- 网络Collision process;Crash Course;Crash-phase

Combined with DEM and soft-model approach , this thesis focuses on the significant three dimensional grain / bed collision process in the wind-blown sand .
Discrete element method ( DEM ) is a numerical method of studying mechanical behavior of the discontinuity ( discrete body ) by explicit solution , which can simulate the detailed interaction such as contact or collision process .
Double-electron capture into excited states in collision between he ~ ( 2 + ) and h_2 , o_2
Experimental studies of excited states in collisions between he ~ + and AR
K ~ ±,η and ф meson productions at subthreshold energies in pA collisions are briefly reviewed .
Excited states and emission cross sections in collisions between ar + and he , ne
A 3D occupant model for vehicle crash safety research is built by adopting the RW method of Multibody System Dynamics in this paper .
A high-speed imaging system is constructed with a low-cost array of 16 CMOS imaging sensors that exist in a mainboard .
Elastic collision in ADAMS to push the simulation analysis , leads to shells motion pose and stable time bomb speeds .
Monte Carlo method was used simulating elastic collision of electron from solid surface , gained the electron elastic reflection coefficient η _E and the angular distribution of elastically backscattered electron .
There are come into being a series of deep seated fault zone and a great deal CO2 degasification point through the collision between Indian and Asian plates .
A collision between a 2600 DWT oil tanker and the substructure of one railway RC continuous beam bridge is simulated using LS-DYNA .
CTMC calculation of O ~ ( 3 + ) + He impact processes
The 2 D ion collection process with charge exchange in AVLIS was simulated .
In this paper , core approximation is introduced into collisions of B2 + ions with H atoms , then electron transition amplituds is obtained by quoting impact parameter b and its first born transition amplitude is given .
Theoretical Study of Ba-Sr Laser Induced Collisional Energy Transfer in Weak Field
Energy-pool in g Collision Process of Atomic Sodium Assisted Argon Gas
Absolute measurements of emission cross sections have been performed for the lines from Arll excited states in Ar ~ ( 2 + ) + Li and Ar ~ ( 2 + ) + Na collision .
Nucleon - χ cJ dissociation cross sections obtained in the quark exchange mechanism are applied to study χ cJ suppression in hadronic matter created in central Pb + Pb and S + Pb collisions .
A general kinetic equation for fully ionized plasma is derived from the Bogoliubov equation , taking account of the influence of magnetic field on the collision term .
In particular , it is found in previous work that for each collision process there is always exists an optimal collision energy Eoc for achieving the greatest NC correction , and varies linearly with NC scale ANC .
This model is solved by dynamics gap element which can not only describe the contact and impact between drilling string and bore hole wall but also present the deformation of bore hole wall and energy absorption of mud cake . The dynamic equilibrium equation is solved by Newmark method .
Automobile to automobile collision processing in the traffic accident has been studied in this paper . Visual-Basic editor has been adopted for the speed test software before the automobile collision and reproduce the process of accident .
Study of the Dynamic Response of Strain-Hardening Target in High-Velocity Impact
We have studied the reaction dynamics processes of uranium compounds .
For the cluster collision , the collision process is reversible .
The Quantitative Calculation of Impact in the Process of Collision
The similarity between quantum searching and course of two body elastic collision
Monte Carlo simulation of time-of-flight spectrum produced in ion-atom collisions
A Rigid Multi-body Model and the Simulation on Impact Response