
wù zhì biàn huàn
  • Material transformation;material exchange;metabolism between man and nature;exchange of matter between man and nature;interchange with nature
物质变换[wù zhì biàn huàn]
  1. 马克思恩格斯关于商品、劳动的二重性理论、物质变换与物质循环理论、全面生产理论以及科学社会主义学说中都蕴含着丰富的生态经济思想。

    There is abundant thought on ecological economics in Marx and Engels ' theory of duality , theory of material exchange and material cycle , theory of comprehensive production and theory of scientific socialism .

  2. 资源物质变换与可持续发展

    Substance Transformation of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development

  3. 即物质变换断裂和可持续思想。

    Material transform faults and sustainable thinking .

  4. 从而,他丰富了物质变换裂缝理论的内涵,重构了该理论。

    Thereby , he enriched the connotation of theory of Metabolic Rift and reconstructed it .

  5. 物质变换的最高目标在于通过协调平衡的进化实现人与自然的共存共荣。

    The highest aim of material transformation is to achieve the coexistence of man and nature .

  6. 生态文明何以文明&在马克思物质变换概念限度内

    How Is Ecological Civilization to Be Civilized & within limits of Marx 's notion of material transformation

  7. 对资本主义的生态批判&马克思的物质变换裂缝理论旨趣探析

    An Ecological Criticism on Capitalism : the Purport of " Marx 's Theory of Metabolic Rift "

  8. 而只有合理地控制好物质变换,方可促进生态和谐。

    Only we make a reasonable control of exchange of matter , can we facilitate ecological harmoniousness .

  9. 这种论证其实是对马克思物质变换概念的非法挪用。

    Actually , this sort of proof is that Schmidt misappropriated Marx 's idea of transformation of material .

  10. 中国的生态文明发展战略必须以马克思的物质变换理论为指导。

    Chinas development strategy of ecological civilization must be based on Marx 's Material transformation theory as our guide .

  11. 科技的发展和应用作为人类理性的体现,为人类与自然界之间的物质变换提供了巨大的力量。

    The development and application of science and technology provides tremendous strength for humans to get the material from nature .

  12. 物质变换的调节控制&《资本论》中的生态哲学思想探微

    Readjustment and Control of material Transformation : A study of the conceptions of Ecological Philosophy in The Capital by Marx

  13. 在现代化建设中必须实施可持续发展战略,消除物质变换的裂缝。

    In the modernization drive the sustainable development strategy must be implemented , cracks in the material transformation must be eliminate .

  14. 从其物质变换裂缝出发,解决生态危机途径在于走一条环境正义与生产关系革命相结合的生态革命之路。

    Starting from the theory , The solution to the eco-crisis is to combine environmental justice and revolution of production relations .

  15. 借助物质变换裂缝,马克思得出资本主义和生态之间是整体性的对抗关系的结论。

    Through cracks in the material transformation , Marx reached the conclusions that the capitalism and the ecological is the integrity confrontation .

  16. 特别是福斯特的物质变换理论为我们今天建设生态社会、和谐社会提供了理论依据和方法指导。

    Foster substances transform theory provides a theoretical basis and methodological guidance to us today to build an ecological society , harmonious society .

  17. 摘要水电开发与生态环境保护形成了人和自然之间在“物质变换”过程中的一对矛盾。

    Hydropower development and ecological environment protection form a pair of contradictions between human beings and nature in the process of material transformation .

  18. 一方面,人与自然之间的物质变换活动是主客体间的交往,是一种物的关系。

    The material transformation activity between human and nature is the communication between the subject and object , is the relation of a kind of thing .

  19. 劳动是人与自然进行物质变换的中介,人与自然通过劳动联系起来。

    The labor is a medium lie between the material transformation of the human and nature , the human and nature contact by the way of labor .

  20. 我们在借鉴福斯特的物质变换理论的时候,也应当清醒的认识到他的局限性,不能照抄照搬,否则就会犯错误。

    Learn from Foster substances transform theory , we should also be a clear understanding of his limitations , can not copy from , otherwise you will make mistakes .

  21. 人类的生态困境究其实质是人与自然之间关系失调,人与自然之间的物质变换出现了裂缝。

    Human ecological dilemma in essence is that the harmonious relationship between human beings and nature has been broken down . The substance transformation between human beings and nature appears " crack " .

  22. 人类对自然生态系统的破坏,超过其自然的再生能力和自然修复能力所规定的界限,人与自然的物质变换关系失衡,将导致自然的艰难,人类将面临着生态危机。

    The destruction of nature from human exceeds the natural regeneration and natural repairing ability . The imbalance of material transformation between man and nature will cause ecological crisis that will be faced by human beings .

  23. 物质变换裂缝理论揭示:扩张性的资本主义社会与自然间的物质变换出现了裂缝,物质变换裂缝是造成现代生态危机的根本原因。

    Forster reconstructed the theory of Metabolic Rift to reveal that contemporary eco-crisis originated from the theory of Metabolic Rift between the expansionary capitalism and nature . Metabolic Rift is the root of modern ecological crisis .

  24. 人类如何保护自然环境,弥合人与自然之间的物质变换裂缝,走出生态困境,已经成为21世纪人们关注的重大课题。

    How to protect the natural environment of mankind , bridging the " crack " of the substance transformation between human beings and nature , stepping out of the ecological dilemma , has become a major concern in the twenty-first century .

  25. 人类只有理性科学的认识和协调人与自然的关系,确保人与自然之间的物质变换顺利进行,才能建设生态文明,实现可持续发展。

    Only by understanding and coordinating the relationship between mankind and nature rationally and scientifically , and by ensuring that the substance transformation between human beings and nature works efficiently , can human beings construct the ecological civilization and realize the sustainable development .

  26. 在后者中,反应项描述热和物质的变换,而扩散项描述热和物质产生的速率。

    In the latter case , the reaction term describes the heat and material transformations , and the diffusion term describes heat and the rate of material to produce .

  27. 作者开发出了一个基于平均自由程的高能碰撞输运模型,在袋模型的框架内实现夸克胶子等离子体(QGP)和强子物质间的变换。

    A transport model based on the mean free path consideration for high energy collisions has been developed . A transition from hadron state to a quark gluon plasma is included within the framework of the bag model .

  28. 日本在其发展过程中,曾一度将化学物质、原子核变换物质、药品及其混合方法等视为不授予专利的对象。

    Japan , in its development process , once regarded the Chemical substances , transform nuclear material , drugs and mixed-methods as " non-patentable subject matter " .

  29. 在量子力学中,由阿哈罗诺夫和玻姆提出的AB效应表明,物质的客观实在性并不一定体现在物质本身的变换不变性上,而是体现在物质本身的同一逻辑蕴涵效应具有不变性。

    In view of AB effect , the objective reality is not the gauge invariance in matter itself , but the invariance of the same logic implication in matter itself .