
  • 网络Ice age;glacial period;iceage
  1. 西格曼称,对冰河时期的研究得来的测试数据有力地证明了计算机气候模型预测的准确性。

    Sigman said ice age data can help strengthen today 's climate models by providing a sort of test .

  2. 冰河时期的艺术家们为什么创造这些有趣且细致的壁画的原因仍旧是个谜。

    that little is understood yet as to the reasons why ice age artists created their interesting and detailed paintings .

  3. 在地球上差不多同一时期,欧洲处于小冰河时期(“LittleIceAge”),不断出现的证据表明太阳活动的减弱可能导致气候变冷。

    On Earth the " Little Ice Age " froze Europe around the same time , and a growing body of evidence suggests the sun 's slowdown may have caused the climate to cool .

  4. 火热的冰河时期&融资租赁在中国难以发展的深层次原因分析

    Further Analysis on Obstacles to Rental Financing Development in China

  5. 印第安人与野牛自冰河时期以来共存

    Native Americans and buffalos have co-existed since the last ice age .

  6. 我的意思是,我们怎么知道这就是冰河时期?

    I 'm just saying-how do we know it 's an ice age ?

  7. 冰河时期结束后,这些动物很快就灭绝了。

    These animals died off shortly after the Ice Age came to an end .

  8. 更新世时期是冰河时期。

    The Pleistocene epic was an ice age .

  9. 在最后一个冰河时期绿海龟也幸存下来;

    They survived the last ice age ;

  10. 早在最后一次冰河时期之前,麝香牛这种大型动物就已经遍布世界各地了。

    Musk oxen are large mammals that have been around since well before the last ice age .

  11. 在冰河时期,这个洞是一个岩溶洞穴群的开口。

    The hole is the opening to what was a dry cave system during the Ice Age .

  12. 他们发现的,在冰河时期,大量的水在海洋中减少了。

    They find that , during the ice age , a mount of water in the ocean decreased .

  13. 这块冰河时期遗留下来的巨石静静的躺在南达科他州夏安河苏族部落公园的草原上。

    A glacial remnant boulder is surrounded by grassland in Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Park in South Dakota .

  14. 早在20000年前,地球正值冰河时期,那时的“腰围”可以说是比较苗条。

    Earth had been ' slimming down ' following the Ice Age , which finished about 20000 years ago .

  15. 他的数据来源于最近一次冰河时期的顶峰(介于一万九千到两万三千年前之间)。

    His data come from the peak of the most recent ice age , between 19000 and 23000 years ago .

  16. 破冰船用来在冰封的水中开道的一种坚固的船冰河时期指的是最近的一个冰川时期。

    A sturdy ship built for breaking a passage through icebound waters . Ice age refers to the latest glacial epoch .

  17. 在上一个冰河时期,这些山脉被冰河冲刷侵蚀,直到大部分山脉被淹没在海中。

    During the last Ice Age , this range was scoured by glaciers until most of it was beneath the sea .

  18. 他们分析了成千上百种海洋层,包括一些从最冷的时期在地球的历史中,冰河时期。

    They analyse hundreds of ocean layers , including some from the coldest period in the earth history , ice age .

  19. 然而,一些太阳的热能量得以通过,因此你将不必经历冰河时期。

    However , some of the sun 's thermal energy will get trough so you won 't have to experience an Ice Age .

  20. 它是上次冰河时期后,海面上升到现在位置之后一万年来形成的。

    It is after the last ice age , sea level rise to the present location after the thousand years to the formation .

  21. 现在这个被称为全新世的时代大约始于11700年前的最后一个冰河时期的末期。

    The current epoch , known as the Holocene , began around 11700 years ago at the end of the last glacial period .

  22. 比如大象的祖先乳齿象有一层厚厚的皮,它们层在冰河时期的美国西部草原上吃草,而大象则没有。

    like elephants don 't have thick coasts like their mastodon ancestors do when they graze the prairies of the America West during the Ice Age .

  23. 英国德文郡的考古学家在一个山洞中发现了冰河时期的动物牙齿和骨骼,包括斑鬣狗、鹿和犀牛。

    Teeth and bones from late Ice Age animals , including hyenas , deer and woolly rhinos , have been discovered by archaeologists at a cave in Devon .

  24. 碳定年法显示这种植物至少从小冰河时期(大约400年前)开始就从未接触过阳光。

    Carbon dating showed that the vegetation had not seen the sun since at least near the start of the Little Ice Age , some 400 years ago .

  25. 吉尔表示,目前科学家还无法确定冰河时期动物灭绝的原因、以及为什么全球气候会发生骤变。

    She said that scientists still aren 't sure why animals of the ice age died off , or why the world 's climate might suddenly warm and cool .

  26. 比如说,上个冰河时期地球海洋发生的一系列变化对大气中二氧化碳的含量产生了及其重大的影响。

    For example , during the last ice age , he said , what was happening in the oceans dramatically affected levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide , or CO2 .

  27. 或者是来自于后期增生的冰质小行星体&彗星。冰河时期结束后,这些动物很快就灭绝了。

    Or arrived as part of a late-accreting veneer of icy planetesimals , that is , comets These animals died off shortly after the Ice Age came to an end .

  28. 在遥远而又寒冷的冰河时期,我们的祖先需要从食物中获取大量的脂肪,以用来保持温暖,不过生活在现代社会的人们似乎依旧继承者祖先们的这一遗传基因。

    Our frozen ancestors of the Ice Age needed plenty of fat in their diets to keep warm – and it seems we might still be carrying their genetic torch .

  29. 如果一封尘封在大树底下,来自冰河时期的献给小花的一首情诗,将诉说什麽样的情感?夜里湖面被冰封冻。

    If an ice-age love poem written to a tiny flower were hidden under a big tree , of what emotions would it speak ? The lake ices over during the night .

  30. 加迪斯大学的研究者表示,在整个欧洲被冰河时期席的期间,直布罗陀海峡的距离可能远比现在的8英里短。

    During the ice ages that affected much of europe , the distance from Africa across the Strait of Gibraltar would have been much less than its current eight miles , the investigators from Cadiz University said .