
xuě huā
  • snow;snowflake
雪花 [xuě huā]
  • [snow-flake] 空中飘落的雪,多呈六角形,象花

雪花[xuě huā]
  1. 像雪花融汇在大海里。

    Lost as a snowflake in the sea .

  2. 有人认为“雪花一代”的特征源于父母的养育方式,特别是着重与培养自尊的养育方法。

    Some sources attribute the characteristics ascribed to Snowflake Generation to parenting methods , particularly those that focus on boosting self-esteem .

  3. 雪花轻盈飘落,无声无息。

    The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down .

  4. 雪花好像融合在一起形成了冰晶。

    The flakes seem to fuse together and produce ice crystals .

  5. 雪花如刀割般刮在他的脸上,他绷紧了双肩。

    He braced his shoulders as the snow slashed across his face .

  6. 地里扬起的尘土像雪花一样被吹积成堆。

    The dirt from the fields drifted like snow .

  7. 大片大片的雪花开始簌簌飘落。

    Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall .

  8. 天空飘洒着雪花。

    Snowflakes were swirling in the air .

  9. 雪花在空中飞舞。

    Snowflakes are dancing in the air .

  10. 飞雪花了。

    Snowflakes flutter in the air .

  11. 薄薄一层雪花覆盖了山丘。

    The hills were salted with a light fall of snow .

  12. 地板是由大理石铺成的,柱子则是雪花石膏打造而成。

    The floor was marble tile , and the columns alabaster .

  13. 雪花是冰晶的松散凝结。

    Snowflakes are loose aggregates of ice crystals .

  14. 雪花飘零。

    Snowflakes are whirling down .

  15. 在雪花飘落之前秋天的这几个日子有多温暖,

    The love of bare November days Before the coming of the snow ,

  16. 这个说法大概来源于,我们小时候,妈妈经常会说,我们都是“特别的,独一无二的,就像雪花一样”。

    The term probably derives2 from what our mothers always told us as kids that we are " special and unique , like a snowflake " .

  17. “雪花一代”指最近几年的青年。与以往几代人相比,他们被认为是适应能力更弱并更易发怒的一代。

    Snowflake generation refers to the young adults of the 2010s , who are viewed as being less resilient and more prone1 to taking offence than previous generations .

  18. 火炬上刻有北京2022年冬奥会会徽及奥运五环,自下而上从云纹逐渐过渡到雪花图案,最后呈现为火焰。

    The torch features the Beijing 2022 emblem and the Olympic rings etched on its section , with patterns of clouds and snowflakes painted from the bottom up to the flame .

  19. “特别雪花”或“特别雪花综合征”是一个具有贬义的说法,多用来指代那些莫名其妙就自以为与众不同、应享受特殊待遇的人。

    Special Snowflake ( syndrome ) is a derogatory term widely used to describe someone who often whines1 about deserving special treatment or sees oneself as exceptionally unique for no apparent reason .

  20. 片中的主人公之一、由布拉德·皮特扮演的暴力王泰勒对想要加入搏击俱乐部的人说:“你不特别。你也不是美丽的、独一无二的雪花。”

    The film features one of the protagonists3 , Tyler Durden ( Brad Pitt ) telling the men looking to join the fight club : “ You are not special . You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake . ”

  21. inanattemptto试图趁着雪花纷飞,她特意跑到外面拍了张雪景。

    She went outside in an attempt to take photos of the scenery in the flying snowflakes .

  22. 商务部还禁止英博收购国内其它两家主要啤酒公司中国雪花啤酒(chinaresourcessnow)和北京燕京啤酒(beijingyanjing)的股份。

    MOFCOM also banned InBev from acquiring shares in two other major domestic breweries , China Resources Snow and Beijing Yanjing .

  23. Al-Si合金加工表面雪花斑的产生与防止

    Formation and Prevention of Snow shaped Speckles on the Worked face of Al-Si Alloys

  24. 在此之前,blizzard这个单词和雪花毫无关系。

    Before then , the word blizzard had nothing to do with snow .

  25. 数字电视画面质量达到DVD水平,完全没有模拟电视的雪花、重影等现象。

    The pictures quality of digital TV is as good as DVD , and there are no white specks or double image on TV screen in digital TV system .

  26. 本文通过剖析Koch分形曲线算法的实现,来推理其它分形图象(矩形分形曲线、Tree分形曲线、雪花分形曲线)的算法。

    This paper , by analysing the realization of Koch fractal curve algorithm , infers algorithms of other fractal diagrams ( rectangular fractal curve , Tree fractal curve , snow fractal curve ) .

  27. 中国华润啤酒(ChinaResourcesBeer)同意全盘收购英国上市集团SABMiller在中国华润雪花啤酒(ChinaResourcesSnowBreweries)所持的股份,此举使得百威英博(ABInBev)朝着完成以710亿英镑收购SABMiller的交易又迈进了一步。

    AB InBev moved a step closer to completing its £ 71bn takeover of SABMiller , after China Resources Beer agreed to buy out the London-listed group 's stake in their Chinese brewery joint venture .

  28. IBMInformixServerV11.70引入了星型连接优化,这种优化利用下推(push-down)散列连接技术来提高对星型和雪花模式进行决策支持查询的查询性能。

    IBM Informix Server V11.70 introduces star join optimization that utilizes push-down hash join technology to improve query performance for decision support queries on star and snowflake schemas .

  29. 在MATLAB软件平台上给出了生成Koch雪花曲线的递归算法和图形,并证明了一条无处可微的无限长的曲线围成了一个有限的面积。

    On the platform of MATLAB software , this paper gives recursion algorithm generating koch snow curve and the graph , and proves that an infinitely long curve differentiable nowhere encloses a limited area .

  30. 雪盲(white-out)是指当降雪太大、风强烈吹动着雪花时很难看见东西。

    A white-out is when snow is falling fast and winds drive the snow so much that is impossible to see .