
  • 网络Closed questions;closed-ended question;closed-end questions;close-ended question
  1. 封闭式问题可以用yes或no或其他简单的语言回答。

    Closed questions can be answered with a simple " yes " or " no " or in a few brief words .

  2. 封闭式问题可以用三言两语进行解答。

    Closed questions can be answered in a few words or sentences .

  3. 我们通常问的问题可以分为两种&开放式问题和封闭式问题。

    There are basically two types of questions-open and closed questions .

  4. 下面是封闭式问题的例子

    Following are examples of closed questions

  5. 以封闭式问题做出反应

    Response with closed questions

  6. 以一场面试的过程为例,封闭式问题和开放式问题可以联合使用。

    Take the course of an interview for example , closed and open questions may both be used , in any combination .

  7. 结果表明:封闭式问题需要更多的时间澄清问题并且更多引用例子来阐述观点;

    Results showed that CE needed more time to clarify the question and was more likely to cite examples to support the opinions .

  8. 开放式问题在本质上要比封闭式问题更加广泛和不受限制,也给参加面试者更多回答的选择自由。

    Open questions are broader in nature than closed questions and less restricting or structured ; hence , they offer the interviewee more freedom with regard to the choice and scope of an answer .

  9. 问卷采用开放式和封闭式问题相结合、多元选择式答案的设计方式,通过抽样调查的方法,在调查区域随机发放1000份调查问卷,覆盖各年龄段、各行业和中山市城区各区域。

    The questionnaire takes the form of open and closed questions with multiple choices . Through the way of sampling investigation , 1000 questionnaires were randomly distributed inside the area of investigation , and it covers all ages of people , all professions and all the districts of the city .

  10. 关于人口数据与诸如银行往来账状况和偿付账单习惯等财务信息的访谈以封闭式的问题进行。

    The interviews began with closed-ended questions on demographic data and financial information , such as bank-account status and bill-paying habits .

  11. 二是一些行业和垄断部门违反工程建设基本程序和有关法律法规,不履行应有的建筑管理程序,规避招标,抵制监督,内部封闭式运作问题较为突出;

    Some industries and the monopoly departments violates the main routine and relevant laws and regulations of project construction , without following the right construction management procedure , dodging tenders , resisting surveillance , particularly operating internally in an enclosed manner .

  12. 基于价值形成机制的封闭式基金折价问题探析

    Analyzing Discount of Closed-end Fund on the Basis of Value Formation Mechanism

  13. 封闭式基金折价问题的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on the Closed - end Fund Discount

  14. 城市生活的癌症&封闭式小区的问题及对策

    Cancer of Urban Life : Problems of Gated Communities in China and Their Solutions

  15. 封闭式基金折价问题被称为最令金融界困惑的谜团之一。

    The closed-end fund discount is one of the most puzzled issues in financial field .

  16. 最后提出解决我国封闭式基金折价问题的对策,并进而展望证券投资基金业的健康和规范发展。

    Finally , puts forward the countermeasure for our closed-end discount problem and forecasts the healthy and standard development of the security investment fund industry .

  17. 国内外学者对于世界范围内的封闭式基金折价问题进行了深入的研究并提出了一些解决方案,在国外市场得到有效印证。

    There are lots of worldwide researches on the price discount problems of closed end fund and several solutions suggested , some of those solutions have been proven on overseas markets .

  18. 封转开是解决封闭式基金到期问题的一种方法,其是指封闭式基金转型为开放式基金,从而使基金价格回归到基金单位净值。

    Open-ending of closed-end funds is one way to address the issue of expiration , which means closed-end funds is converted into open-end funds to make the market price equal the NAV ( net asset value ) .

  19. 从而本文从侧面支持了投资者情绪理论,而业绩预期理论用来解释今天中国的封闭式基金折价问题显然还不够恰当。

    In the end , this conclusion of the empirical study has provided strong support for the theory of investor sentiment , and at the same time showed that the theory of expectation of fund performance is so suitable for the explanation of closed-fund discount misery .

  20. 封闭式基金折价问题是国内外证券市场普遍存在的现象,就是指封闭式基金在交易过程,价格低于其净资产价值的现象,是经济学理论界的焦点问题之一。

    Closed-end Fund Discount the problem is a common phenomenon in domestic and international securities markets , refers to closed-end funds in the trading process . Price is below its net asset value of the phenomenon , is the focus of economic theory circles one of the issues .

  21. 中国封闭式基金价格折扣问题研究

    The Study of the Close - end Fund Discount Phenomenon in China

  22. 在此基础上,本文针对沪深封闭式基金深度折价问题相应提出若干对策与措施。

    Then we raised a number of the corresponding countermeasures in this paper .

  23. 我国封闭式基金规模经济问题的综列数据分析

    The Economies of Scale for China 's Closed - end Funds : A Panel Data Analysis

  24. 传统的封闭式教学,所有问题皆在课内解决,学生时时处在被动接受的地位。

    In traditional closed-ended teaching , all the problems are solved in class and students are learning passively all the time .

  25. 同其他证券市场的封闭式基金相比,我国封闭式基金的折价现象更为明显,折价幅度也更深,因此结合我国的实际情况研究封闭式基金的折价问题显得尤为重要。

    The closed-end funds discounts are much more obvious and deeper in China , so it is necessary and important to study the problem based on the reality of Chinese stock market .