
  • 网络American Empire
  1. 搬起石头砸自己的脚:美利坚帝国的代价和后果

    Blowback : The Costs and Consequences of American Empire

  2. 随着美利坚帝国的发展,棒球也在广泛流行,从多伦多到台北,从西雅图到汉城,各地的球场上现在都有棒球赛在举行。

    The popularity of baseball has spread with the American empire and is now played in ballparks from Toronto to Taipei , from Seattle to Seoul .

  3. 当其他的国家最终关闭对美国信贷的水龙头时,美利坚帝国也会崩溃吗?

    When the rest of the world finally pulls the plug on American credit , will the American Empire also collapse ?

  4. 这些其实是杀鸡给猴看滴,那些类似国家的首脑们,你们还有谁敢不听美利坚帝国和世界银行的旨意吗?

    Rather , it is for the benefit of the leaders of any other nations who might be thinking about disobeying the dictates of the US Empire and the World bank .

  5. 本文旨在对美利坚新帝国主义产生的原因和背景、理论脉络和现实实践及所面临的阻力进行总体的分析和评述,从而试图总结新帝国的归宿。

    This dissertation aims to analyses and comment on the reasons and background of the neo-imperialism of American generally , the theory skeleton and practice , and thus try to summarize the result of the neo-imperialism .