. 创新研究群体:吴健张明高萧佐董庆生焦培南甄卫民赵振维王先义张东和李清亮许正文研究方向:空间天气对综合孔径雷达性能影响的理论研究

    The impact of space weather on performance of synthetic aperture radars

  5. 空间天气怎么使铁路信号灯由绿变红呢?

    How could space weather switch railroad signals from green to red ?

  6. 近来,空间天气学已成为空间科学中的一个重要内容。

    Recently , space weather has become an important subject in space sciences .

  7. 2000年7月空间天气大事件对地磁场的影响

    The geomagnetic response of July 2000 event universal space

  8. 蓬勃发展的空间天气学

    Flourishing development of the study on space weather

  9. 国内外空间天气短期预报和警报及其现状

    Alert and Short-term Prediction of Solar Activity Weather

  10. 地磁场对1999年9月空间天气大事件的响应

    The geomagnetic response of Sep. , 1999 event

  11. 发展广东省空间天气轨道的思考

    Reflections on the Space Weather Services in Guangdong

  12. 空间天气对导航卫星的影响

    Influence of space weather on the navigation satellite

  13. 日冕物质抛射&空间天气的扰动源

    Solar coronal mass ejections in space weather

  14. 尤其是在空间天气的研究、建模和预报方面,我国之前还处于空白状态。

    Especially in space weather research , modeling and forecasting , China did nothing before .

  15. 空间天气磁流体模型的并行自适应无散计算

    Parallel AMR MHD computation on space weather

  16. 1998年5月空间天气大事件的地磁场响应

    The geomagnetic response of May 1998 event

  17. 空间天气学国家重点实验室

    State Key Laboratory of Space Weather

  18. 走进我们生活的新学科&空间天气学

    Space Weather Comes into Our Life

  19. 第二次全国空间天气学研讨会

    Second symposium on space weather

  20. 空间天气学的基本问题

    Basic Problems in Space Weather

  21. 一系列空间天气灾害的发生,使人们逐渐认识到空间天气研究的重要性。

    A series of space weather disasters make people come to realize the importance of space weather research .

  22. 近年来,开展了空间天气预报的研究工作及相应的国际合作。

    Research on space weather forecasting and related international cooperation have also been carried out in recent years .

  23. 分析2004年广东电网线路故障和空间天气之间的对应关系,得知53%的电力系统故障与空间天气扰动状态存在对应关系。

    This paper analyzes the fault lines in Guangdong power grid in 2004 and their relationship with space weather .

  24. 空间天气是一门把空间科学与天基、地基技术系统紧密结合,多学科交叉的新兴学科。

    Space weather is a new inter-discipline which combines space science , space borne and ground based observation technologies .

  25. 研究结果对于深入了解电离层暴的形态学特征和空间天气预测具有基础性的意义。

    The study results have foundational signification for further understanding morphological characteristics of ionospheric storms and predicting space weather .

  26. 该工程覆盖了从空间天气监测到空间天气研究、建模与预报的方方面面,是我国重大科学工程之一。

    The project covers the monitoring of space weather , space weather research , modeling and forecasting and so on .

  27. 因此各个国家均重视并加速发展各自对空间天气的研究与监测。

    Therefore , all countries attach importance to space weather research and accelerate the development of space weather research and monitoring .

  28. 然而,随着空间技术的发展,有关空间天气的知识显得越来越匮乏。

    However , the knowledge of space weather become more and more insufficient due to the recent development of space technology .

  29. 这些结果可以为我们进一步开展三维磁层顶结构研究和磁层顶位形的空间天气预报提供一定的基础。

    These results provide some basis for further study of three-dimensional magnetopause structure and the forecasting of magnetopause shape for space weather .

  30. 上述研究对空间天气的感知、电波环境预报、警报和效应评估能力具有重要意义。

    This investigate is important to the ability of the sensation of space weather , radio environmental forecast , alert and effective estimation .