
lǜ lí
  • hedge;hedgerow
绿篱 [lǜ lí]
  • [hedgerow] 用植物密植而成的围墙

绿篱[lǜ lí]
  1. 等高绿篱系统土壤水分入渗特性研究

    Study on the Soil Water Infiltration Properties in Contour Hedgerow System

  2. 不同绿篱对作物生长影响的途径:两种绿篱对作物生长的影响均是地上部的影响大于地下部的影响。

    Approaches of hedgerow affecting crop growth have been studied .

  3. 沿着绿篱栽种着大约300棵树。

    Some 300 trees have been ranged along the perimeter hedge

  4. 各种绿篱长11425m,绿篱总面积为16370;

    The gross area of every hedge are 16370m ~ 2 and the overall length at 11425m ;

  5. 重庆市绿篱植物资源及其园林应用

    Hedge Plant Resource in Chongqing And It 's Application in Garden

  6. 有绿篱和小溪纵横交错分成许多小块的田野景色。

    A landscape of small fields intersected by hedges and streams .

  7. 太原市绿篱的栽植与发展

    The Planting and Developing of the Plaint Hedge in Taiyuan City

  8. 包皮环切术的整形改进绿篱的建造与养护

    Plastic improvement of prepuce circumcision Structuring and Maintaining of the Plant Hedge

  9. 植草18个月后,香根草绿篱基本形成;建立了测量导热系数和对流换热系数的实验设备;

    The vetiver hedges were basically established after 18 months of planting .

  10. 四自由度绿篱修剪机器人运动学仿真研究

    The Kinematics Simulation of the Forestry Special Robot for the Hedge Pruning

  11. 贵阳市绿篱植物耐热抗寒性研究

    Studies on the Heat and Freezing Resistance of Hedge Plant in Guiyang

  12. 两种绿篱植物对作物养分吸收的影响

    Effects of Two Hedgerows Species on Nutrients Uptake for Crops

  13. 林业苗圃工程绿篱建设探讨

    Exploration on Hedgerow Construction in Nursery Engineering of Forestry

  14. 模纹绿篱在现代植物造景中的应用

    Application of model pattern hedgerow in modern plant landscaping

  15. 禁止在树上、绿篱上吊挂、晾晒物品。

    No hanging or airing on trees or hedgerow .

  16. 陕南园林绿篱植物资源调查研究

    Investigation of the Hedgerow Plant Resource in Southern Shaanxi

  17. 山西省的绿篱植物资源与利用

    Hedge Plant Resources and Utilization in Shanxi Province

  18. 小型飞剪研制绿篱的建造与养护

    Study and built for little flying shear Structuring and Maintaining of the Plant Hedge

  19. 绿篱是一种重要的园林表现形式。

    Hedge is an important manifestation of gardens .

  20. 该机也适用于城市道路绿篱带的修剪。

    The machine is also suitable to the pruning of plant belts for city roads .

  21. 在不列颠群岛和西欧为常见萌生林和绿篱植物。

    In the British Isles and western Europe it is common copse and hedge plant .

  22. 对于兴隆林业局苗圃地排水沟栽植水腊绿篱护堤的研究

    Analysis of bank shielded by green hedge in the gutter of Xinlong forestry office nursery

  23. 多效唑对绿篱植物大叶黄杨的矮化效果及经济效益分析

    Analysis of the Dwarfing Effect and Economic Benefit of Paclobutrazol on Hedge Plant Euonymus japonicus

  24. 一种观赏灌木,用作绿篱,具有半常绿的叶。

    Deciduous semi-evergreen shrub used for hedges .

  25. 他住在绿篱下面的一个排水管,在一个非常脏和湿的沟渠里。

    He lived in a drain below the hedge , in a very dirty wet ditch .

  26. 滚刀式青贮料切碎机农用幼枝、绿篱、青贮米、茎蒿、干草或饲料切割机

    Cutting machine for slips , hedges , silage , straw , hay or fodder , farm-type

  27. 看一看透过那好似一道奇妙绿篱的尖顶、圆塔和钟楼的灿烂阳光;

    Look at the sky athwart that surprising forest of spires , towers , and belfries ;

  28. 绿篱的配植与造景

    Disposition and Landscaping of Hedge

  29. 几种绿篱梯田中紫色土有机质组分及其性质的研究

    Study on the Components of Organic Matter and Its Properties of Purple Soil in Several Hedgerow Terraces

  30. 一种生命力很强的蔷薇,花小而多、簇生;用作绿篱以及嫁接砧木。

    Vigorously growing rose having clusters of numerous small flowers ; used for hedges and as grafting stock .