
  1. 4.利用即将进行的IPO作为吸引一流人才进入公司和董事会的工具。

    Use your pending IPO as a tool for attracting top talent to your company and board .

  2. 关于高校培养新世纪一流人才的思考

    Thinking about Training First-class Personnel of Colleges and Universities in the New Century

  3. 衡量新世纪一流人才应有客观的标准和尺度;

    There should be an objective criterion and yardstick to measure the first-class personnel .

  4. 我们把一流人才留下来经商,让二流人才到政界发展。

    We keep our first-rate people to business , leaving the second-rate people to politics .

  5. 你是一流人才。

    You are a ace .

  6. 公司聘用国内一流人才,并不断引进国内外先进的气动元件生产技术。

    Companies employ domestic first-class talents , and continue to introduce advanced production technology of pneumatic components .

  7. 组织如想大方异彩,就必须吸引、留住和激励一流人才。

    For an organization to excel , it must attract , retain and motivate the best people .

  8. 他们非常有可能吸引到一流人才,并能激励他们表现卓越。

    They are the most likely to be able to attract top talent and inspire them to superior performance .

  9. 我的希望就是,公共电视传媒尤其要确保它将吸引一流人才。

    My hope is that the public broadcasters in particular will make sure that the best talent comes to it .

  10. 公司规模中国•广东华昌伟业公司是造就一流人才,面向全球的防盗报警产品专业研发制造商。

    Guangdong Hovicom China is a professional R & D manufacturer of security product which builds top-grade talents and targets the world .

  11. 达摩学院的目标是在量子计算、机器学习、基本算法和网络安全等领域吸引世界级一流人才。

    The DAMO Academy aims to attract world-class talent in such areas as quantum computing , machine learning , basic algorithms and network security .

  12. 新加坡有专门的部门到世界各地去挖掘国际一流人才、资人和优秀的公司落户到新加坡。

    Singapore has a full-time ministry going all out around the world to invite top talents , investors and successful companies to reside in Singapore .

  13. 若想提高我国的竞争力,我国高校就必须解决如何才能拥有更多世界一流人才的问题。这就需要我国高校建立一个能有效开发和使用人才的制度。

    In order to build up the ability of competition of our country , we have to figure out how to collect top-notch talented people into our colleges .

  14. 法律界的很多管理者坚信,高额奖金是吸引和留住一流人才的必要手段,但律师的流动率告诉我们不是这么回事。

    But while many leaders in the legal world insist that big bonuses are necessary to attract and retain top talent , lawyer turnover rates tell a different story .

  15. 重点综合性大学是我国高校的核心部分,担负着培养一流人才、高端科学技术研究和社会文化传播者的角色。

    Key universities is a core part of our University , tasked with training the best talent , high-end scientific and technological research and social role of culture and communication .

  16. 在国际竞争日益激烈的今天,国家间的合作和较量主要依赖于本国的高新技术人才,因而世界各国争相打造能够培养一流人才的世界一流大学。

    Nowadays , the cooperation and competition between different countries largely depends on the high-tech talented person , so every country wants to create world-class university to train world-class person .

  17. 象形文字约在1600年前突然消亡,许多世纪以来这给那些研究埃及史前器物和考古学的一流人才带来了很多迷惑。

    Hieroglyphic writing ended abruptly about 1600 years ago , and it mystified the most brilliant minds in the study of the Egyptian artifacts and archeology for many many centuries .

  18. 她做了这么多,承担了这一切,性格还是那么好,展现出她的各种综合能力。她本来就已经是一流人才了,这一切更为她大大加分。

    To do it all , to bear it , and still be nice , is to exhibit a set of capabilities that adds even more to an already first-rate talent .

  19. 银行伦理经营对维护银行名誉、吸引顾客和一流人才,保持竞争优势至关重要。

    With the pressure of competition in banking , banking ethics plays a critical role in maintaining the reputation , gaining the high quality customers and the excellent employees in banks .

  20. 李光耀通过推动一项富有争议的计划做到了这一点,该计划以可与私营部门相比的高薪,把一流人才留在公务员体系中。

    Mr Lee achieved this by pushing through a controversial scheme to retain first-rate minds in the public service by giving them high salaries comparable to those in the private sector .

  21. 这类具有社会意识的设计在其他公司通常处于边缘地位,但阿拉维纳说,他把这类工作视为重点,认为它值得一流人才关注。

    While such socially conscious work is often done in the margins of a firm , Mr. Aravena said he considered it the primary focus , worthy of top talent 's attention .

  22. 研究生创新人才培养模式与人才培养的质量密切相关,尤其是思想道德水平的培养,是培养一流人才的重要任务之一。

    Graduate students innovative talent training mode and the talent training quality closely related , especially moral level of the training , training is one of the important tasks of first-class talent .

  23. 培养具有创新能力的一流人才,是推动我国现代化建设所面临的一项十分紧迫而重要的战略任务,也是高等教育承担的重大历史责任。

    The cultivation of Top Talents with innovating ability is an imperative and important strategic mission on pushing the construction of modernizations in our country , and a great historical responsibility assumed by higher education .

  24. 我们只是想指出,一个重要的原则正在动摇,如果这个原则被打破,会有破坏性的后果,恰当的选择标准应当合理、明确,而且发展中国家拥有一些能力和经验都令人难以匹敌的一流人才。

    we simply note that there is an important principle at stake , that breaking it is destructive , that the appropriate criteria are reasonable and clear , and that there are first-class people from developing countries with skills and experience that are difficult to match .

  25. 建设先进学校文化培育一流医学人才

    A unique and advanced school culture and first-class medical talents cultivation

  26. 一流大学人才培养探讨试论高校人才培养的切入点

    On the Approaching Point of Cultivating Talents in Colleges

  27. 只有凝聚一流的人才,才能成就一流的事业。

    Only the cohesion of first-class talents can make first-class career to success .

  28. 一流的人才是我社的财富;

    Talent is the first class I and wealth ;

  29. 利用上海及周边地区著名高校的一流翻译人才,为客户提供上层的翻译服务。

    Take advantage of first-rate translation resource to provide superior service for our clients .

  30. 鼓励引进海外一流技术人才和管理人才。

    The introduction of first-class technological and managerial talents from abroad is advocated as well .