
  • 网络CNPC;PetroChina;China National Petroleum;china national petroleum corporation
  1. 预计横河将为中国石油集团实施的所有类似大型炼油项目提供控制系统。

    It is expected that Yokogawa will provide the control systems for all similar large-scale oil refining projects to be carried out by CNPC .

  2. 王宜林在2003年成为中国石油集团的第三号人物,去年在石油行业的一次调整过程中当上中海油的一把手。

    After rising to the No. 3 spot in CNPC in 2003 , Mr. Wang landed the top job at Cnooc last year during a reorganization of the oil industry .

  3. 中国石油集团长城钻探工程有限公司录井公司核磁QC小组。

    QC Group of Nuclear and Magnet , Logging Branch , Changcheng Drilling Engineering Limited Company , China Petroleum Groups .

  4. 为切实加强安全管理,中国石油集团公司一直进行不断地探索和努力,从2000年各炼化企业开始大力推行HSE体系建设,实行体系化管理。

    In order to improve the safety management , the Chinese petroleum group company has carried out the HSE system since 2000 , The purpose of this system is mainly to reduce all kinds of risks in the production process .

  5. 官方媒体新华社(Xinhua)表示,蒋洁敏于7月因病住院,目前正在接受治疗。然而,新华社援引中国石油集团的消息补充道,蒋洁敏没有患癌症或其他大病。

    Xinhua , the state-run news agency , said Mr Jiang was ill , having been admitted to hospital in July , and is being treated . However , citing CNPC , the agency added that he does not suffer from cancer or any other serious illness .

  6. 中国石油集团公司专职董事制度研究

    The Research of Full-time Director System in China Petro Group

  7. 中国石油集团公司能耗现状与节能对策

    Status of Energy Consumption of CNPC & Energy Conservation Countermeasures

  8. 中国石油集团工程设计有限公司西南分公司;

    Southwest Branch of China Petroleum Engineering Co. , Ltd. ; 2 .

  9. 中国石油集团已与伊朗天然气田达成协议。

    CNPC clinches deal to develop Iranian gas field .

  10. 六家油企则被并入中国石油集团。

    Taiwan 's six oil companies were merged into the China Petroleum Corporation .

  11. 中国石油集团拒绝正式置评。

    CNPC declined to comment officially .

  12. 简要介绍中国石油集团测井有限公司长庆事业部引进俄罗斯声波-伽马密度测井仪器的测井原理;

    Briefs the principle of MAK - ⅱ and gamma density logging tool imported from Russia ;

  13. 中国石油集团的一位高管说,王宜林在该公司内部行事低调,但其业务能力得到了高度认可。

    A CNPC official said Mr. Wang kept a low-profile inside the company but was viewed as highly competent .

  14. 石油企业博士后管理流程与评价体系设计&以中国石油集团长庆石油勘探局为例

    Post-doctoral Management Process and Evaluation System Design of Petroleum Enterprises & An example : Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau of CNPC

  15. 第三章对中国石油集团和中国石油青海石油管理局产权制度改革情况进行了描述。

    Chapter three described the Chinese petroleum group and Chinese petroleum Qinghai petroleum 's property relations reform situation of administration bureau .

  16. 中国石油集团及其他自然资源企业充分认识到,当前是低价收购优质业务的好时机。

    The Chinese oil groups and other natural resources companies are fully aware of the current opportunity to acquire good businesses at low prices .

  17. SSOfficeTM测量数据处理软件是由中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探公司自主开发的一套石油勘探测量数据处理软件。

    SSOffice ~ ( TM ) measurement data processing software is a set of measurement data processing software used for geophysical exploration developed by BGP , CNPC .

  18. 1999年,中国石油集团公司进行重组改制,公司成为中国石油集团存续公司的一部分,事权和职能发生了根本性的变化。

    According to the command of the reform of CNPC group , it became one of non-core company of CNPC group in1999.The power and function has been changed essentially .

  19. 为了适应中国石油集团公司建设综合性国际能源公司的需要,辽河多种经营企业建立健全现代企业制度势在必行。

    In order to adapt to goal of CNPC building comprehensive international energy Co. , Liaohe Oilfield Diversified Economy Enterprises must make great efforts to perfect modern enterprise systems .

