
  • 网络East Coast;US east coast
  1. 教皇刚完成在美国东岸的访问,正在坐长轿车到机场。

    The Pope had just finished a tour of the East Coast and was taking a limousine to the airport .

  2. 美国东岸的拍卖市场时起时落,而克伦普顿在拍卖圈子里,占有一个特殊的地位。

    While numerous auctions are held up and down the East Coast , Crumpton holds a special place on the auction circuit .

  3. 读于美国东岸标准时间上午10:45。

    READING Time of Reading 10:45 A. M. Eastern Standard Time .

  4. 从美国东岸到西岸。

    Between the East and the west coast of the United states .

  5. 因飓风艾琳侵袭美国东岸,教会在8月28日的所有活动取消。

    Due to hurricane Irene , all church activities on8 / 28 are canceled .

  6. 从美国东岸的曼哈顿到中西部的得梅因,股票经纪人眼中,阿里巴巴已不再是所向披靡的中国电子商务明星。

    Alibaba is no longer the invincible Chinese e-commerce star that stockbrokers from Manhattan to Des Moines thought it was .

  7. 国外直接代理优势航线:美国东岸、西岸,欧洲基本港,东南亚地区。

    Foreign direct agent superior airlines : American East and West Bank , European basic ports , and South-East Asia .

  8. 她从美国东岸飞来见一位新客户…一个上网预定她的男人。

    She 's flown from across the country to meet a new client ... a man who booked her on the Internet .

  9. 入选年度名单的还有超级风暴,该词因为在11月的第一周横扫美国东岸的桑迪飓风大量曝光。

    Superstorm was another runner-up for word of the year , after the major storm that affected the Eastern US during the first week of November .

  10. 马莉娅曾在今年3月时造访美国东岸的哈佛与几间其他的常春藤盟校及文理学院,引发了人们对她意中学校的揣度。

    Malia visited Harvard and a handful of other Ivy League and liberal arts schools last March on the East Coast , setting off speculation about where she might go .

  11. “厄尔”(伯爵)飓风在离开北卡罗来纳州外滩一带的海岸之后正在向北移动,给美国东岸的大部分地区带来巨浪和强风。

    Hurricane Earl is moving north after churning off the coast of North Carolina 's Outer Banks , bringing rough seas , rains and powerful winds to large parts of the eastern United States .

  12. 20年内,仅圣路易斯一座城市的人口就从几百人发展到1万6千人,经过四代人的努力美国从东岸100英里宽的殖民地地带一跃成为横跨整个大陆的经济强国。

    Within 20 years , St. Louis alone swells from a few hundred to a population of 16000 . Over four generations , America has grown from a 100 - mile-wide strip of colonies on the Eastern Seaboard to a continental powerhouse .

  13. 从美国的西岸到东岸的距离是很长的。

    It is a very long way from the West Coast to the East of America .