
  1. 威廉·詹姆斯(WilliamJames,1842-1910)被誉为美国心理学之父。

    William James has been acknowledged as Father of American Psychology .

  2. 美国心理学协会(AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)开展的一项调查显示,超过一半的员工认为,压力使他们的生产效率受到影响;而近几年,薪酬、工作和经济成为最大的压力来源。

    More than half of workers say their productivity suffers as a result of stress , and money , work and the economy are the largest stressors in recent years , according to surveys by the American Psychological Association .

  3. 美国心理学教授霍华德·加德纳(HowardGardner)突破了传统的语言智力和逻辑数理智力观,创构了新颖实用的多元智能理论。

    American psychologist Howard Gardner broke through the traditional theories on language and logical intelligence to establish a new substantial theory known as Multiple Intelligence .

  4. 美国心理学教授JulianneHolt-Lunstad的另一项调查发现,恋人间的支持能够减轻压力。

    Another study by an American psychology professor , Julianne Holt-Lunstad , showed that support between couples reduces stress .

  5. 随着近年美国心理学界对积极心理学的积极倡导和关注,兴起于上世纪80年代的自我决定理论(SDT)近来又获得了人们的广泛关注,显示出强劲的生命力。

    Along with the positive sparkplugging and attention of positive psychology by American psychology academy , SDT , which sprang up in1980 ' , recently got widely attention and showed driving life force .

  6. 我对美国心理学协会作了一次演说。

    I gave an address to the American Psychological association .

  7. 你的治疗过程是否遵循美国心理学协会的标准

    Did your protocol follow the American Psychiatric Association guidelines ?

  8. 美国心理学教授JulianneHolt-Lunstad的另一项调查发现,恋人间的支持能够减轻压力。

    Another studyby an American psychology professor , Julianne Holt-Lunstad , showedthat support between couples reduces stress .

  9. 其次,对美国心理学教授加德纳提出的多元智能理论进行概述。

    And then the author makes a summary of MI theory which was put forward by Professor Howard Gardner , an American psychologist .

  10. 本文回顾了认知论不同观点的哲学背景及美国心理学界当前对认知论的研究状况。

    The article reviewed the philosophical origin of the debate of the different epistemological belief systems and appraised the current research on epistemological beliefs .

  11. 这一新的研究成果在美国心理学学会的一次会议上发布,为婚姻能够影响健康的理论又增添了新的证据。

    This new research , reported at an American Psychosomatic Society meeting , adds to growing evidence that marriage has an impact on health .

  12. 后基因体世界中的心理学:它将是前所未有的重要〉,《美国心理学协会观察》第13期,2000。

    Plomin , R. " Psychology in a Post-genomics World : It will be More Important than Ever . " American Psychological Society Observer , 13.2000 .

  13. 在这些成果发表后,美国心理学学会的一个工作小组认可催眠为治疗肥胖的附加疗程。

    After publication of these findings , a task force of the American Psychological Association validated hypnosis as an adjunct procedure for the treatment of obesity .

  14. 遗传的出现:可能不会在家族中普遍流传的遗传特征〉,《美国心理学》,1992。

    Lykken , D.T. , A.McGue , A.Tellegen , and T.J.Bouchard Jr. " Emergenesis : Genetic Traits that May Not Run in Families . " American Psychology , 1992 .

  15. 美国心理学协会认为,媒体所展现的性感宣扬“外表和身体吸引力”为主流价值观,直接影响到女孩们对女性特质和性感的看法。

    According to the American Psychological Association ( APA ), sexualizaton by the media directly affects how girls view femininity and sexuality , promoting " appearance and physical " .

  16. 行为、心理和认知科学联合会是包括许多成员组织的联合体,包括心理学系、教育学校、研究中心、区域心理学组织和美国心理学学会的科学分支。

    Sciences is a coalition of Member Organizations , university departments of psychology , schools of education , research centers , regional psychological associations , and science divisions of the .

  17. 研究结果发表在美国心理学期刊,报告的五位作者中,有两位据报和几家药厂有财务关系。

    The results of the study were published in The American Journal of Psychiatry . Two of the paper 's five authors report a financial relationship with several pharmaceutical companies .

  18. 该研究发表于《美国心理学杂志》,主要负责人凯明斯基表示:该研究还需加大样本量,但我们相信,可以通过验血辨认出那些具有自杀风险的人。

    The research was reported in the American Journal of Psychology . We need to study this in a larger sample but we believe that we might be able to monitor the blood to identify those at risk of suicide , Kaminsky said .

  19. 该研究发表于《美国心理学杂志》,主要负责人凯明斯基表示:“该研究还需加大样本量,但我们相信,可以通过验血辨认出那些具有自杀风险的人。”

    The research was reported in the American Journal of Psychology . " We need to study this in a larger sample but we believe that we might be able to monitor the blood to identify those at risk of suicide , " Kaminsky said .

  20. 美国证人心理学研究进展

    A Review of American Psychological Research on Witness Evidence and Testimony

  21. 美国学校心理学的发展

    The current trends on school psychology in the United States

  22. 美国组织心理学协会国际心理技术学协会

    International Society of Art and Psychopathology American Organizational Psychology Association

  23. 美国社会心理学的当前趋势:研究方法的革命

    Current Trends in Social Psychology In The United States : A Paradigm Revolution

  24. 美国宗教心理学研究的历史、现状与问题

    The Psychology of Religion in the USA : History , Present Situation and Problems

  25. 美国投资心理学理论的进展

    The Progress of Investing Psychology Theories of America

  26. 美国军事心理学的发展与运用

    Development and Application of American Military Psychology

  27. 本文对美国学校心理学学科发展及其在学校教育工作中的应用情况作简要评介。

    This paper presents a description about the trends of school psychology in the United States .

  28. 在美国社会心理学会议最近发表的一份新颖的报告中发现了对未来充满希望的理由。

    Findings from a new study were presented at a recent meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society .

  29. 集体自尊概念的提出为美国社会心理学的研究者提供了研究空间和灵感,一度成为国外研究群际关系的热点。

    The concept of collective self-esteem provided new realm to American psychologists and became a hot issue .

  30. 美国社区心理学杂志

    American Journal of Community Psychology