
  • 网络Arctic Air
  1. 中国北极航线战略的SWOT动态分析

    Dynamic SWOT analysis on China 's strategy for arctic route

  2. 规范能够为解决北极航线地缘政治博弈提供一种有用的约束。

    The criterion can provide a serviceable restriction for arctic route geopolitical issue .

  3. 根据评估指标体系建立的原则和要求,建立北极航线通航环境评估指标体系。

    Establish arctic route navigation environment evaluation index system .

  4. 中国参与北极航线国际机制的障碍及对策

    Obstacles to China 's Participation in the International Arctic Route Mechanism and Countermeasures

  5. 北极航线的开通将对世界经济和中国产生重大影响。

    Arctic Route all navigation will bring great influence on world economy and China .

  6. 随着全球气候变暖,北极航线开通,在巨大经济利益的驱使下,冰区船舶的发展非常迅速。

    Driven by the huge economic benefits , the ice ship is developing very fast .

  7. 中国北极航线问题协调地位的云模型模糊识别

    Fuzzy pattern recognition of China orientation in Arctic route issue coordinating based on clouds theory

  8. 近年来,已有若干船舶完成了北极航线的顺利航行。

    In recent years , there have been several ships completed the arctic route smooth sailing .

  9. 北极航线的海运经济潜力评估及其对我国经济发展的战略意义

    The Economic Estimate of Arctic Sea Routes and Its Strategic Significance for the Development of Chinese Economy

  10. 即使若干年后顺利开通北极航线航行事故仍不可避免。

    Even after years of successful launch of the arctic route sailing , the accident still inevitable .

  11. 北极航线地缘政治权益博弈问题因为北冰洋的融化预期加快,而变得愈来愈重要。

    Because of Arctic ice melting faster than expected , Arctic route geopolitical issue has become increasingly important .

  12. 北极航线主要有三条航线:分别是东北航线、西北航线和北极点航线。

    Arctic Route includes three routes , its Northeast Route , the Northwest Route and the North Pole Route .

  13. 在此基础上,对北极航线自然现状、航行历史和当前利用现状进行了综述。

    On this basis , the natural situation , the history of Arctic Passage and the current status are introduced .

  14. 由于全球气候变暖,北冰洋冰层开始逐渐消融,使得北极航线开通成为可能。

    As global warming , the arctic ice layer gradually began to melt , make the arctic route opened possible .

  15. 北极航线,是指穿过北冰洋,连接大西洋和太平洋的海上航线。

    Arctic Route is a Sea route , it through the Arctic Ocean , link between Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean .

  16. 为我国在北极航线争夺当中占有一席之地提供理论依据,为各项战略的制定提供参考。

    For our country holds a place among arctic route to provide the theory basis and put forward the strategy for reference .

  17. 北极航线可以分为东北航线、西北航线和北极点航线。

    The Arctic Passage can be divided into the Northeast Passage , the Northwest Passage and the North Pole Passage according diffident route .

  18. 还有人担忧,这笔交易将让北京方面在冰岛获得一个战略立足点。冰岛的深水港口对北极航线至关重要。

    The deal had also raised concerns about giving Beijing a strategic foothold in Iceland , whose deepwater ports are crucial for Arctic shipping routes .

  19. 北极航线拥有其不可替代的政治战略地位,与全球各国的经济利益直接相关。

    The arctic route has its irreplaceable political strategic position , and it directly related to the economic interests of the countries all around the world .

  20. 而北极航线的开通将有效缓解这些传统海运航线的压力,保障船舶的安全通行。

    And the opening of the Arctic route will effectively relieve the pressure of the traditional shipping routes , ensure the safety of the ships to traffic .

  21. 本文的研究一定程度上可以帮助船公司、保险公司和有关政府部门评估开通从太平洋到大西洋的航距较短的北极航线的风险性。

    This study , to some extent , can help shippers , insurers and governments to assess the risk of opening up a shorter northern routes between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans .

  22. 但关于北极航线权益的争夺不会是盲目无序的,而是竞争合作的、充满智慧的博弈。

    It is believed that the competition for the Arctic sea routes interests would be competition entrained cooperation like a game , which would be filled with wisdom and tactics , instead of disorderly scramble .

  23. 文章指出,北极航线会很快变得可航行并导致国家间争端的产生,特别是西北航道可能成为国际争端的重要来源。

    The paper points out that Arctic Sea Route will become swiftly navigable and lead to the emergence of the dispute between countries ; especially the Northeast Passage may become a potential source of international conflict .

  24. 北极航线是连接太平洋北部与大西洋北部的最短航线,但因地处北极,气候寒冷,一直无法全线通航。

    The Arctic route is the shortest route connected the Northern Atlantic Ocean with Northern Pacific . However , because of the location and cold climate , the Arctic route has always been unable to navigate .

  25. 在海运网络的演化规律研究中,通过总结影响海运网络演化的各种因素和分析经济危机造成的海运网络阶段性演化特征,从而对北极航线开通后世界海运网络的演化趋势作出初步预测。

    In the study of network evolution , after summarizing the impact factors and analyzing the stage evolution characteristics caused by economic crisis , this thesis produces a prediction about the evolution trends of world shipping network after the opening of the Arctic route .

  26. 北极航线开通之后,将大大缩短中国同欧盟和北美等国的海运距离,降低了海运成本,而且有助于中国贸易格局的优化,促进国民经济的又好又快发展。

    After the Arctic route opened , it will help China greatly shorten with the European Union and North America and other countries shipping distance , reduce the costs of shipping , and contribute to the Chinese trade structure optimization , promote sound and rapid development of the national economy .

  27. 对飞越北极,缩短航线,节省航行时间问题进行了研究。

    This model carries out a study on flying over North Pole , shortening the air route and saving flight time .

  28. 然而在现实中,逐渐加剧的气候变迁所带来的影响,北极的大洋航线已经算是比较好的一个。

    Yet in reality , Arctic shipping lanes would count as one of the more benign effects of accelerated climate change .

  29. 随着全球气候的变暖,北极冰层开始逐渐融化,经预测,北极航线在2050年左右便可实现全年通航。

    Along with global warming , Arctic ice has been melting , the prediction showed that the Arctic route and could realize the navigation throughout the year around 2050 .

  30. 最明显的例子是:早期热衷于探险的欧洲航海家无法深入北极圈,现在,气候变暖让人们开始开辟深入北极圈的航线。

    In particular , the warming of the Arctic is opening sea lanes that early European navigators avidly sought but were unable to penetrate .