
  • 网络The American War
  1. 事实上,很多越南年轻人对澳大利亚参与了越南的美国战争并不知情。

    Indeed , many younger Vietnamese don 't even know that Australia fought during what is called the American War here in Vietnam .

  2. 美国战争电影在世界战争电影创作中占据重要地位。

    America war movies occupy an important position in World War film .

  3. 美国战争电影从影片的主题开始,就带有明显的美国风格。

    From the subject , American War Movies have clear American style .

  4. 美国战争小说中的动物意象应用频繁,种类繁多。

    There are various kinds of animal imagery in American war novel .

  5. 美国战争报道中缺失的新闻专业主义&从阿内特被解雇说起

    The Absence of Professionalism in the US War Coverage

  6. 阵亡将士纪念日缅怀了所有在美国战争中死亡的人们。

    Memorial Day honors all of those who have died in america 's wars .

  7. 美国战争影片略述

    A Brief Summary of American War Films

  8. 新英格兰印第安人是如何在殖民时期美国战争中采用武器和其对战争的暗示的。

    How New England Indians adopted firearms and the implications it had for warfare in colonial America .

  9. 西班牙-美国战争的起因是美国缅因号沉船哈瓦那港。

    The Spanish – American War was started when an American vessel , the Maine , sunk in Havana harbor .

  10. 拯救大兵瑞恩是一部上映于1998年的美国战争史诗电影,电影发生在二战的诺曼底登陆期间。

    Saving Private Ryan is a 1998 American epic war film set during the invasion of Normandy in World War II .

  11. 他的战争三部曲《从这里到永恒》、《细细的红线》和《口哨》是美国战争文学的经典之作。

    His war trilogy ( From Here to Eternity , The Thin Red Line , and Whistle ) has become war classics .

  12. 如同美国战争历史上的很多时期一样,在二战期间,黑人士兵也为他们的国家做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    Over those years , like several periods in the military history of America , black soldiers made undeniable contributions to their country .

  13. 越战给美国战争文学带来一个新纪元。越南战争促进了一大批越战文学的产生。

    The Vietnam War brings readers a new war literature in American literature and era , promotes abundantly the prosperity of American Vietnam War literature .

  14. 第一章为“前言”,介绍本文涉及的诗人诗作,并在分析整理前人对战争诗歌已做研究的基础上,指出当代美国战争诗歌的主要突破。

    It presents a review of the scholarship on American war poetry that has been accomplished so far and introduces the texts for the study .

  15. 1941年5月,美国战争部长亨利史汀生批准了中国方面要求提供三十个师装备的请求,并计划于1942年中期交付。

    In May1941 , Secretary of War Henry Stimson approved a Chinese request for sufficient equipment to outfit thirty infantry divisions , intended for delivery by mid-1942 .

  16. 美国战争电影表达着美国人对战争的独特思考,作为一种风格,它在世界各国都享有极高的声誉。

    American War Motion Picture expresses the unique ponder over war of American , as a style , it enjoys high fame in countries all over the world .

  17. 同时,这次危机也表明了中美对抗的限度,揭示了美国战争边缘政策和核威慑战略的本质。

    Meanwhile , the crisis also revealed the limit to US-China confrontation and brought out the nature of America 's " brinkmanship " policy and " nuclear deterrence " strategy .

  18. 年的今天,美国独立战争:美国批准了一项与英国的和平条约

    American Revolutionary War : The United States ratifies a peace treaty with England . 1784

  19. 美国的战争研究所(instituteforthestudyofwar)指出,石油制裁对航运业造成的影响最大,因为运输伊朗石油的油轮无法再投保。

    Oil sanctions have had the greatest effect on the shipping industry , according to the US-based Institute for the study of war , because tankers moving Iranian oil can no longer take out insurance .

  20. 这条言辞毫不含糊的法律是由革命人士在美国独立战争(AmericanWarofIndependence,1775-1783年)结束后不久的一个充满乐观与未知的时期起草的。

    That absolute language was drafted by revolutionaries shortly after the American War of Independence ( 1775 – 1783 ), during a time of great optimism , but also of great uncertainty .

  21. 美国海军战争学院(usnavalwarcollege)的安德鲁埃里克森(andrewerickson)表示:“水下是少有的几个可以免受中国导弹打击的区域之一。”

    As Andrew Erickson , of the US Naval War College , notes : " underwater is one of the few areas that is safe from Chinese missiles . "

  22. 最终,在美国南北战争期间,他作为一名投资者发了大财,这其中包括投资价值40000美金的储油丰富的StoryFarm,一年之后这笔投资就让卡内基获得了一百万美金的分红。

    He eventually made a fortune as an investor during the Civil War , including a single $ 40000 investment in the oil-rich Story Farm , which earned him $ 1 million in dividends by the end of the year .

  23. 试析美国反恐战争的道德依据

    On Moral Basis of War of Anti - Terrorism of America

  24. 美国反恐战争第三阶段的政策

    American Aims of the Phrase Three in the War against Terrorism

  25. 美国独立战争发生在英王乔治三世统治时期。

    The American Revolution took place during the reign of George III.

  26. 终于在美国南北战争之后,法律便禁止奴隶制度的存在。

    Finally , after the Civil War , slavery was outlawed .

  27. 这是美国南北战争中一个具有历史意义的战场。

    It 's a historical battlefield from the American Civil war .

  28. 爱国者的血:美国南北战争时期的文学

    Patriotic Gore : Studies in the Literature of the American Civil War

  29. 在美国独立战争中我们与哪个国家作战?

    What country did we fight during the revolutionary war ?

  30. 他们都是美国反恐战争中重要的盟国。

    They 're all key U.S. allies in the war on terror .