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The concentrations of CD and Pb in ice core from Malan glacier , qinghai
A new method for determination of trace Pb in ice core samples by ICP MS was developed in this laboratory .
Scientists reconstructed the major climate events of the past 2000 years by looking at around 700 records , including tree rings , ice cores and lake sediments2 .
Solid electrical conductivity measurement of polar ice cores and its environmental significance
Direct determination of Cd in ice core samples by ICP-MS
Beyond gases , scientists say they may be able to use ice cores to study the DNA of ancient bacteria and viruses that could come back as the world warms .
Extension and theoretical improvement of a hypothesis for MSA migration in ice cores
160 000 years Records of Isotope Temperature and Atmospheric CO_2 from Vostok Ice Core
Ice-core Record Revealed that the Lambert Glacier Valley is an Important Boundary of Climate in East Antarctica
A new method for determination of trace Cd in ice core samples by ICP MS was developed . The analysis parameters for measuring Cd was optimized .
The climatic and environmental changes in the past 2000 years were reconstructed based on the studies of δ 18 O , glacial accumulation and calcium .
Ice Core Records in the Past 2000 Years and Climate Warming during the 18th ~ 20th Centuries
Climate Regime of the Coastal Antarctic Ice Sheet over the Past 50 Years Indicated by the Ice-core and Meteorological Records
Polar Ice-Core , Deep Sea Deposit , Loess are good carriers of the Past Global Changes ( PAGES ), which contain respectively the global environment changes information of the polar region , ocean , land ( where the mankind lived ) .
Thompson took three ice cores from the cap and expects to analyse the first of the cores that could yield some of El Ni ñ o 's secrets by December .
Stable oxygen isotope (δ ~ 18 O ) in ice core records is good proxy for temperature record and is representative of climatic change .
Finally the related calculation referring to the MSA migration , the experiments to verify the hypothesis in lab and problems in the improvements of the migration theory were discussed .
It is showed by the study on stalagmite records that the last glacial epoch corresponds to YD and the Heinrich events recorded in North Atlantic sediment , and also corresponds to ice core from Greenland .
A systematic investigation and analysis was conducted on inner structure and exterior morphology of the black deposits collected between 40 and 50m in depth of and ice core from Low Dome of Collins Ice Cap . King George Island , Antarctica .
The density data of the ice core from the summit of Small dome showed the fluctuation between 800 and 900kg / m 3 except that of the very surface part , in which the snow and ice interleaved frequently and dust layers existed .
In addition , the characteristics of temperature and precipitation of the plateau over past 2000 years were disclosed based on the records of ice-cores , lacustrine sediments , tree-rings and historical documents .
The combination of Δ( 17O ) and S isotope in the ice core not only traces the source and transport of sulfate and nitrate but also provides detailed information on their oxidation processes .
The data obtained from ice core indicates that climate changes from warm to cold is gradual and from cold to warm is rapid , the coldest climate is about 23 Ka during the late Pleistocene .
Careful mineral and structural analyses have revealed the characteristics of volcanic ash in the 9 horizons of a 80.2m ice core from Collins Ice Cap , King George Island , Antarctica .
Methods of ice core tree - ring and historical writing ;
Review of research on insoluble microparticles in the polar cores
Environmental records in ice cores and their spatial coupling features
High-resolution Measurements of Multiple Physical Parameters in an Ice Core
Contributions of Ice Core to the Past Global Change Research
The concentration of these natural greenhouse gases in the ice cores ...