
  1. 绿色国际港:锐意改革扩大开放

    The International Green Port : Aggressive reform further open policy

  2. 现代企业的市场竞争日益多样化,绿色国际竞争力正成为构成企业竞争力的重要因素,赋予了竞争力新的内涵。

    Nowadays , enterprises ' competition has diversified in form .

  3. 我国纺织品绿色国际竞争力

    The Research on Green International Competition Strength of China 's Textile Fabrics

  4. 这对国内手机厂家来说意味着绿色国际贸易壁垒和高昂的回收费用。

    It means the green international trade barriers and the high production expenses .

  5. 技术创新与我国绿色国际竞争力提升机制研究

    A Study on Technological Innovation and the Mechanism to Upgrade Our Green International Competitiveness

  6. 蓬勃发展的绿色国际港

    Vigorous Development of the International Green Port

  7. 我国企业的绿色国际竞争力同发达国家比较,还比较低。

    Chinese enterprises can 't compare with developed countries ' in international competitive green power .

  8. 本文针对制约我国纺织品绿色国际竞争力的内在因素,提出了相应的对策和建议。

    The paper gives some good advices and countermeasures about the green international competition of china textile goods .

  9. 而目前,在理论研究方面,针对中国企业如何提升自身的绿色国际竞争力,以便在激烈的市场竞争中取胜,此方面的研究还较少。

    So far , the basic research is very few on how to improve the international competitive green power of Chinese enterprises .

  10. 同时,随着中国加入WTO,绿色食品国际营销也成为我国农产品打通绿色壁垒、进军国际市场的客观需要。

    With China joining WTO , the international marketing of green food becomes the objective requirement for our agricultural products marching into the international market .

  11. 第二部分:考察加入WTO后绿色食品国际营销的背影,总结做好绿色食品国际营销工作的地位和作用。

    Part two : Analyze the background on international marketing of green food after the entrance of China to WTO , sum up the position and roles on international marketing of green food .

  12. 绿色:国际贸易发展的新趋势

    Green-New Trend in International Trade Development

  13. 世界经济掀起绿色浪潮国际环保市场充满商机

    With World Economy Appearing Green Tide , International Environmental Protection Market is Full with Business Opportunities

  14. 第三部分:分析绿色食品国际市场供求形势,分析营销潜力。

    Part three : Analyze the supply-demand situation of international market of green food and marketing potentiality .

  15. 政府绿色采购的国际经验与借鉴

    Foreign Experience of Government Green Purchase System and its Reference for China

  16. 本文的第三部分对绿色物流的国际合作进行了阐述。

    The international cooperation on logistics has been introduced in the third part .

  17. 绿色壁垒与国际环境正义

    Green Barriers and International Environment Justice

  18. 艾斯圭尔的窘境正获得绿色和平等国际保育及环保团体的高度关切。

    Esquel 's plight is winning attention from international conservation and environmental groups such as Greenpeace .

  19. 绿色营销与国际贸易

    Green sale and international trade

  20. “绿色”是国际社会的通行证,是最高层次的和谐,是可持续发展的代名词。

    Green is the passport to the international community , the harmony at the highest level , and the synonym of sustainable development .

  21. 此外,绿色壁垒对于国际贸易所造成的威胁已经越来越明显地表现出来,所以,文章第四部分着重对当今世界贸易的趋势绿色贸易以及世界贸易的一大威胁绿色壁垒进行了阐述。

    Part ⅳ attaches great importance to both the trend of global economy - green trade and the threats of international trade - green barriers .

  22. 实施绿色经营是国际公认的企业发展方向,也是确保社会经济可持续发展的有效途径。

    Executive green is managed is the business development direction with accepted international , also be the efficient way that ensures socioeconomy can develop continuously .

  23. 作为一种更具隐蔽性的高级非关税贸易壁垒,绿色壁垒在国际贸易中将发挥越来越重要的作用。

    As a more concealed and advanced form of non-tariff trade barrier , green barrier will play a greater and greater role in the international trade .

  24. 从欧盟机电绿色指令认识国际贸易与环保、健康协调发展的大趋势

    To be Aware of the General Trend - the Harmonious Development of International Trade , Environmental Protection and Health : through European Union 's " Green Directive "

  25. 绿色壁垒是国际贸易中迅速发展的一种新非关税贸易壁垒,产生于二十世纪七十年代。

    Green barriers emerged over the last ten years in the international community and it is a new non-tariff trade barrier , which is inseparable from the globalization of environment problems .

  26. 绿色食品,国际上也叫有机食品、自然食品、清洁食品、无污染食品等,它是70年代初由德国人首次提出的。

    Green food , food of organic food , natural food , clean food , free from contamination also makes wait on international , it is70 time first by German put forward first .

  27. 在绿色包装成为国际市场发展趋势和国际贸易重要标准的情况下,顺应国际潮流,突破国际市场的绿色壁垒已成为我国小商品生产厂家面临的严峻问题。

    Under the circumstances of green package becoming critical standard of foreign trade and trend of international market , how to follow that and break through green-package barriers in international market is a severe task to chinese small commodity producers .

  28. 绿色GDP核算的国际实践与启示

    The Green GDP Accountings ' International Practices and Apocalypses to China

  29. ISO14000是国标化标准组织(ISO)制定的环境管理系列国际标准。获得ISO14000认证已成为打破国际绿色壁垒、进入国际市场的准入证。

    ISO14000 series are a set of environmental management system standards developed by ISO , and the certificate against ISO14001 has been a passport to global market and break-through of'Green Barrier ' .

  30. 绿色壁垒往往成为国际贸易战中的重要手段。

    Green wall sometimes acts as an important means in international trade .