- 名lemma

Hyphae of the pathogen produced toxin when they grew on inner surfaces of lemma and palea as early as 24 h after inoculation , and the toxin was detected inside of host tissues at this time .
Penetration of host tissues occurred on inner surfaces of glume , lemma , palea and on the upper part of ovary by infection hyphae 36 h after inoculation . The hyphae in these infected tissues then spread downward to rachis by inter - and intracellular growth .
Variation patterns on micro-morphological characteristics of lemmas of Agropyron mongolicum
Study on the Tubercles of Lemma in 20 Species of Oryza with Scanning-electric Microscope
In grasses , the lemma , palea , and the flower they enclose .
The ESM Observation on Tubercles on Lamma in Three Species of Wild Rice Existed in China
The main difference between the lemma and the palea was the number of vascular bundles .
The Study of Papilla Structure on Lemma in Three Wild Rices and Cultivated Rices in China
The tip of lemma in 21 species of Oryza were studied with electronic scanning microscope .
Lemma which is unclosed ellipse , has 13 ~ 17 vascular bundles in the transverse section .
Study on the direct regeneration of spikelets and pistil-like structures from callus derived from GLUMELLE and lemma explants of Wheat
75.6 % of the investigated spikelets had one palea and on lemma and others contained extra palea or lemma .
The major results of the present study are as follows . ( 1 ) Comparison of the lemma in Oryza .
The floral organ of rice is consisted by one lemma , one palea , two lodicules , six stamens and one pistil from outside in .
Compared to those in wild-type spikelet , the palea / lemma appeared thinner and displayed fewer and smaller epidermal cells and shorter trichomes with higher density in nsr .
Using AFS algebra and AFS structure , any human ordinary fuzzy concept can be represented . The Taxonomy and the SEM Observation on Tubercles on Lemma of Yihuang Wild Rice
In the differentiation of the spikelet , the glumes and lemmas also arise in the same manner as the foliage leaf and the flower primordia the same as the spikelets .
The chloroplast structure of flag leaf blade and lemma was destroyed severely subjected to drought stress at the later stage of grain filling , while the peduncle , sheath and glume showed relatively stable . 3 .
Palea which is composed of quadrate cell is on the inside of Lemma . ( 3 ) The mature pollen of Dendrocalamus sinicus is nearly spherical with a single germinal aperture , which is globose under microscope .
The major morphological characteristics of Leymus species are : a rhizome , cross-pollination , glume from coniform to lanceolate , lemma awnless or with a short awn , spike 1 to rounds of the sections was born in cob , anther length .