
hé gǔ
  • river valley
河谷 [hé gǔ]
  • [river valley] 河流两岸之间低于地平面的部分,包括河床两边的坡地

河谷[hé gǔ]
  1. 河谷里种满了庄稼。

    The river valley is intensively cropped .

  2. 我们在河谷安营。

    We pitched camp in a river valley .

  3. 河水泛滥淹没了河谷。

    The river flooded the valley .

  4. 请附上汇款,支票收款人为泰晤士河谷科技公司。

    Please enclose your remittance , making cheques payable to Thames Valley Technology .

  5. 他们去澳大利亚的荒野河谷中划独木舟。

    They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada .

  6. 在美国西部黄土区和冲积河谷里,表土和底土一般是容易破碎的。

    In loessal regions and alluvial valley fills of the western United states , both surface soil and subsoil are commonly friable .

  7. 电影《所见所闻》改编自伊丽莎白·布伦代奇所著的哥特式小说,阿曼达·塞弗里德在片中饰演和丈夫(詹姆斯·诺顿饰演)一起从曼哈顿搬到哈德逊河谷乡村的艺术家,但很快她开始担心自己的新房子受到了诅咒。

    Adapted from a gothic novel by Elizabeth Brundage , Things Heard and Seen stars Amanda Seyfried as an artist who moves from Manhattan to rural Hudson Valley with her husband , James Norton , but soon fears that her new house is cursed .

  8. V型河谷区原地应力测量研究

    Study on in-situ stress measurement in V-shaped River Valley

  9. V型河谷地应力研究

    Research on ground stress field in V-shaped river valleys

  10. 据沉积作用和沉积相组合,钱塘江河口湾的形成及其发育可以分为四个阶段:(1)末次冰期(20000-15000aB,R)&下切河谷形成;

    The formation of the estuary can be divided into fourstages : ( 1 ) last glaciation ( 2000-15000a B.P. )

  11. 后来他们发现,他们招募的人才来自那些总部设在泰晤士河谷(ThamesValley)的公司。

    Then they found they were recruiting people from companies based in the Thames Valley .

  12. 试验结果表明,用两者得到的K值计算河谷地下径流量相当接近。

    The test results manifest that the calculated valley underground runoff by the K value obtained from the above stated two methods appear to very close .

  13. 利用松花江河谷的承压水井抽水试验资料和洮儿河扇形地27个潜水抽水井及其观测孔的抽水试验资料,应用直线图解法分析计算,得到唯一的含水层参数T、K和R。

    The pumping test data from the confined wells in the Songhua River valley plain and 27 unconfined wells and observation wells in the Tao'er River fan are analyzed .

  14. 碱解N、速效K、总盐对于福海河谷林3个主要林型土壤肥力的影响最大,而速效P、电导率的影响相对较小。

    Alkali solution N , available K , total salt caused greatest impact of soil fertility of 3 major forest types in Fuhai valley forest , and available P , the conductivity was relatively small .

  15. 这也证实了必和必拓(BHPBillitonLtd。)、力拓股份有限公司(RioTintoPlc)和淡水河谷等少数几家大型矿业公司的市场地位在不断增强。

    It also confirms the growing market power of a few big mining companies , including BHP Billiton , Rio Tinto PLC and Vale .

  16. 矿床成因属密西西比河谷(MVT)型。

    The deposit is a MVT - type deposit .

  17. 本文以位于滦河山间河谷一傍河地下水源地为例,利用地下水模拟软件GMS对地下水水流进行数值模拟。

    Taking a riverside well field in Luanhe River valley , the thesis used groundwater simulation software GMS to simulate groundwater flow .

  18. 许多密西西比河谷型(MVT)铅锌矿床中都含有具经济意义的锗(Cd)、镉(Ge)、镓(Ga)等分散元素。

    In many Mississippi valley type ( MVT ) Pb-Zn deposits , dispersed elements such as Cd , Ge , and Ga may reach to economically significant enrichment .

  19. 3S一体化技术支持下的西南地区冬小麦估产&以安宁河谷四县为例

    A study on winter wheat yield-estimation in Southwest China by Remote Sensing , GIS and GPS : based on four counties of the Anning River Basin

  20. 锦屏双曲拱坝设计坝高305m,其坝址河谷呈V形,有良好的建坝条件。

    Jinping arch dam is designed for 305m height . The V shaped river valley is favorable for arch dam building .

  21. 驶过金门大桥后,GPS就引导我们顺着101高速公路,沿着荒凉的太平洋海岸一路向北,驶过参天的红杉林,来到俄勒冈州威拉米特河谷那规划得整整齐齐的葡萄园。

    After crossing the Golden Gate Bridge , GPS guided us North on Highway 101 along the wild Pacific coast , then through giant stands of redwoods and in to the geometrically precise vineyards of the Willamette Valley in Oregon .

  22. 但它们与淡水河谷、力拓和必和必拓(BHPBilliton)达成协议的时间已经越来越少了,非正式最后期限为6月30日。

    But time is running out for an agreement with Vale , Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton , with an informal deadline of June 30 .

  23. 中国是世界上最大的铁矿石进口国,其钢铁生产商最近接受了巴西淡水河谷(Vale)65%至71%的供货提价幅度。

    China is the world 's largest importer of iron ore. Its steelmakers recently accepted a 65-71 per cent hike for supplies from Brazil 's Vale .

  24. 跨瑞河岸工厂(QUARRYBANKMILL)是一栋五层楼的漂亮的砖砌建筑,位于英国曼彻斯特郡南部几英里外的Bollin河谷里。

    QUARRY BANK MILL is a handsome five-storey brick building set in the valley of the river Bollin at Styal , a small English village a few miles south of Manchester .

  25. 自去年起,随着钢铁产量大幅飙升,铁矿石和炼焦煤价格也翻了一番,推高了必和必拓及其竞争对手力拓(RioTinto)和巴西淡水河谷(ValeofBrazil)的盈利能力。

    The price of iron ore and coking coal has doubled since last year as steel production surged , boosting the profitability of BHP Billiton and rivals Rio Tinto and Vale of Brazil .

  26. 由于下水库溢流坝坝址处河谷狭窄,河床底宽约8~12m。

    At the dam site of the moutain spillway dam of the lower reservoir , the width of the riverbed is about 8 ~ 12m .

  27. 云南干热河谷植被均为耐旱的旱生植被,主要有以下三种类型:1)半稀树草原(Semisavanna)型植被;

    The floristic characteristic of seed plants in the dry and hot valley of Yunnan is dry-fast , and there are three vegetation types : ( 1 ) The Semi-savanna ;

  28. 继淡水河谷(Vale)25亿美元的收购之后,西非国家几内亚预期未来几周将宣布另一桩重大铁矿石交易,其中中国投资者被认为是领跑者。

    Guinea expects in the coming weeks to announce another significant iron ore deal to follow Vale 's $ 2.5bn acquisition in the west African country , with Chinese investors considered the frontrunners .

  29. 在云南省元谋干热河谷采用网扫法对10种生态系统中的直翅目Orthoptera多样性进行调查,共采集直翅目昆虫标本349号,计25种。

    Orthopteran diversities of 10 ecosystems were investigated by sweep netting method in dry-hot valley of Yuanmou , Yunnan . 349 orthopteran samples including 25 species were collected .

  30. 淡水河谷公司(Vale)有它们自己的铁路线,这使得它可以把来自Carajás的铁矿石运到市场上而不会遇到什么困难。

    Vale has its own railway lines , which allow it to get its iron ore from Caraj á s to market without much trouble .