
  • 网络Ticket;Task;work order;job tickets
  1. 细分出的每个任务都获得自己的跟踪单,并在项目计划中单独引用(目的是使每个任务单/任务最多只有一名所有者)。

    Each subdivided task received its own tracking ticket and was individually referenced in the project plan ( the intent was that each ticket / task should have a maximum of one owner ) .

  2. 根据终端拆除任务单制定终端拆除工作单。

    Prepare terminal removal work list according to the terminal removal task list .

  3. 根据生产计划,生产任务单进行物料需求MRP的运算与采购进度的跟进协调;

    Based on production planning and relevant WOs to determine according material requirement plans through calculation by running MRP module of ERP .

  4. 重点介绍了飞行试验管理系统中动作单元的制作及试飞计划任务单的生成,以及系统软件实现的三个特色:三级数据库结构、多机种多用户的用户管理机制、基于Excel的动态报表管理。

    Three characteristics of the software are given : three levels database structure , multiple users management , and dynamic forms drawing system based on the Excel are mentioned also .

  5. 工厂机加工车间任务单机械加工公差机械加工余量

    PESO ( Plant Engineering Shop Order ) allowance for machining

  6. 职责六:指导及监督材料采购任务单、作加工任务单计划下达工作。

    Supervising & guiding the material purchase plan and outside assembling plan .

  7. 基于试飞任务单的轨迹仿真问题研究

    The Study of Trajectory Simulation Based on the Flight Test Assignment Card

  8. 第二,这个共同的任务单靠任何一党的力量都是难于单独完成的。

    Second , this common task was difficult to accomplish by either party .

  9. 在计划任务单上为每一项给出代表你对那件活动抵制程度的打分。

    Give each item on your to-do list a score representing your level of resistance to that activity .

  10. 工厂机加工车间任务单工件加工时间线性恶化的单机成组加工问题

    PESO ( Plant Engineering Shop Order ) Group Technology Scheduling Problem with Linear Deterioration of Processing Time for Single-machine

  11. 生产任务单的各种报表为用户提供综合信息,为管理决策提供参考。

    The production task of sheet of various reports provides users with comprehensive information ; provide a reference for management decisions .

  12. 在项目跟踪与监控过程中,本文介绍了如何以项目任务单为核心来进行项目任务过程的管理。

    In the process of Project Tracking and Oversight , The paper disucss how to manage the develop process by the task list .

  13. 你脑子里一直想着工作、任务单上也都是工作,完全没有自己的时间?

    You are always thinking about work and adding it to your to-do list , which is not giving you any time to yourself .

  14. 简要介绍了轨迹仿真生成软件与任务单管理数据库软件的接口设计,对仿真结果进行了动态显示处理。

    In addition , it presents the design of interfaces with the flight test managing software system and the dynamic display processing of the computed result .

  15. 有效的利用你的时间是一种可以让你心情平静的方法,较少的关注在检查任务单上,更多的让每一天对于你和世界而言变得更有价值上。

    One way to ease your mind that your days have been well spent is to focus less on checking tasks off a list , and more on making each day valuable to you and to the world .

  16. 通过制定压疮早期干预计划任务单,从局部减压、肢体活动、营养支持、心理护理、局部使用保护膜、舒适护理及动态监测等几方面进行全面、整体的干预。

    After set up the early interference planning sheet comprehensively and integrally interferences were carried out by local decompression , limbs activity , nutritional support , psychological nursing , local use of protective membranes , gentle nursing and dynamic monitoring .

  17. 研究实现了特殊的一些企业应用(如:机械磨损检测分析模块,远程任务单模块和给排水投诉模块等)。

    Several special application of corporation is realized ( for example , the testing and analysis module of the mechanical abrasion , the module of the Remote-Task information manager and the module of the feedback manager of support water etc. )

  18. 目前国内在这一应用领域主要通信方式为RS422/RS485,继电保护器的测量、控制和通信任务由单CPU完成,制约系统性能的提高。

    In home RS422 / RS485 is major way . Communication task , control and measure are complete by single CPU , which limited the development of performance .

  19. 程控交换软件中多任务系统单任务化研究

    On Transformation from Multi Task into Single Task in SPC Software

  20. 面向任务的单武器系统平均修复时间模型

    Mean time to repair modeling oriented uni-mission for weapon system

  21. 如果应用程序在与用户交互的同时需要执行繁重的任务,单线程模式可能会导致运行性能很低下,除非应用程序的执行时机刚好很合适。

    When your app performs intensive work in response to user interaction , this single thread model can yield poor performance unless you implement your application properly .

  22. 首先给出了用于调度多种实时性任务的单处理器调度算法&双优先级队列调度算法,并分析算法的可调度性条件。

    In order to schedule many kinds of different real-time tasks , dual priority queues scheduling algorithm is given for uniprocessor and the schedulable condition of the tasks is investigated .

  23. 随着卫星应用的不断深入,越来越多的空间任务仅靠单颗卫星已经不可能完成,由多颗卫星组成网络运行已经成为必然的发展趋势。

    With the applications of satellites , more and more space tasks cannot be accomplished only depending on single satellite . The networks formed by multiple satellites have become inevitable trend .

  24. 该项研究通过控制被试识记阶段的认知定向,考察记忆、联想同义(或反义)词、判断发音正确性三种不同的认知定向任务对单嗓音源和双嗓音源听觉词记忆的影响。

    By controlling cognitive focus , the study investigated effects of three cognitive tasks , which were memory , imagination of synonym ( or antonym ) and justification of word phoneme , on memory for speech words in single versus double sources .

  25. 倾听能力的任务不单是让学生如何在课堂中去听讲,培养学生倾听,更重要的是培养学生表达和应对的能力,使学生具有文明和谐地进行人际交流的素养。

    The task of training listening ability is not only to let students know how to listen to the teacher in classroom , but also to cultivate students ' expressing and coping ability , and to make students have the ability of civilized and harmonious communication .

  26. MS-DOS是带有命令行界面的单任务处理、单用户操作系统。

    MS-DOS is a single-tasking , single-user operating system with a command-line interface .

  27. 不是在相关时间内引用一个CWN,而是为在一个版本中交付CWN所涉及的每个任务创建跟踪单。

    Instead of referencing a CWN with its associated hours , a tracking ticket was created for each task involved in delivering a CWN in a release .

  28. 控制任务是驱动单址天线使之精确地跟踪期望的运动规律,同时保持星体稳定,并且有效地抑制弹性附件的振动。

    The mission is to drive the single address antennas to track expected moving law , stabilize the platform synchronously , and restrain the elastic vibrating of the flexible appendages effectively .

  29. 旅行待办事项任务和行李单助手是现代驴友的必备软件,特别是对于那些习惯拖到最后时刻才打包行李的人,这些人总会落下一些重要物品。

    Packing Pro is a must have for the modern day traveler - particularly for those who have a habit of packing at the very last minute , thereby inevitably forgetting something vital .

  30. 在分析任务准备阶段单台装备及装备群的战备完好率评估模型的基础上,获得复杂武器系统战备完好率评估指标。

    Thus , a model for evaluating the operational readiness of weapon systems during the mission preparation period is give by analyzing the distribution of the preparation time of single-equipment and multi-equipment troops .