
wù zhì cái fù
  • material wealth
  1. 他认为成功等同于物质财富

    He equates success with material wealth .

  2. 传统GDP中没有体现出环境资源的价值耗损,而是仅仅体现了物质财富的总量增加。

    In traditional GDP has not manifested the environment resources the value to consume , but merely manifested the material wealth total quantity to increase .

  3. 她写道:"无家可归夺走了我所有的物质财富,让我一无所有,就像一本未完成的书末尾的空白页。"

    She writes , " Homelessness had taken every material thing from me and left me torn bare , an empty page at the end of a partly written book ."

  4. NBA主场文化的主要内涵在于其创造了丰硕的物质财富和精神财富。

    This culture main connotation creates substantial wealth of material and spirits .

  5. 建设者们把精神财富与物质财富融为一体,成就了财富文化,以这样一座恢弘的财富地标矗立在世人瞩目的深圳中心区CBD。

    When material wealth met spiritual one , the culture of fortune was born , in such a magnificent architectural form , at the center of the CBD of Shenzhen .

  6. 由个人或企业拥有的物质财富。

    The material wealth owned by a person or a business .

  7. 建设我们国家,不仅仅需要物质财富。

    We need more than material wealth to build our country .

  8. 我举双手赞成放弃所有物质财富。

    I 'm all for giving up wealth and material possessions .

  9. 现代社会,随着物质财富的增加,换来的却是精神资源的贫乏。

    With the increasing of Substance , the spiritual resource become indigent .

  10. 丝绸文化是融合物质财富和精神财富的文明成果。

    Silk culture combines the civilization achievements of material and spiritual wealth .

  11. 红色资源是我国特有的宝贵物质财富和精神财富。

    Red resources are China-unique material and spiritual wealth .

  12. 众所周知,股票市场作为一个金融市场,本身并不直接创造物质财富。

    As a financial market , stock market can not product fortune directly .

  13. 经营类型、经营周期和物质财富创造

    Business Activities , Operating Cycles and Wealth Creation

  14. 在你所有的物质财富中,身体才是最珍贵、最无以取代的。

    Of your physical possessions , your body is the most valuable and irreplaceable .

  15. 广义上虚拟财产即虚拟物,是对现实环境中的物质财富的数字化模拟。

    Virtual property is a digital simulation of material wealth in the real environment .

  16. 校园文化是学校物质财富和精神财富的总称。

    The campus culture is the school material wealth and the spiritual wealth always called .

  17. 笑傲九年的物质财富,然后是整整三年的灾难!

    Nine mocking years with the golden calf and three long years of the scourge !

  18. 森林资源是国家最重要的自然资源,是国家富强、人民昌盛的重要物质财富。

    Forest resource is the most important natural resource and material wealth of our country .

  19. 二是推动物质财富生产方式的转型。

    Second , is to promote the transformation of modes of production of material wealth .

  20. 它让兔子感到心满意足,使他尝尽了由物质财富所带来的一系列的美好。

    It makes the Rabbit satisfactory through experiencing these good feelings from the wealth possession .

  21. 这就要求社会生产力高度发展,社会物质财富极大丰富。

    This calls for highly developed productive forces and an overwhelming abundance of material wealth .

  22. 当代美国社会经济高度发达,物质财富丰裕,却也有人数众多的穷人。

    A large poor class exists in the advanced and affluent society of contemporary America .

  23. 躁动不安的俄罗斯魂不在意物质财富,渴望灵魂的归宿;

    The restless soul of Russia was eager for its final home instead of material wealth .

  24. 难道我们会相信追求物质财富会达到自我满足吗?

    Can we afford to believe that the pursuit of material gain will lead to self-fulfillment ?

  25. 只要求物质财富,不关心精神或道德利益。

    A desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters .

  26. 我们生活在一个主要以物质财富来衡量成功的贪婪的社会里。

    We live in an acquisitive society which views success primarily in terms of material possessions .

  27. 在这个时代,人类创造了人类史上无可比拟的物质财富。

    In this era , mankind has created unparalleled material wealth ever in the human history .

  28. 徽州文化是历史上的徽州人民在长期的社会实践中所创造的富有地域特色的物质财富与精神财富的总和。

    Huizhou culture involves all the material and spiritual fortune created by Huizhou people throughout history .

  29. 如果没有相应的精神世界的发展,物质财富的增长就意味着危险的增加。

    Enlarged material powers spell enlarged peril if there is not proportionate growth of the soul .

  30. 这表明,新的生产模式可以创造更多的物质财富,并可以解决农村剩余劳动力的问题,缓解了社会就业矛盾。

    The new pattern can produce more wealth and can also increase job opportunities . 7 .