
  • 网络north carolina;unc
  1. (美国)全国有色人种协会(简称NAACP)北卡协会主席Rev.Dr.WilliamBarberII带领游行队伍进入了麦当劳公司大院。

    The Rev . Dr. William Barber II , head of the NAACP 's North Carolina chapter , led the march onto the sprawling McDonald 's campus .

  2. 霍金斯是北卡州考德威尔伙伴计划(CaldwellFellowsprogram)的名誉理事,同时也是威廉姆斯的朋友。

    " With Jeff , what you see is what you get ," says Gerald Hawkins , director emeritus of the Caldwell Fellows program at North Carolina State and a friend of Williams 's.

  3. 今天的“大声喊出来”来到了Hall先生和Goldman先生的位于北卡罗来那的社科学习课堂。

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : Today 's " Shoutout " goes out to Mr. Hall and Mr. Goldman 's science and social studies class at Margaret B. Pollard Middle School in Chapel Hill , North Carolina .

  4. SAMHS和北卡三角科技园RTI国际公司的研究人员们主要根据全美药物使用和健康调查的数据编撰了该报告。

    Researchers at SAMHSA and RTI International in Research Triangle Park , North Carolina , prepared the report using data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health .

  5. 我想可能是因为媒体的宣传或曝光之类的原因。我们就像两个互不关联的频道——ABC和NBC,从小到大我都没在那两个台看过NBA比赛,在北卡接收不到CBS的节目。

    Is that some type of media , exposure , you know I came from Wiilmington , you know , where two channels , channel ABC , and channel NBC that I never saw NBA sports at all when I grow up . They didn 't have CBS affliation in North Carolina or Wilmington also .

  6. 该报告作者、北卡州杜克大学驻校高管(executive-in-residence)维韦卡沃德瓦(vivekwadhwa)表示,在美国的印度移民往往都有很深厚的科学和数学功底,而且本身就说英语。

    Vivek wadhwa , author of the report and executive-in-residence at Duke University in North Carolina , says that Indian immigrants in the US often have very strong science and mathematics training and already speak English .

  7. 美国北卡家具面临挑战

    The Challenge Faced by Furniture Industry in North Carolina , America

  8. 他当时正要来北卡州的金斯敦。他打算来我家。

    He was coming to Kinston , N.C. To my house .

  9. 美国州别研究的意义、内容与方法&以北卡罗来那州为例

    Significance , content and method of studying the states in America

  10. 北卡中国中心的将致力于寻求商业机会;

    The objectives of the NCCC are to explore business opportunities ;

  11. 总统奥巴马已经签署了北卡罗那州的天灾声明。

    President Obama signed a disaster declaration for North Carolina .

  12. 现在他在杜克大学北卡分校工作。

    He is now at Duke University in North Carolina .

  13. 他拥有北卡州立大学的工程学硕士学位。

    He holds a Masters of Engineering degree from North Carolina State University .

  14. 第十,其他北卡系的学校经常占据前100名。

    State is # 10 , and other UNC-system schools dot our top100 .

  15. 我要转机去北卡,但是我的航班变了。

    I need to transfer the flight to RDU airport , North Carolina .

  16. 我们可以说他是我北卡州堂姐的孩子。

    We could say he 's the child of my cousin in North dakota .

  17. 其他考虑酒精业务私营的州包括北卡、弗吉尼亚和宾州。

    Other states considering opening the spigots include North Carolina , Virginia and Pennsylvania .

  18. 北卡交通部目前使用的正是基于交通量的方法。

    North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT ) is using traffic-count-based VMT estimation method .

  19. 一个像我一样,住在北卡的人,还有蓝色大西洋的神秘。

    A person like me , of the Outer Banks and the blue Atlantic mystery .

  20. 北卡人民,有了你们的帮助,我们会实现这个愿望。

    And with your help , we are going to make it happen , North Carolina .

  21. 我要的是北卡州的蓝莓。

    I requested North Carolina blueberries .

  22. 梅尔曾代表北卡担任国会20余年,而在那个时候,

    Mel 's represented the people of North Carolina in Congress for 20 years , and in that time ,

  23. 每个人都对我说我不应该去北卡大学,因为我的篮球还没有打到那个水平。

    Everyone told me I shouldn 't go because I wouldn 't be able to play at that level .

  24. 我前夫任教的社区大学的傍边是北卡聋人学校。

    The community college where my ex-husband teaches is next door to the North Carolina School for the Deaf .

  25. 北卡罗来那州泰勒郡招聘科学教师年薪为$50960美元。

    Tyrrell County of North Carolina seeks Science teachers at the rate of $ 980.00 weekly or $ 50,960 annually .

  26. 气象预报员发布了北卡海岸丹尼风暴前锋的热带风暴消息。

    Forecasters have issued a tropical storm watch for the North Carolina coast ahead of tropical storm " Danny " .

  27. 在星期二的初选中,参议员奥巴马在北卡以14个百分点的优势击败克林顿,在印第安纳,他只是稍逊一筹。

    On Tuesday , Senator Obama scored a14-point victory over Clinton in North Carolina and narrowly lost to her in Indiana .

  28. 迈克尔继续开始他大学一年级,而且打游戏赢得了1982年北卡的镜头过锦标赛。

    Michael went on to start his freshman year , and hit the gaming winning shot of the1982 NCAA championship game .

  29. 会上,长沙市总商会与美国北卡中国友好交流协会就在长株潭地区联合建设“美国文化商业街”签署了友好合作备忘录;

    In addition , a cooperation memorandum was also signed between the chamber and the American Pengda Real Estate and Property Development Co.

  30. 但是今天的北卡所要改变的只是将要在华盛顿进行的游戏。

    But today , what North Carolina decided is that the only game that needs changing is the one in Washington , DC .