
xuě jīng
  • snow crystal
雪晶 [xuě jīng]
  • [snow crystal] 雪中几种常见冰晶中的任何一种。雪晶是一单晶,与雪花不同,雪花通常是许多单雪晶的凝聚物

雪晶[xuě jīng]
  1. 雪晶成核和生长机理研究

    Study on Nucleation and Growth Mechanism of Snow Crystal

  2. 雪晶的形状会随着它穿过不同的高度和不同的空气温度,从一种改变到另一种。

    The shape of a snow crystal may change from one form to another as the crystal passes through levels of air with different temperatures .

  3. 雪晶是按照两种形状中的一种——板状和圆柱形形成的

    Snow crystals grow in one of two designs — platelike and columnar .

  4. 答:“雪花在形成过程中对周围环境非常敏感,特别是温度和湿度,”加州理工学院物理系主任肯尼思·G·利布雷希特(KennethG.Libbrecht)说。他开设了一个网站,专门解释雪晶。

    A. " The growth of a snowflake is sensitive to its immediate environment , especially the temperature and humidity , " said Kenneth G. Libbrecht , chairman of the physics department at the California Institute of Technology , who maintains a website explaining snow crystals .

  5. 随着气温变化,雪晶体会改变特性。

    As the temperature fluctuates snow crystals can change their properties .

  6. 雪晶粘在一起就形成了雪花。

    When snow crystals stick together , they produce snowflakes .

  7. 而柱状雪晶看起来像一根根冰棍。

    Columnar snow crystals look like sticks of ice .

  8. 一个简单的雪晶辐射参数化方案及雪晶辐射对中尺度降水的影响

    A Simple Parameterization Scheme of Snow-particle Radiative Properties and Effect on Mesoscale Precipitation

  9. 初雪大部分是由雪晶中受阻的空气组成的。

    Fresh snow is made largely of air trapped among the snow crystals .

  10. 雪晶是按照两种形状中的一种??板状和圆柱形形成的。

    Snow crystals grow in one of two designs ? platelike and columnar .

  11. 所有的雪晶都有六个边,但是它们各自的形状不同。

    All snow crystals have six sides , but they grow in different shapes .

  12. 我特别喜欢有动物的雪晶球。

    I particularly love globes with animals .

  13. 碟状雪晶是扁平的。

    Plate-like crystals are flat .

  14. 我的第一个雪晶球是在我七岁生日时,得到的一个生日蛋糕雪晶球。

    The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday .

  15. 大学生群体危机生成演化机理与控制研究雪晶生成过程机理

    On Formation and Evolution Mechanism of Mass Undergraduate Crisis and Its Controls STUDY ON THE FORMATION MECHANISM OF SNOWFLAKES

  16. 某些研究提示,雪晶的核多为腐朽的草木、细菌或真菌孢子;

    Some studies hinted that a majority of nuclei in snow crystals may be decayed vegetation , bacteria , or fungi spores ;

  17. 他说,美丽、对称的大雪晶实际上非常罕见,但是最好看的雪花总是最引人注目。

    Large , beautifully symmetrical crystals are actually quite rare , he said , but as with people , the most attractive snowflakes tend to get the most attention .

  18. 雪晶大概需要半个小时才能最终形成,在那段时间里,它能飞行一英里多,经历不断变化的环境。

    It might take a half-hour for the crystal to reach its final size , and during that time it could travel a mile or more , experiencing ever-changing conditions .

  19. 我希望敏儿姐姐凯尔姐姐和群施雪晶妮妮姐姐你们能注册个微薄好吗?

    You are good ! Sisters hope you can register a little sister , and even the red army and sister were opened , hope you can open , we beg you .

  20. 根据此增加量的大小,按比例地在中尺度模式中人为增加冰晶和雪晶含量,并计算凝结潜热的释放所造成的温度改变,能使相应位置的累积降水量有所增加。

    Artificially enhancing of ice and snow crystal ratio in the meso-scale model and calculating the change of temperature cause by the release of condensation latent heat make the cumulative precipitation in the corresponding regions increased .

  21. 对云中各种水成物的源、汇项分析表明,零度层下方雨水主要由高层落下的雪晶和霰融化而成,霰和雪则主要由其在冷区与过冷云雨水碰冻长大。

    Rain water at the lower level is mainly generated from the melting of snow and graupel falling from the upper level where snow and graupel are generated and grown from collection with cloud and rain water .

  22. 本文建立了两线面对称、滞弹、非静力平衡,包含有水汽、云水、云冰、雪晶和霰五种水元间各种微物理过程的卷云模式。

    A two-dimensional , slab-symmetry , anelastic and non-hydrostatic cirrus model was developed in which a bulk-microphysical parameterization of the moist processes among water vapor , cloud water , cloud ice crystals , snow and graupels was included .