
xuě liàng
  • snowfall
雪量[xuě liàng]
  1. 小雪、大雪表示到了下雪的时节和雪量大小的差别。

    The Slight Snow and Great Snow mean the arrival of the snowy season .

  2. 遥测放射性同位素雪量计自动换样的放射性测量仪

    Remote radioisotopic snow gauge

  3. 整体来说,这次的雪量中到大,18日是纯雪最大的一天。

    Overall , the amount of snow is moderate to large , and Jan.18 witnessed the greatest snow amount .

  4. 辽东抚顺、本溪两市雪量较大,除发往大连的线路外其他班线基本停运。

    The bus lines to Fushun , Benxi and other areas in east Liaoning , except Dalian nearly stopped .

  5. 一场迟来的冬季暴雪为马萨诸塞州和缅因州东部的大部分地区带来大风与强降雪,雪量可能到达10英寸。

    A late winter storm brought high winds and snow across portions of Massachusetts and eastern Maine , with the possibility of 10 inches of snow .

  6. 加州庞大的管道输水系统位居世界前列,却需要合适的雪量才能为中央谷地的务农者和硅谷的技术人员提供服务。

    The state 's massive plumbing system , one of the biggest in the world , needs adequate snow in order to serve farmers in the Central Valley and techies in Silicon Valley .

  7. 因此科学家们非常了解一旦居住着丹麦人的北极极地的冰雪越来越多地消融掉,那么通过新的降雪所获得的雪量相比之下是非常少的。

    Thus scientists are keen to understand if the Danish-owned Arctic island ( Greenland map ) is losing more ice mass through melting and discharge of glaciers than it is gaining from fresh snowfall .

  8. 民政部副指挥张志同指出,由于北方的降雨雪量减了70%而导致当地水资源的紧缺。

    " The north is suffering from water shortage as the region 's rain and snow declined by70 percent this winter ," said Zhang Zhitong , vice director of the general office of the headquarters .

  9. 第二十八届太阳岛冰雪博览会总设计师杨宏伟表示,共计超过160名建筑师,使用超过35000立方米的用雪量来建造这座占地面积2800平方米的城堡。

    More than 160 artists used more than 35000 cubic meters of snow to build the castle , which covers an area of 2800 square meters , said Yang Hongwei , chief designer of the 28th Sun Island Snow Expo .

  10. 我国已建成的高速铁路均建设有防灾安全监控系统,包含大风监测子系统、雨量监测子系统和异物侵限监测子系统,长吉城际有一处雪量监测点。

    By now , our high-speed railways all have Disaster Prevention and Safety Monitoring System , which only contain wind speed monitoring subsystem , rainfall monitoring subsystem and foreign object penetration limit monitoring subsystem ; in addition , there is only a snow monitoring point in Changchun-Jilin inter-city railway .

  11. 巨大的冰块(由于一个地区雪的积累量超出了融化和升华量而形成的结实的雪形成)在巨大的地上慢慢滑动而形成。

    A huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass , formed from compacted snow in an area where snow accumulation exceeds melting and sublimation .

  12. 山东省雨(雪)水含碘量的调查

    A Study on Iodine Content of Rainwater ( Snow ) of Some Areas in Shandong Province