
  • 网络green bay;nfl
  1. 在NFC技术的绿湾包装令人信服地赢得了头两个超级杯,有些业主担心球队的未来合并。

    Afterthe NFC 's Green Bay Packers convincingly won the first two Super Bowls , some team owners feared for the future of the merger .

  2. 布雷特。法弗将于周一如愿重返绿湾包装工队。

    Brett Farve will return to the Green Bay Packers'roster effective Monday afternoon .

  3. 绿湾包装工队赢得超级碗冠军后,NFL手里就积压了大量宣传匹兹堡钢人队得冠军的T恤。

    After the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl , the NFL was stuck with thousands of T-shirts heralding the Pittsburgh Steelers as champs .

  4. 他们输了绿湾包装工队本来能赢得超级碗的

    They lost.The Packers were supposed to win the Super Bowl ,

  5. 绿湾队的教练表示亚伦罗杰斯将担任先发球员。

    The Packers'coach has said Aaron Rodgers will be the starter .

  6. 超级碗冠军、巨人队、钢人队、圣徒队、绿湾包装工队,又到巨人队。

    Super bowl winnersGiants , Steelers , Saints , Packers , Giants again .

  7. 底特律雄狮和绿湾包装工队之间的传统比赛至今仍然保留着。

    The traditional game between the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers continues .

  8. 布雷特法瑞已重返绿湾包装工队,但是还不清楚他将担任什么角色。

    Brett Favre has returned to the Green Bay Packers , but it 's unclear what his role will be .

  9. 我非常我现在充满自信因为我预言绿湾包装工队会赢得超级碗结果他们赢了

    I 'm so , I have the confidence now because I predicted the Green Bay Packers would win the Super Bowl and they won

  10. 我也得到了一条手镯,是中士&中士赖安。大卫。杰佩克的母亲在绿湾粮仓给我的。

    I 've got a bracelet , too , from Sergeant-from the mother of Sergeant Ryan David Jopeck ( ph ), given to me in grain bin green bay .

  11. 4月1日,4支球队争夺全美橄榄球联赛决赛权,杰克逊维尔美洲豹队和绿湾包装工队获得胜利。

    Four teams competed for places in the National Football League Conference finals , and the Jacksonville Jaguars and Green Bay Packers were the ones celebrating on April 1 .

  12. 周日,绿湾包装工队将在威斯康星州绿湾主场迎战旧金山49人队,这可能成为美国国家橄榄球大联盟比赛有史以来温度最低的一场,届时最高温度为零下一度,晚上最低温度为零下22度并伴有强风。

    The Packers and 49ers game in Green Bay , Wisconsin Sunday could be the NFL 's chilliest ever with a high of minus one and a night time low of minus twenty-two with gusty winds .