  20. 本课题来源于中国石油集团辽河石油勘探局投资建造的辽河作业一号海洋平台技术监造项目。

    This topic derives from " Liaohe Zuo Ye Yi Hao " offshore platform technology supervision project which is invested by the Liaohe Petroleum Prospecting Bureau , China National Petroleum .

  21. 目前,作为国际大企业集团&中国石油集团正着手构建与综合性国际能源公司相适应的预算管理体系。

    At present , as an international enterprise group & the China Petroleum Corporation are building the budget management system in order to adapt to an integrated international energy company .

  22. 使哈尔滨石化公司在新的宏观竞争环境中,在中国石油集团公司目前的内部管理模式下,通过组织好发展战略的实施,在国内、国际竞争中领先对手一步。

    Under the internal management of PETRO CHINA and macro-competition environment , Harbin Petrochemical Company would organize the practice about strategy of development to be the winner during the domestic and international competition .

  23. 这是中国石油集团在中国南方的第一个炼油厂,而且是根据中国第十一个五年计划而正在兴建的一系列炼油厂和石化厂之一。

    This is CNPC 's first oil refinery in southern China , and is one of a series of oil refining and petrochemical plants that are being constructed under China's11th Five Year Plan .

  24. 兰州石化公司作为中国石油集团公司旗下的一家上市企业,随着现代化企业的快速发展,兰州石化在企业管理方面面临了越来越多的挑战与冲击。

    With the rapid development of modern enterprise , Lanzhou petrochemical company as Petrochina national petroleum corporation , a subsidiary of a listed enterprise and In the enterprise management faced more and more challenges and opportunities .

  25. 信息技术的发展和信息化的潮流势不可挡,中国石油集团公司为成为具有国际竞争力的跨国企业集团,必须紧跟信息技术的发展步伐,构筑起强有力的企业信息化支撑平台。

    With development of information technology and information tide , China National Petroleum Corporation as an internationally competitive multinational group must keep the pace of development of information technology to build a strong platform for enterprise information technology support .

  26. 通过搭建资金管理平台完成经营活动资金的集中;通过制定内部管理制度,实现投资资金集中管理;通过筹资资金的集中管理,降低筹资成本,从实施成效验证,中国石油集团资金集中管理方案。

    Relying on funds management platform , business activities funds can be centralized . Relying on the internal management system , the investment capital management can be centralized . Raising funds at a lower financing cost proves CNPC centralized management plan is effective .

  27. 近年来,中国石油集团公司致力于打造综合性跨国能源公司,采取多种措施,积极倡导科技创新,努力推进人才队伍培训,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。

    In recent years , China National Petroleum Corporation has worked to create a comprehensive transnational Energy Corporation , by taking various measures , actively promoting the scientific and technology innovation and making efforts to promote personnel training , has achieved good economic and social benefits .

  28. 中国石油化工集团公司(SinopecGroup)是1998年7月国家在原中国石油化工总公司的基础上重组成立的特大型石油化工企业集团。

    China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation ( Sinopec Group ) established in 1998 , which based on the reorganization of the Oversize Oil Chemical Industry Group .

  29. 上周末,国有的中国石油化工集团公司(SinopecGroup)宣布了两笔交易,这两笔交易将对其香港子公司中国石化(Sinopec)的股东造成伤害。

    Over the weekend , state-owned China Petrochemical Corp ( Sinopec Group ) announced two deals which will hurt shareholders who own its Hong Kong subsidiary , Sinopec .

  30. 中国石油化工集团石油化工科学研究院针对以生产蒸汽裂解原料为目的产品的加氢裂化装置,在中压加氢裂化(RMC)技术的基础上成功开发了新型加氢精制催化剂RN-32及裂化催化剂RHC-1。

    Based on the RMC technology , Research Institute of Petroleum Processing ( RIPP ) has successfully developed two new catalysts for hydrocracking units which produce maximum unconverted oil as olefin feedstock .