
  1. 结束封建地主阶级的统治。

    Terminate the rule of the feudal landlord class .

  2. 传统的战国新兴封建地主阶级说有违于历史真实。

    The theory of newly emerging landlord class in the Warring States Period does not hold water .

  3. 农村革命是农民阶级推翻封建地主阶级的权力的革命。

    A rural revolution is a revolution by which the peasantry overthrows the power of the feudal landlord class .

  4. 这次起义打击了以蒙古贵族为首的封建地主阶级,使农民获得部分土地。

    It blew the feudal landlords with the Mongol gentry as the main force and the peasants got certain land .

  5. 买办阶级之外,帝国主义列强又使中国的封建地主阶级变为它们统治中国的支柱。

    The imperialist powers have made the feudal landlord class as well as the comprador class the main props of their rule in China .

  6. 既然现阶段上中国革命的敌人主要的是帝国主义和封建地主阶级,那末,现阶段上中国革命的任务是什么呢?

    Imperialism and the feudal landlord class being the chief enemies of the Chinese revolution at this stage , what are the present tasks of the revolution ?

  7. 十九世纪初,英国的经济基础和社会结构发生了巨大变化,新兴的资产阶级逐渐取代了没落的封建地主阶级。

    With the change of the English social structure and economic basis in the early nineteenth century , the feudal landowners gradually lost their superiority , were replaced by the rise of the bourgeoisie .

  8. 其内在根源在于代表封建地主阶级的腐朽、落后的清政府已经严重阻碍生产力的发展,无法与先进的资本主义相抗衡。

    Because the decayed and backward Qing government , representative of the feudal landlord class , had been seriously hindering the development of the productive forces , and was not able to compete with the advanced capitalism .

  9. 荀子礼学思想是时代的产物,它适应了在经济上占统治地位的封建地主阶级的政治文化需要,吸收了先秦时期的先进思想和文化,在中国历史上产生了重要的影响。

    Rite ideology is the product of the times . It was adapted to the economically dominant in political and cultural the feudal landlord class , absorbed the pre-Qin Dynasty cash ideas and culture and had a significant impact in Chinese history .

  10. 试论中国封建社会经营地主&对中国封建地主阶级的再认识

    A Trial Probing into the Farming Landlords in Chinese Feudal Society ; a Reexamining of Chinese Feudal Landlord Class