
rèn qī zhì
  • Tenure system;system with fixed terms of office
  1. 高级专业技术职务任期制实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking of Tenure System of High Professional Title

  2. 试论日本大学教师任期制

    A Probe on Tenure System in Universities in Japan

  3. 实施专业技术职务任期制考评体会

    Experience of Appraising of Professional Title of Tenure System

  4. 专业技术职务任期制在职称管理中的运用

    Application of Specialty Technology Post Term System in Title of Professional Post Managing

  5. 方法通过试点工作发现6个方面问题是制约任期制工作的主要因素。

    Method To discover the main restricting factors in term system by trial work .

  6. 探索党的领导职务任期制;

    Exploring the tenure of Party leaders ;

  7. 合理构建科学的考评体系严格规范专业技术职务任期制工作

    Reasonably construct a scientific evaluation system and strictly standardize the special professional duty in term system

  8. 中小学校长任期制的实践策略探析

    Analysis of Practice Strategy for the System of the Principal 's Term in Primary and Middle School

  9. 实行弹性任期制;

    Implementing flexible tenure system ;

  10. 校长任期制是校长管理制度改革的重要内容,校长任期制的实践策略包括:科学界定任期时间;健全目标责任制度;

    The system of the principal 's term is an important content of reforming principal 's management system .

  11. 任期制纸皮作家帮助你对大学来说,学院征文、论文、书评和论文。

    Term-paper-writer helps you on college term paper , College essay , research paper , book review and thesis .

  12. 青岛市国家税务局实行中层干部职务任期制的实践与思考

    The Practice and Reflection on the Tenure System of Middle-level Cadres in Qingdao Municipal Office of State Administration of Taxation

  13. 专业技术职务任期制势在必行,是深化职称改革的必由之路。

    The tour of the technical duty is imperative under the situation , and the certain way to deepening reform .

  14. 共和制政体:指通过选举产生最高国家权力机关和国家元首、且实行任期制的一种政治制度。

    The developmental authoritarian regime has been the most common form of government for the developing countries after the Second World War .

  15. 可知,教师的聘任终身制将被任期制取代,可以终止也可以续签。

    Tenure should be replaced with seven-year contracts , which , like the programs in which faculties teach , can be terminated or renewed .

  16. 政府官员作为行为人存在短视偏差,而且由于任期制、考核机制的作用以及官员政治生命周期的特殊性,官员的短视偏差得到强化。

    The cognition bias of myopia is strengthened by the tenure system , assessment mechanisms , as well as the unique political life cycle of officials .

  17. 长短期报酬结构的结果说明如果将固定任期制转为弹性任期制,更能实现报酬激励的有效性。

    The compensation structure of short-term and long-term reflects that it needs convert the fixed tenure system into flexible tenure system to implement the effectiveness of remuneration incentive .

  18. 结论采取针对性对策有助于提高中级专业技术职务任期制的顺利开展。临床医学专业高级专业技术职务干部业绩评价的方法研究

    Conclusion It would be helpful to take some corresponding countermeasures in the progression of specialty technology post term system . Study on Evaluation of Advanced Clinic Cadres ' Performance

  19. 本着对权力进行制衡的精神,在建立行政长官制度的过程中,罗马确立了最高长官的选举制、短任期制和同僚协议制,从而奠定了共和国官制的三大原则基础。

    Rome established the election system of the highest officer , the short-term office tenure and the coordination of fellow officials , which laid the foundation of the three principles of the republican government .

  20. 主要改革体现在两个方面:一方面是高等教育法制的变化,主要包括:大学教师任期制的引入、大学评价制度的建立和国立大学法人化等;

    One is the change of higher education legal system , which mainly includes the introduction of tenure system of faculty , the establishment of evaluation system of universities and the incorporation of national universities .

  21. 本文论述了日本大学教师任期制的性质、特点、实施情况及影响,以期对中国大学如今进行的人事制度改革提供一定的经验借鉴。

    This paper has analyzed the quality , character of the system , and also the state and effect of implement of the system , which may be a reference for the personnel reform in Chinese universities today .

  22. 最后,作者针对存在的问题探索了大陆架公司在未来高层人员激励上所应实施的措施,重点介绍了完善年薪制、竞聘任期制、考核制度、外部监督及精神激励等措施。

    Finally , the author explores implementation of executive ' incentives and constrains in the future , emphasis on Annual salary system , competition for the tenure system , assessment system , external supervision and spiritual incentive measures .

  23. 实行高级专业技术职务任期制,是新时期军队科技干部管理制度的一项重大改革,必将给军队科技干部建设带来全方位、深层次的影响。

    Performing the tenure of high professional title is a great reform on scientific and technical personnel management in army during the new period . It will bring far-reaching effect on the construction of scientific and technical personnel .

  24. 其次,在设想方案基本思路确立的基础上,提出了高校辅导员激励机制方案的五项内容:聘用制、二年任期制、五级职级制、岗位津贴制和养用机制。

    Secondly , according to the general designing idea , the author brings out five aspects in the incentive mechanism of college students ' construction : employment , two-year terms , five-rank position , post allowance , and training & appointment .

  25. 实行任期聘用制,建立科学、公正、客观的绩效考核制度;

    Carry out term engagement with a scientific , fair , objective assessment system of achievements ;

  26. 建立院长任期目标责任制考核制度。

    Thirdly , establish duty checking system of leader 's tenure .

  27. 放活研究所搞好任期目标责任制

    Activating Institute and carrying out office - term goal duty system successfully

  28. 护士长任期目标责任制考核模式的相关研究

    A study on assessment approach of the targeted responsibility during the tenure of office as a head nurse

  29. 推行院(所)长任期目标责任制是深化科技领导体制改革的重点。

    Pursuing office-term goal duty system of president or director is emphasis of deepening leadership system reform of science and technology .

  30. 同时,注重环境对人才的作用,发挥环境对人才的感奋作用:如实施护士长任期目标责任制,使她们感到了压力和动力。

    Environment can encourage the talents : Head Nurse 's Objective Responsibility System in Term of Office made head nurses feel pressure and motive power .