
  • 网络Danjiangkou;danjiangkou city
  1. 湖北省丹江口市土壤侵蚀景观形成机理

    Mechanism of Forming Soil Erosion Landscape on Danjiangkou City of Hubei Province

  2. 丹江口市适宜小麦生态型的研究

    Study on Appropriate Ecotype of Wheat in Danjiangkou City

  3. 丹江口市小麦产业现状、发展目标及对策

    Present Situation , Development Target and Countermeasures of Wheat Industry in Danjiangkou City

  4. 丹江口市新型农村合作医疗资金使用情况纵向分析

    An analysis and vertical comparison of the allocation of NCMS fund in Danjiangkou

  5. 位于湖北省丹江口市境内,是我国著名的道教圣地之一。

    Danjiangkou City of Hubei Province is located in the territory of our country is one of the famous Taoist Holy Land .

  6. 基于多时相多源影像的丹江口市土壤侵蚀监测研究三相电源比单相电源可省电逾50%之多。

    Study on Soil Erosion Monitoring by Using Multi-temporal and Multi-source Digital Images in Danjiangkou ; Three phase wiring saves 50 % of power compared with one-phase .

  7. 武当山道教学院由湖北省民族宗教委员会主管,十堰市、丹江口市民族宗教局协助管理。

    Mount Wudang Taoist Academy of ethnic and religious head of the Commission by the Hubei Province , Shiyan City , Danjiangkou City National Bureau of Religious Affairs for assistance .

  8. 丹江口市位于鄂西北的鄂豫两省交界处,特殊的地理位置造成丹江方言的复杂性。

    The DanJiangkou city is located in the boundary region between Hubei and Henan province in northwest of Hubei province . The special geographical position creates the complexity of the Danjiang dialect .

  9. 本文以丹江口市六里坪镇实践情况为例,六里坪镇在探索乡镇党代会常任制的工作中,结合自身7年实践经验和外地的试点经验,重点加强党代会党代表队伍建设。

    This practice of Danjiangkou City , Town , an example Liu Liping , Liu Liping town focuses on strengthening the party congress ranks in the process of exploring the work of the National Party Congress in town , with its 7 years of practical experience and field trial experience .

  10. 丹江口库区土壤养分状况及空间变异性研究&以丹江口市小茯苓村小流域为例

    Study on Status and Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients in the Danjiangkou Reservoir Region & A Case Study in A Small Watershed in Danjiangkou City