
  1. 雪佛龙公司全球天然气总裁约翰加斯(johngass)称,这种成本上升只是“短期的混乱现象”。

    John gass , President of global gas at Chevron calls the cost rises " short-term dislocations " .

  2. 雪佛龙公司(ChevronCorp.)和荷兰皇家壳牌公司(RoyalDutchShellPLC)在与绑架者、炸油管的偷油贼较量了很长一段时间之后,现在都在出售尼日利亚沿海的油田。

    Chevron Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell PLC are selling oil fields along Nigeria 's coast after long battles with kidnappers and pipeline-bombing oil thieves .

  3. 如今,梅格•惠特曼已经成为加州第二大公司【仅次于雪佛龙公司(Chevron)】的掌门人。

    So , now Meg Whitman is in charge of California 's second-largest company & behind Chevron ( CVX ) .

  4. 不过,国会议员却没有在法案中加入一个更强硬的条款,要求美国雪佛龙公司放弃他们在缅甸海域亚达纳YADANA天然气工程的股份。

    At the same time , lawmakers stopped short of including a stronger provision that would have required the U.S.Chevron company to give up its share of the Yadana natural gas project in Burmese waters .

  5. 雪佛龙公司宣布,将在今年出售部分下游资产,其中包括在爱尔兰的一家大型炼油厂。

    Chevron announced plans to sell several downstream assets this year , including a major refinery in Ireland .

  6. 和埃克森美孚一样,2012年雪佛龙公司正是依靠旗下炼油厂支撑了盈利。

    Like Exxon Mobil , Chevron relied on its refineries to hold up its bottom line in 2012 .

  7. 雪佛龙公司的梅表示,他受到了公司恢复北海业务的种种行动的鼓舞。

    At Chevron , May says he is encouraged by his company 's efforts to reclaim the North Sea .

  8. 雪佛龙公司保住了今年财富美国五百强的第三名位置,在盈利能力最强20家公司的榜单上上升至第二名。

    Chevron held on to its third place spot on the Fortune 500 this year but moved up to No. 2 on our most profitable list .

  9. 雪佛龙公司已重点集中改善项目管理,并依靠更先进技术提高效率和产能,以弥补在成本方面受到的冲击。

    Chevron has focused on improving its project management and relying on better technology to improve efficiency and capacity to make up for the cost shocks .

  10. 在一家环保组织爆出此次石油泄漏事件远比先前报道的严重之后,巴西警方着手调查此事件,发生此事的海上油田是由美国雪佛龙公司所经营。

    The Brazilian police have begun investigating an oil spill in an offshore field operated by the US company Chevron after an environmental group said it was much larger than initially reported .

  11. 而华尔街的机构则正期待着雪佛龙石油公司(Chevron)28日上午也将宣布巨额的营收。

    And Wall Street expects chevron ( CVX ) to report high earnings tomorrow morning .

  12. 伍尔兹之前是雪佛龙石油公司的执行副总裁,离职后追求变身首席执行官的机遇。

    Formerly an Executive Vice President at Chevron Corporation , Woertz left to pursue CEO opportunities .

  13. 乍得总统伊德里斯·代比昨日宣布,由于没有按政府规定纳税,美国雪佛龙石油公司和马来西亚国家石油公司将被驱逐。

    Chad 's President Idriss Deby Itno ordered the foreign oil firms ChevronTexaco and Petronas to leave the country from Sunday for non-payment of taxes .

  14. 位于巴西北方的城市——Campos的一位联邦公诉人提出200亿雷亚尔的惩罚性损失赔偿,并正在寻求禁止雪佛龙和Transocean公司在巴西的所有作业的强制令。Transocean公司承担雪佛龙在Frade钻探任务。

    A federal prosecutor in Campos , a city in the north of the state , is demanding 20 billion reais in punitive damages and seeking an injunction to halt all operations in Brazil by both Chevron and Transocean , the subcontractor drilling for it in Frade .

  15. 壳牌、埃克森、雪佛龙等其他公司也纷纷加入。

    Shell , Exxon , Chevron and others are joining in .

  16. 用水最多的是雪佛龙(Chevron)公司已经退休的高管乔治·柯克兰(GeorgeKirkland),其用水量达到每天12578加仑。

    The top spot went to George Kirkland , a retired Chevron executive , at 12578 gallons a day .