
  • 网络USACE;Army Corps of Engineers;United States Army Corps of Engineers;us army corps of engineers
  1. 美国陆军工程兵团的EdFleming上校称这是历史性的行动。

    Colonel Ed Fleming of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers called the action historic .

  2. 由于美国陆军工程兵团的协助,这具骨架通过集装箱被运输,然后装进一辆联邦快递送往华盛顿。

    Thanks to the Army Corps of Engineers , the dinosaur was divided into shipping crates , then packed into a FedEx truck and sent to Washington .

  3. 这次洪灾非常严重,负责监控全国防洪工作的美国陆军工程兵团采取了几乎前所未有的措施,开启了巨大的防洪闸门,防止高水位的洪水到达路易斯安那州首府巴吞鲁日(BatonRouge)和主要港口新奥尔良。

    The flooding was so severe that the U.S. Corps of Engineers , which s national flood-control efforts , took the nearly step of opening giant floodgates to keep high water from reaching Baton Rouge , the capital city of Louisiana , and the major port of New Orleans .

  4. 美国陆军工程兵团有一些处理亚洲鲤鱼泛滥五大湖地区的建议,如何解决这个问题在国会也引发了激烈的讨论。

    With US Army Corps of Engineers there are a number of recommendations of how to deal with a potential invasion of the Great Lakes by Asian carp debated about what to do next just as following in Congress .

  5. 公司创始人兼CEO任正非曾在中国军队中服役10年,他所服役的军队相当于美国的陆军工程兵团(ArmyCorpsofEngineers)。

    Ren , the founder and CEO , served for10 years in China 's equivalent of the Army Corps of Engineers .