
  • Dane;Danish;the Danes
  1. 他是丹麦人,我的老乡,一位巡回剧院的经理。

    He was a Dane , the owner of a travelling theatre .

  2. 作为丹麦人,我自然知道安徒生童话。

    As a Dane , I naturally know Hans Christian Andersen 's tales .

  3. 布里斯托尔的渔民与丹麦人争夺捕鱼权。

    Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes .

  4. 丹麦人在点球大战中胜出,赢下了那场欧洲杯淘汰赛。

    The Danes won that UEFA tie in a shoot-out .

  5. 他的父亲是丹麦人,母亲是委内瑞拉人。

    He was the son of a Danish father and a Venezuelan mother .

  6. 这些丹麦人具有征服者的自信,而且他们的安全防卫也是漫不经心的

    The Danes had selfconfidence of conquerors , and their security precautions were casual .

  7. 欧睿公司(euromonitor)的调查显示,欧洲最爱甜食奖要颁给丹麦人和爱尔兰人,他们消费的甜食至少是西班牙人和葡萄牙人的5倍。

    The prize for the sweetest tooth in Europe goes to the Danes and the Irish who consume at least five times as many sweets as the Spanish and Portuguese , according to Euromonitor .

  8. 阿尔弗列德国王将其修筑成堡垒,以抵御好战的丹麦人。

    King Alfred turned it into a fortress against belligerent Danes .

  9. 这是丹麦人和诺尔曼人的习俗。

    It 's the way the Danes and the Normans did .

  10. 姑娘们:不,他们不是丹麦人。他们是挪威人。

    GIRLS : No , they aren ' t.They are Norwegian .

  11. 我被打得像个丹麦人一样。

    I 've been hit . I feel like a danish .

  12. 丹麦人所受的教育是在人群中不要显得鹤立鸡群。

    Danes are taught not to stand out in a crowd .

  13. 丹麦人的婚礼带有当地传统的色彩。

    Wedding show a tint of local convention in rural Denmark .

  14. 对,现在我应该告诉大家,我丈夫是丹麦人,

    I should mention now that my husband is actually from Denmark

  15. 丹麦人致力于骑自行车这种出行方式以抵抗温室效应。

    The Danes are devoted to biking and to fighting global warming .

  16. 丹麦人永远记得他们在1940年4月9日的英勇事迹。

    Danes will always remember their heroism on April 9 , 1940 .

  17. 请告诉我他们是瑞典人还是丹麦人。

    Please tell me whether / if they are Swedish or Danish .

  18. 他的朋友的父母有丹麦人、俄罗斯人、西班牙人、立陶宛人和英国人。

    His friends are Danish , Russian , Spanish , Lithuanian and British .

  19. 今天下午进入巴黎的丹麦人大概有多少?

    Can you estimate how many Danes might have entered Paris this afternoon ?

  20. 丹麦人说:是的,这里有很多的竞争。

    The Dane said : 'There is competition , a lot of it .

  21. 很明显丹麦人把培根肉全卖到英国去了。

    Apparently they send in all to the UK .

  22. 丹麦人获得原材料和能源。

    The Danes secured raw materials and energy supplies .

  23. 丹麦人的信任是和他们强大的经济实力联系在一起的。

    Danish trust is connected with their strong economy said Economist Justina Fischer .

  24. 最后一轮计票结果显示,53.1%的丹麦人反对使用欧元。

    In the final count , 53.1 per cent voted against the euro .

  25. 挪威人和丹麦人断然地驳回了证词。

    The Norwegians and Danes flatly rejected the evidence .

  26. 结果不出一个月,丹麦人就投降了。

    And within a month the Danes had sur-rendered .

  27. 丹麦人在跨年当晚也有机会丢东西。

    Danish people also get to throw things on New Year 's Eve .

  28. 叫圣克莱门特丹麦人。

    St Clement Danes its name was . '

  29. 学丹麦人:保持现实的期望

    Be Like the Danes : Keep Expectations Realistic

  30. 你的朋友也是丹麦人吗?

    Are you friend 's denish , too ?