
  • 网络road;Road closed
  1. 如果交通情况有需要,警方会在节日期间的任何日子实施紧急封路措施及停车限制。

    If traffic situation so requires , the police may also implement emergency road closure and stopping restrictions on any other days during the festival period .

  2. 警方将视乎当时该区的交通情况,实施上述封路措施。

    Actual implementation of the above road closure will be made by the police at the time dependent on the traffic conditions in the area .

  3. 这条路已经封路两天了。

    The road was closed to traffic for two days .

  4. 自2月28日至7月31日,每月的最后一个星期天,市政区及中央商务区的指定路段将在早上7时至9时全面封路,届时将形成一条全长约4.7公里的“无车区”。

    On the last Sunday of every month from 28 Feb to 31 Jul , selected roads in the Civic District and Central Business District ( CBD ) will be closed from 7am to 9am to form a car-free zone that stretches for about 4.7km .

  5. 我们要找栅栏封路。

    We need to look for the fences closed to a road .

  6. 警方可因应人群情况,更改临时封路的时段。

    Depending on the crowd situation , the police may vary the closure period .

  7. 对原太高速公路冬季不封路除雪的探讨

    The Discussion on Yuan-Tai Expressway " Snow Clearing during Open Traffic " in Winter

  8. 但更重要的是,每逢林木萧瑟,冰雪封路,爸爸和我之间的寒意会稍微好转。

    But mostly because , as the trees froze and ice sheathed the roads , the chill between Baba and me thawed a little .

  9. 星光大道也已经向台北市政府申请封路,当天就能在小巨蛋的敦化北路上看到1条美丽的星光大道。

    We have applied to government of Taipei blockading the road at that night and let us can see a beautiful star light main road at Dun-Hua n.road .

  10. 台湾内部的争议仍在继续,其焦点是台湾当地的旅行社选择这条公路是否有错,以及政府是否应当更早封路。

    In Taiwan , controversy continues over whether the local Taiwanese tourist agencies were to blame for taking the road , which was known to be vulnerable to landslides , or whether the government should have closed the route much sooner .

  11. 那天晚上查尔斯·代尔那熬夜熬到很晚,写了两封信,一封给他的妻子路茜,另一封给他的岳父马内特医生。

    That night Charles Darnay sat up late , writing two letters . One was to his wife , Lucie ; the other was to her father , Dr Manette .