
rèn zhí
  • be in office;appoint;tenure;hold a post;sit;take office;occupy;be competent for one's job or position;fulfill one's duty
任职 [rèn zhí]
  • (1) [hold a post]∶担任官职,担任职务

  • 在国务院任职

  • (2) [appoint]∶任命官职

  • 随才任职

  • (3) [be competent for one's job or position;fulfil one's duty]∶称职;尽职

  • 任职相(称职的宰相)

任职[rèn zhí]
  1. 他认识到他的确不能在现政府中任职。

    He realized that he could not in good conscience take office in the present government .

  2. 归属某一政权后,他们又被分派到不同地域任职。

    Then they were assigned to take office in distinct places of the Three Kingdoms after belonging to one certain Kingdom .

  3. 她刚庆祝了自己在公司任职25周年。

    She has just celebrated 25 years ' service with the company .

  4. 两人是在她从外交部调来短期任职时认识的。

    They met while she was on secondment from the Foreign Office .

  5. 他曾于20世纪70年代在爱德华∙希思手下任职。

    He served under Edward Heath in the 1970s .

  6. 她在几个委员会里任职。

    She sat on a number of committees .

  7. 他任职多久了?

    How long has he been in office ?

  8. 他任职有多久了?

    How long has he held office ?

  9. 这个党派有3名议员会继续在议会任职。

    The party 's three MPs will continue to sit in parliament .

  10. 他任职于外交关系委员会。

    He was on the Council of Foreign Relations .

  11. 他任职13年后提出辞职,这在政治上轰动一时。

    His resignation after thirteen years is a political bombshell

  12. 总统任职10周年的庆祝活动按计划进行。

    The events to mark the President 's ten years in office went ahead as planned

  13. 州长已宣称自己是清白的,并说他打算任职到期满。

    The governor has declared his innocence and says he plans to serve out his term

  14. 他长期在议会任职,其中大半时间担任内阁部长。

    More than half his long service in parliament has been as a cabinet minister .

  15. 他辞去教学工作到艺术委员会任职。

    He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council

  16. 现在,法律要求家长在规划和评估学校项目的委员会中任职。

    The law now requires that parents serve on the committees that plan and evaluate school programs

  17. 那个家族好几代人都曾在政府任职,显然对随权力而来的各种额外实惠情有独钟。

    The family were in government for several generations and evidently loved the trappings of power .

  18. 由当地名流选出、任职9年的参议员缺少国民议会议员的民主合法性。

    Elected by local notables for nine years Senators lack the democratic legitimacy of members of the National Assembly

  19. 我认为自己再也无法问心无愧地在你的政府中任职。

    I do not believe I can any longer serve with honour as a member of your government .

  20. 他8月份任职期满。

    His term of appointment expires in August .

  21. (官员等)必须居住在任职处。

    Residence is required .

  22. 据说他曾在宫廷中任职多年。

    He was said to have served at court for years .

  23. 你认为总统将在什么时候批准你任职?

    When do you think the president will confirm you in office ?

  24. 他在任职期间毫无建树。

    He did nothing noteworthy during his tenure .

  25. 他的祖父创办了这家工厂,他很年轻的时候就进厂任职了。

    His grandfather started the factory , and he came in when he was very young .

  26. 在该公司任职这么些年后,我就要离开了,因为我觉得应当给比我年轻的人让位。

    I 'm leaving the firm after all these years as I feel that I should yield to a younger man .

  27. 奥康纳在最高法院任职24年,在许多重要案件中都投了决定性的一票。

    O'Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court .

  28. 审计机关负责人依照法定程序任免。审计机关负责人没有违法失职或者其他不符合任职条件的情况的,不得随意撤换。

    Persons in charge of audit institutions shall be appointed or removed in accordance with legal procedures . None of them may be removed or replaced at random for the post .

  29. 交流轮岗的对象是谁?凡是距离退休时间超过5年的,并且在同一所学校任职满6年的教师和校长均应进行交流轮岗,到其他学校与师生分享经验和知识。

    Teachers and principals who have worked at the same school for more than six years will be asked to shift to another school and share their knowledge and experience with new colleagues and students . Educators who are more than five years away from retirement for the program .

  30. 任职公司:新闻集团(NewsCorp.,《财富》500强)

    Company : News Corp. ( nwsa , Fortune 500 )