
  • 网络Feudal dynasty;dynasty;Feudals
  1. 秦朝是中国历史上第一个统一的、多民族的、中央集权的、封建王朝(feudal1dynasty)。

    The Qin Dynasty was the first unitary , multi-national and power-centralized , feudal dynasty in Chinese history .

  2. 以农为本一直是封建王朝的执政理念。

    Farmers first had been ruling thought in feudal dynasty .

  3. 武昌起义打响了推翻封建王朝的第一枪。

    The Wuchang Uprising fired the first shot against the feudal imperial regime .

  4. 从此之后,历代封建王朝统治者均仿效之。

    Since then , the rulers of each Dynasty emulated him .

  5. 言官指封建王朝的监察官员。

    The word refers to the feudal dynasties supervisory official .

  6. 这里是封建王朝处理朝政的地方。

    It was here that the feudal emperors handled their daily affairs .

  7. 明代之前的历封建王朝政府大都对珍珠采捞活动采取了不同的管理措施。

    Every feudal government took different policy on the pearl-catching before the Ming Dynasty .

  8. 清朝是我国历史上最后一个封建王朝。

    Qing Dynasty is the last feudal dynasty in the history of our country .

  9. 广大妇女要彻底解放,必须团结全国人民,推翻满清封建王朝。

    Therefore , women had to unite all people of country to overthrow Qing Dynasty .

  10. 清朝是我国最后一个统一的多民族封建王朝。

    Oing dynasty was a unified multi-national dynasty of the last one of our country .

  11. 所以古代封建王朝对于马的孳生和牧养,向来十分重视。

    So the ancient feudal dynasty horse breeding and shepherding has always attached great importance to .

  12. 在过去长达2600年漫长的岁月里,中国历代封建王朝和后来的许多届政府的主要财政收入都来自于农民的税赋。

    For 2600 years the central kingdoms and successive governments mainly depended on taxing the farmers .

  13. 在白灰墙和桔树林的环绕下,参观者恍若置身于封建王朝的迷宫中。

    Penned in by whitewashed walls and mandarin groves , visitors find themselves in a feudal labyrinth .

  14. 作为汉族建立的最后一个封建王朝,明代统治中国近三百年之久。

    Han established as the last feudal dynasty , the Ming Dynasty ruled China for nearly three centuries .

  15. 法律,尤其是刑法,作为统治阶级维护其统治秩序的重要工具,为历代封建王朝的统治者所重视。

    Regarded as an important ruling instrument , the feudal rulers attach great importance to the criminal law .

  16. 这段时期,是中国封建王朝走向寿终正寝的时期,也是外国文化大肆侵入中国的时期。

    Period is a period of Chinese feudalism towards death , but also foreign cultures wantonly invading China period .

  17. 中国许多封建王朝为了巩固统治,多次对长城进行修筑。

    In order to consolidate the feudal rule , many China 's dynasties reconstructed the Great Wall plenty of times .

  18. 但是唐律体制完备,是后代封建王朝的法律蓝本。

    But the law system in the Tang Dynasty was so perfected that successive dynasties regarded it as their original erasing .

  19. 皇帝对婚姻缔结的直接干预与操纵,提高了皇室的质量,巩固了封建王朝的统治。

    The direct intervenes and manipulations of Emperors have raised the qualities of imperial marriages and consolidated the dominion of feudal dynasticism .

  20. 汉代是中国继秦朝之后的大一统封建王朝。汉代的社会救济制度随着时代的发展而发展。

    Han Dynasty is a feudal country after the fall of Qin Dynasty and its social redress system develops as the era .

  21. 我国自古以来就是农业大国,农业经济是封建王朝国民经济的重要支柱。

    China is a big country in agriculture from time immemorial . The agricultural economy is an important pillar of the feudalistic economy .

  22. 清朝作为中国历史上最后一个封建王朝且是由少数民族建立的王朝,在诸多方面都具有自身的独特性。

    Qing Dynasty in Chinese history as the last feudal dynasty and the dynasty of minority , has its own uniqueness in many ways .

  23. 清代是中国历史上最后一个封建王朝,传统学术发展至此已达到较高水平。

    Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in China ′ s history , in which the traditional academy had reached a high level .

  24. 秦汉作为统一全国的封建王朝,存在了四百多年,成为中国古代文明发展的第一个高峰,这与它有较为完善的京师治安制度,在长时期有效地维护了社会稳定是分不开的。

    The dynasties of Qin and Han which existed more than four hundred years became the first peak of the Chinese feudalism civilization development .

  25. 五礼源出《周礼》,但五礼制度化的时代却应是在六朝时期,且此时构建的五礼制度框架被其后历代封建王朝所沿用。

    Five Rites , coming from Zhou Rites , became one kind of systems in Six Dynasties , which was accepted by following feudal dynasties .

  26. 在封建王朝、各级封建政权与教育机关的灌输方面,他强调通过“明伦成德”的道德教化成圣。

    In the layer of the implantation from the governments and schools , he emphasizes the moral education is the main way in the Sage-forming .

  27. 文庙是中国古代封建王朝奉祀儒家学派创始人孔子和传授儒家文化的建筑。

    Confucian Temple is a special architecture in which the Chinese feudal dynasties worshipped Confucius , the founder of Confucianism , and delivered Confucianism theories .

  28. 土司制度是元明清封建王朝在西南少数民族地区实行的一种统治制度。

    In the Han dynasty , Tusi system was established in the minority areas of Yunnan and the nobles as the upper class possessed great power .

  29. 这些法律原则中蕴含的文化精神对其以后各封建王朝在立法、司法过程中产生了深远的历史影响。

    The legal principles , which contained the sprit of culture , had a far-reaching historical influence on the legislation and judicature of the following feudal dynasties .

  30. 然而自汉代以来,历代封建王朝在发行和使用铜铸币时大多发生过恶性通货膨胀。

    However since Han dynasty , the ranaway inflation mostly took place in the past feudalism dynasty while publishing a copper to mint coins with the usage .