
  • 网络Green Deal;A Green New Deal
  1. 去年,二十国集团(全世界20个最富裕和新兴的经济体)接受了由联合国环境规划署提出的《全球绿色新政》。

    Last year , the G20 the world's20 wealthiest and emerging economies embraced the Global Green New Deal proposed by the UN Environment Programme .

  2. 类似地,韩国打算用一个建立在全球绿色新政基础上的5年绿色增长投资规划创造至多180万工作机会。

    South Korea similarly aims to create up to1.8 million jobs with a five-year green-growth investment plan on top of the Global Green New Deal .

  3. 随着人们对气候变化的日益关注,世界经济正向低碳化的趋势发展,不少国家已经开始实施与绿色新政相关的行动。

    With more and more attention of people to the climatic change , the tendency to a lower-carbon economy becomes clearer and clearer . Many countries have implemented the measures related to the " Green New Deal " .