
bīng shān
  • iceberg;ice-capped mountain
冰山 [bīng shān]
  • [iceberg] 冰冻形成的山;冰层长年不化的高山;两极地带的冰川,入海口处常结成巨大的冰块,受海浪冲击而断裂,漂浮海上,成为冰山

冰山[bīng shān]
  1. 我想,以上的抱怨只是冰山一角。

    The above complaints are , I suspect , just the tip of the iceberg

  2. 这些例子只是冰山一角,但它们展示了如何帮助客户更多地使用手中材料来转变价值链和业务。

    These examples are just the tip of the iceberg , but they demonstrate how helping customers get more use of their materials can transform value chains and operations .

  3. 冰山高耸于他们上方。

    The icebergs towered above them .

  4. 海上冰山的漂流危及船只的安全。

    The drift of the icebergs in the sea endangers the ships .

  5. 1912年,众所周知,泰坦尼克号撞上了一座巨大的冰山,成为第一艘沉没的奥林匹克级邮轮。

    The Titanic was the first to sink after famously hitting a huge iceberg in 1912 .

  6. 最近一些学术论文终于揭开了这些人非凡记忆力的冰山一角。

    A couple of recent papers have finally opened a window on these people 's extraordinary minds .

  7. 但科学家们也已经注意到,这座冰山正在冰消瓦解。

    But scientists have also noticed that the berg is crumbling7 .

  8. 船撞上一座冰山而沉没了。

    The ship hit an iceberg and went under .

  9. 令人担忧的是,这座冰山可能会陷入浅水处,一连数年扰乱生态系统。

    The worry is the berg could get stuck in shallows , unsettling the ecosystem6 for years .

  10. 毫不意外地,这种“冰山宅”是富裕名流们的最爱。与越来越多富裕的伦敦人一样,他也将自己的住所变成了所谓的“冰山大宅”。

    Iceberg . Example : He joined the growing number of wealthy Londoners who have been turning their mansions into so called " iceberg homes . "

  11. 这支团队根据对海底情况的评估预测,“持久号”很可能在水下保存完好,未被深海沉积物覆盖,也没有被冰山的底部损坏。

    The team 's assessment2 of seafloor conditions predicts the Endurance is likely still in good shape , not covered by deep sediment3 and undamaged by the keels of icebergs4 .

  12. 不论冰山漂到哪里,都会对周围环境产生巨大的影响,改变海水温度,并引入数十亿吨淡水。

    And wherever they drift , they can have a major influence on their immediate2 environment , changing the temperature of the sea and introducing billions of tonnes of fresh water .

  13. 这些模拟和动画只是应用了Wall的冰山一角。

    These simulations and animations are just scratching the surface of the wall .

  14. 本文将重点介绍这种功能,虽然这不过是整个PEAK的冰山一角。

    This article will focus on this capability even though it forms just one corner of PEAK as a whole .

  15. 我觉得(Nest恒温器)只是冰山一角。

    I think [ the thermostat ] is just scratching the surface .

  16. 不过对于在Java平台中实现事务的复杂性和陷阱而言,这些示例只是涉及了冰山一角。

    But they only begin to scratch the surface of the complexity and pitfalls associated with implementing transactions in the Java platform .

  17. 一个名为“冰山研究”(IcebergResearch)的组织曾声称,来宝集团虚报资产价格,并在从交易中回笼现金很久之前就将其盈利入账。

    A group called Iceberg Research has claimed Noble inflated asset values , and booked profits on deals long before receiving any cash from the transactions .

  18. 作者采用基于冰山查询的关联规则挖掘方法,对网络流量与各IP之间的联系进行关联分析,取得了较好的效果。

    Authors propose association rules mining approach based on iceberg queries for analyzing the corelation between net flow and each IP address , and acquire quite good results .

  19. 船撞上了一座大冰山。icebergn.冰山

    It hits a huge iceberg .

  20. 但是,iPhone以及之后任何主要移动电话制造商推出的触摸屏手机都只是揭开了具有无限可能的触摸科技的冰山一角而已。

    But the iPhone and the touch-screen handsets every major phone maker has since come out with have only scratched the surface of the potential of touch .

  21. 我们将这种对象戏称为“冰山”对象:表面上它们只占用很小的Java堆大小,但下面隐藏着巨大的本机资源,垃圾收集器看不到。

    We 've dubbed this an " iceberg " object : it takes up a small amount of Java heap , but below the surface lurks a large native resource invisible to the garbage collector .

  22. 在炫目的蓝天和白色冰山背景下,Fries绕着北极跑了一小圈。

    In the dazzling image of blue sky and white ice , Fries makes a tiny lap around the North Pole .

  23. 简单的数据类型仅仅是冰山一角&XJConf还能够定义相关配置变量的集合,并将其转化成原生PHP数组。

    Simple data types are just the tip of the iceberg & XJConf also lets you define collections of related configuration variables , and converts these into native PHP arrays .

  24. 冰山尖角&使用你的鹰眼技能扫视附近的石雕符号。(铜杯,10G)

    Tip of the Iceberg-Use your Eagle Vision to scan a Glyph in the environment . ( Bronze , 10G )

  25. McAffer还提到这些安装程序只是p2为基于Eclipse和基于OSGi系统提供的供应功能的“冰山一角”。

    McAffer also mentioned that these installers are only " the tip of the iceberg " for the capabilities that p2 offers for provisioning Eclipse-based and OSGi-based systems .

  26. 在内罗毕拯救大象活动的弗兰克·波普(FrankPope)补充道:这一标志性大象的死亡,只是这冰山上最明显最令人心碎的一角。这样的悲剧正席卷全大陆。

    The loss of such an iconic elephant is the most visible and heart-rending tip of this iceberg , this tragedy that is unfolding across the continent , added Frank Pope of Save The Elephants in Nairobi .

  27. MySpace业务拓展部副经理阿米特•卡珀说,这些还只是社交网络的“冰山一角”。

    The world has only seen " the tip of the iceberg " when it comes to online social networking , says MySpace vice president of business development Amit Kapur .

  28. 报告中还暗示报告上来的UFO目击事件只是冰山一角,因为怕尴尬等原因,许多人并没有对政府报告自己的‘发现’。

    It adds there are some indications that the reported incidents are only the tip of an iceberg and many people do not wish to risk embarrassment and so do not report sightings .

  29. NVIDIA公司现在深陷在零部件瑕疵的麻烦当中,我们可以看出这仅仅只是冰山的一角。

    NVIDIA IS IN DEEP trouble over the defective parts problem , and from what we 're being told , this is only the tip of the iceberg .

  30. 很快未过滤的伽马射线熔化了冰山并且GWAR是自由的。

    Soon the unfiltered gamma rays melted the iceberg and GWAR was free .