
běi jí xióng
  • Ursus maritimus;The Polar Bear
北极熊 [běi jí xióng]
  • (1) [polar bear]

  • (2) 北极地区出产的哺乳动物,样子像熊,毛白色或淡黄色,善于游水

  • (3) 对俄国人的鄙称

  1. 北极熊的白色毛皮是天然的保护色。

    The polar bear 's white fur is a natural camouflage .

  2. 北极熊生活在北极圈和纽芬兰以北的一些大的陆地。

    The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland .

  3. 尽管有北极熊的悲剧,碳排放量也在飙升,但大多数人很难相信全球变暖会对他们个人产生影响。

    Despite mournful polar bears and charts showing carbon emissions soaring , most people find it hard to believe that global warming will affect them personally .

  4. 像北极熊和海象这样依靠海冰生存的野生动物也处于危险之中。

    Wildlife like polar bears and walruses that depend on sea ice to live is also in danger .

  5. 北极熊,在冰天雪地的北方生活的动物

    polar bears , denizens of the frozen north

  6. 饲养员MarkDumas和北极熊Agee几乎每天都在一起。

    Grizzly man Mark Dumas and Agee the polar bear do everything together .

  7. “清洁空气观察”组织主席FrankO'Donnell称,因为全球变暖,北极熊和其他野生动物正在失去它们的栖息地,现在,来北极勘探石油的公司可能会对它们造成伤害。

    Frank O'Donnell , president of Clean Air Watch , said not only polar bears and other wildlife face losing their habitat due to global warming , they would be hurt by companies searching for oil .

  8. 这只生活在南美洲的北极熊名叫Arturo,它被人们称为世界上最悲伤的动物。

    This is Arturo , a polar bear living in South America who has been called the worlds saddest animal .

  9. 这只生活在南美洲的北极熊名叫Arturo,它被人们称为“世界上最悲伤的动物”。

    This is Arturo , a polar bear living in South America who has been called the ' world 's saddest animal . "

  10. 在Arturo平着趴着的照片出现在社交网站后,它得到了全世界的关注,并有了“全球最悲伤北极熊”的称号。

    Arturo gained worldwide attention and his ' world 's saddest animal " moniker after pictures of him lying flat on his stomach emerged on social network sites .

  11. 与名字含义相反的是,狗妈妈Laika是一只安静的狗。据说它只在看到北极熊的时候才吼叫。

    Contrary to her name , Laika is a quiet dog , they say , and only barks when she sees a polar bear .

  12. 绿色和平组织在一次活动中收集了16万份签名,呼吁立即将Arturo转移到加拿大,他们表示那里的气候更接近北极熊原本居住的自然环境。

    Greenpeace had gathered 160,000 signatures in a campaign to transfer Arturo urgently to Canada , which it said has weather that more closely resembles what occurs in his natural habitat .

  13. 当时,Yandy推出了三件套动物服装(性感狐狸、性感熊猫和性感北极熊)。

    That year , Yandy introduced a trio of animal costumes ( sexy fox , sexy panda , and sexy polar bear ) to the world .

  14. 据《周日人民报》报道,门多萨动物园5个月前曾拒绝将Arturo转移至加拿大温尼伯的阿西尼玻公园动物园,该公园动物园内新建了一个国际北极熊保护中心。

    Mendoza Zoo blocked an effort five months ago to move Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg , Canada - where a new International Polar Bear Conservation Centre is located , reported the Sunday People .

  15. 它的主人丘吉尔一家住在加拿大的马尼托巴省,马尼托巴省号称北极熊的世界。主人说小哈士奇的名字Belka在俄语中的意思是松鼠。

    Her owners , from the ' Polar bear capital of the world , ' Churchill , Manitoba in Canada explain that her name , Belka , means ' squirrel ' in Russian .

  16. 在北美洲,冬泳爱好者被称作北极熊。

    In North America , the participants are called polar bears .

  17. 在新加坡动物园,一头18岁的北极熊猎获一活鱼。

    An18-year-old polar bear catches a live fish at Singapore Zoo .

  18. 在那之前,徘徊于岸上的北极熊也会有访客。

    Until then , the bears stranded ashore will have company .

  19. 上个礼拜你们不是杀了只北极熊吗?

    Didn 't you guys shoot a polar bear last week ?

  20. 这大概是许多北极熊种群数量下降的主�

    the main reason why many polar bear populations are dropping .

  21. 显然,石油公司将永远比北极熊强大。

    Clearly oil companies will always be mightier than polar bears .

  22. 别具一格庆元旦&参加北极熊游泳

    Go for a Polar Bear Swim on New Year 's Day

  23. 我有一个大的球形玻璃器,里面有北极熊图案。

    I have a big one with polar bears in it .

  24. 问题23关于北极熊我们了解了什么?

    Question 23 . What can we learn about polar bears ?

  25. 嘿,别在“北极熊”那里唱。

    Hey ! There 's no singing in the North pole .

  26. 现在处于夏季北极熊们有两种选择

    It 's now summer and these bears have a choice -

  27. 只要合意,雄性成年北极熊就会杀死幼小的北极熊。

    Adult males will kill younger bears if it suits them .

  28. 北极熊喜欢寒冷的天气。

    A polar bear has a preference for cold weather .

  29. 你听过小北极熊的故事吗?

    Have you ever heard the story of the small polar bear ?

  30. 北极熊是世界上最大的陆地肉食动物。

    The polar bear is the largest land predator in the world .