
If you know what m is , the mass of an object , the radius , and you know the values for C1 or C2 of that medium in which you move it , then you can calculate what the terminal velocity is .
The momentum of the particles was deduced from meteoritic velocities .
So , you can get the mass of a flat object with density .
The greater the mass of a body , the greater is its inertia .
And now comes a part , what are the masses of these objects ?
Gravity 's strength depends on an object 's mass , or amount of matter .
You have the mass of one object ; you divide it by the same object .
We can assume all the mass of the body to be concentrated at its centre of gravity .
The smaller the object 's mass , and the greater its area , the more it will slow .
As with many other physical quantities , the mass of a body can be measured in several different ways .
It says force equals the mass of an object , multiplied by the change in speed it produces in a body .
And in intensity , it 's proportional to the two masses , and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them .
All this comes out of Doppler shift measurements : the velocities , the radii , the periods and even the masses of these objects .
The formula demonstrates that the levitation height is related with amplitude of transducer , mass and radius of levitating object , and density of medium .
One of the most remarkable things I just mentioned to you is that the period of the oscillations is independent of the mass of the object .
In the study of dynamic weighing technology , Most is used in the dynamic compensation and parameter estimation for modeling dynamic weighing system model , thus obtained mass of the object .
And clearly , if the mass of that compact object is way larger than three solar masses , then there is no doubt in our minds that this is a black hole .
In classical physics , the mass of an object had always been associated with an indestructible material substance , with some " stuff " of which all things were thought to be made .
The system has some me - rits such as maturity function , high precision , high efficiency and man-machine coordination . It has been used at productive site , and adapts to the measurement of quality characteristic of space flight objects such as missile warhead .
The measurement of body 's inertial mass with the integrated hall switch sensor
Newton 's law of motion shows , the mass of matter ( body ) have nothing to do with velocity in this situation .
It is a remarkable fact that the inertial mass of all bodies is , within experimental accuracy , proportional to the gravitational mass .
If the mass of matter ( body ) have nothing to do with the velocity of motion , the " light barrier difficulty " perhaps no longer exists , and the theories of faster-than-light research now available may wants revision significantly .
Weak equivalence principle is one of the basic hypotheses of Einstein general theory of relativity and all other theories of gravity . The WEP states bodies of different structure and compositions have the same ratio of gravitational mass to the inertial mass in uniform gravitational field .
The method offers technical means to determine the added mass of a vehicle . ( 4 ) The research on the added mass of a cavitating running disk and slender body shows , the existence of cavity leads to the decrease of the added mass of a vehicle .
In the gripper of robot 's parallel grasping the perception on length and mass of an object is realized by utilizing metal elastic sheet as elastic element and using strain slice as tactile sensor .
It has been long accepted that the added mass is related only to the shape of bodies .
The force to change the motion of a body is proportional to the mass of the body .
The energy it takes to lift an object to a given height is equal to the object 's mass times the force of gravity times the height it 's lifted .
The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass .