
  • 网络Radio;radio communication;radiocommunications
  1. 机器人足球比赛融合了实时视觉技术、机器人控制、无线电通讯、多机器人协作等多个领域的技术,是研究多Agent系统的标准实验平台。

    Robot soccer match interfuses such techniques as real_time vision , robot control , radio communication and multi_ robot cooperation , and provides a standard experimental platform for study on a multi_agent system .

  2. 听明白(某人在双向无线电通讯中说的话)

    Hear and understand ( sb speaking on a two-way radio )

  3. 5.n.〈旧〉〈俚〉电工;无线电通讯员6.【化】电动工具头座机器或动力工具上用于安装旋转部件的不能移动的部分,如车床的转轴

    A nonmoving part of a machine or power tool that supports a revolving part , such as the spindle of a lathe .

  4. 无线电通讯技术系统中尤其在GHz范围里面的低介电常数和低损耗材料已经引起了人们越来越多的关注。

    There is an increasing interest to develop low dielectric constant and low loss materials that can operate in the GHz range for wireless telecommunication systems .

  5. 随着无线电通讯的普及,越来越多的数据传输量越来越大的设备能够通过移动网络或Wi-Fi与互联网连接。

    As radio-based wireless becomes ubiquitous , more and more devices transmitting more and more data are able to connect to the internet , either through the mobile-phone network or through Wi-Fi .

  6. 无线电通讯通过电磁频谱递信息。

    RADIOS work by using the electromagnetic spectrum to send information .

  7. 闭路监控、有限电视及无线电通讯工程;

    The closed circuit supervision , limited television and radio communication engineering ;

  8. 推广业馀无线电通讯,提高操作技巧及技术水平。

    Promote Amateur Radio Communication , enhance skills and technology .

  9. 船舶危险区域无线电通讯中继系统的设计与安装

    Design & Installation Marine Radio Repeater System at Danger Zone

  10. 被截听的无线电通讯表明美军至少有3人被打死或打伤。

    Intercepted radio communications indicate at least three killed or wounded us troops .

  11. 你在穿过大气的时候会丧失无线电通讯。

    We 're gonna lose radio contact as you pass through the atmosphere .

  12. 无线电通讯可以采用短波也可以采用长波。

    In radio communication , either short or long waves may be used .

  13. 姜振扬同学正在科大攻读电子工程的研究生课程,主修无线电通讯。

    Keung is continuing his exploration of wireless communications as an MPhil candidate in ELEC.

  14. 无线电通讯用语,指由一架或多架发射机及其天线组成的一个中心。

    In radiocommunications , a center consisting of one or more transmitters and associated antennas .

  15. 直流电机对无线电通讯的干扰及其抑制方法

    The interference of the DC machine with the wireless communication and the methods to restrain

  16. 列车头尾联系,列车头尾无线电通讯(2)记录所有这种口头联络基本内容的备忘录;

    End-to-end contact ( ii ) memoranda stating the substance of all such oral communications ;

  17. 现代通讯条件下通化市森林防火无线电通讯二级网的建设思路与探讨

    Discussion on building second forest fire control network under modern communication condition in Tonghua City

  18. “我不得不承认我们会监听某辆车的无线电通讯”,他说。

    " I have to admit that we listen to certain car radios ," he said .

  19. 消防无线电通讯系统

    Fire services radio communication system

  20. 每个传感器结点还应具有独立的感应装置,有限的数据处理能力,小范围的无线电通讯能力。

    Sensor nodes are equipped with integrated sensors , limited data processing capabilities and short-range radio communications .

  21. 联合国无线电通讯系统

    United Nations radio communication system

  22. 一种双向的无线电通讯系统(通常是微波);较广阔的长途通讯的一部分。

    A two-way radio communication system ( usually microwave ); part of a more extensive telecommunication network .

  23. 幸运的家伙猛踩刹车,设法干扰业余无线电台的操作者的无线电通讯。

    The jammy cow jammed on his brakes and tried to jam the raido ham 's transmissions .

  24. 他们猜测,无线电通讯会很重要,火车将变得更快,更舒服。

    They guessed that radio would be important and that trains would be faster and more comfortable .

  25. 手提无线电通讯设备

    Portable radio communication device

  26. 期间开发国外客户及协助公司取得国际无线电通讯管制认证。

    Developing overseas customers and assisting the company to get approval of FCC ( Federal Communications Commission ) .

  27. 人们认为这些现象很重要,因为这些现象会影响气候和无线电通讯。

    These phenomena are supposed to be of great importance as they may affect weather and radio communication .

  28. 结合工作实践,介绍了无线电通讯在原料场堆取料机中的应用。

    With own working practice , the application of wireless communication in raw material yard stacker-reclaimer was introduced .

  29. 这类压控晶体振荡器广泛用于无线电通讯和其它电子设备作频率源。

    This kind of VCXO cover a wide variety of radio communications and other electric equipments as frequency source .

  30. 随着无线电通讯技术的不断发展,无线电已经被广泛地应用于社会的各个领域,极大地促进着经济的发展。

    With the continuous development of Radio-communication operation , the requirement of wireless spectrum increases rapidly in every field .