
pènɡ tóu huì
  • brief meeting
碰头会 [pèng tóu kuài]
  • [brief meeting] 指短时间聚到一起以交换情况为主的小会

  1. 他们每天上班的头一项工作,就是要举行碰头会。

    The first thing they did when they started work every day was to have a brief meeting .

  2. 总统一直在和最高层助理开私下碰头会。

    The president has been huddling with his most senior aides

  3. 在首次“集成碰头会”上,架构师们将分别阐述各自的“战略SOA策略”。

    At their " Integration Kick-Off " meeting , both enterprises present their " strategic SOA policies " .

  4. Google中国的政策评审委员会每五个月都会开一次碰头会,确保在侥幸通过的情况下,尽可能减少过滤的内容。

    Every five months Google 's policy-review committee in China would meet to make sure it was filtering the minimum it could possibly get away with .

  5. 所以不难想见,他们碰头会有多尴尬。

    So imagine how awkward this meeting is going to be .

  6. 这个戏剧社的碰头会,按理说肯尼科特应该包括在内。

    The conference on a dramatic club theoretically included Kennocott .

  7. 但他们却忽视了最关键的一种会议:日常碰头会。

    But they skip the most critical meeting of all : the daily huddle .

  8. 如果没有异议,我们是否能定下来,每日开一小时碰头会?

    If there 's no objection , shall we say we 'll meet every day for an hour ?

  9. 你宣布日常碰头会的决定时,员工可能会因为又要多开一个会而产生抗拒心理,但不要放弃。

    Employees might resist the idea of another meeting when you announce this , but don 't give up .

  10. 有时,进行更多开发碰头会也许就够了,这至少在减少会议时间上非常有用。

    Sometimes , more Dev Huddles might suffice , which worked out really well in atleast cutting short the meeting durations .

  11. 日常碰头会还可以让你抓住意料之外的机会,帮助推动关键项目的发展。

    A daily huddle will also let you take advantage of unforeseen opportunities that help you move forward on key projects .

  12. 在自由搏击比赛前,参赛选手和教练都要出席官方称体重仪式和赛前碰头会。

    Before a kickboxing Bout , all trainers and fighters must be present at Both the official weigh-ins and the pre-fight meeting .

  13. 相信我:只要保证会议简短且重点突出,日常碰头会不但不会浪费你的时间,反而能够节省你的时间。

    Trust me : a daily huddle will save you time & as long as you keep the session very brief and laser-focused .

  14. 日常碰头会能提醒你在未来24小时内需要解决的问题,以免这些问题进一步恶化。

    A daily huddle will alert you to issues you need to tackle within 24 hours , so they don 't get bigger .

  15. 本文从界定议事范围、建立目标责任制、定期召开“一把手”碰头会等方面进行了探讨。

    This paper explores various aspects such as limiting the range of subjects , setting up system of objective responsibility , summoning heads meeting regularly , etc.

  16. 他们都很清楚,开完现场碰头会之后,回到办公桌的路上还能谈两句,也可以在电话碰头会结束后,马上再通过电话找到某位同事。

    They 'll know they can catch each other on their way back to their desks or jump on a call right after the main one .

  17. 把日常碰头会变成所有人的日常惯例,可以节省大家通过反复发送电子邮件来确定其他会议的时间。

    By serving as a placeholder in everyone 's day , the daily huddle can also save people time on emailing back and forth to set up other meetings .

  18. 大部分公司,一旦面试完成,招聘经理就会与参加最后一轮面试的同事开碰头会,了解他们认为谁应该获得这份工作。

    At most firms , once interviews are done , hiring managers will convene with colleagues who met the finalists to get their opinions on who should get an offer . '

  19. 一旦他们发现,有了日常碰头会,每周的会议不再拖长达两三个小时,而且他们也可以早点回家,到那时,他们肯定能准时出席。

    Once they see that this is keeping your weekly meetings from sprawling to two or three hours -- and getting them home earlier -- they 're going to show up on time .

  20. 大多数公司每个月、每季度和每年都会召开管理团队的战略会议,甚至会每周召开一次。但他们却忽视了最关键的一种会议:日常碰头会。

    Most companies already do a pretty good job of gathering their management team for strategy meetings every month , quarter , and year , and even pulling together their team weekly . But they skip the most critical meeting of all : the daily huddle .

  21. 西娅:杂志报导了娱乐界所有最新小道消息。我们女孩子在饮用水冷却器前碰头,都会以之为话题。

    Thea : Well it 's got all the latest showbiz gossip of course . It 's what we girls all talk about around the water-cooler .

  22. 分析人士周三表示,现在可以肯定,欧洲央行1月22日在法兰克福碰头的时候会宣布积极的新措施。

    Analysts said on Wednesday that it was now a certainty that the European Central Bank would announce aggressive new measures when it meets in Frankfurt on Jan. 22 .

  23. 但是在此之前我们还得继续完成我们的准备工作。我们答应我们的新朋友在堪萨斯通道那碰头,他们会先行一步在那里等我们的。

    Then , since we still had to complete our preparations , we promised to meet our new friends at the Kansas crossing , where they would wait for us .

  24. 如果我们能在那里和他碰头的话出城会更方便一点

    It 'll be easier to head out of town if we meet him over there .